#108 Remove "installing software from source" doc
Merged 5 years ago by pbokoc. Opened 5 years ago by ankursinha.

file modified
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@

  * xref:changing-selinux-states-and-modes.adoc[Changing SELinux states and modes]

  * xref:troubleshooting_selinux.adoc[Troubleshooting SELinux]

  * xref:using-shared-system-certificates.adoc[Using shared system certificates]

- * xref:installing-software-from-source.adoc[Installing software from source code]

  * xref:installing-spotify.adoc[Installing Spotify on Fedora]

  * xref:adding_user_to_sudoers_file.adoc[Adding a user to sudoers]

  * xref:performing-administration-tasks-using-sudo.adoc[Performing administration tasks using sudo]

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@

- ifdef::context[:parent-context: {context}]

- :context: installing-software-from-source

- [[installing-software-from-source]]

- = Installing software from source code


- The following section contains guidelines and best practices for installing software from source code on Fedora.

- The instructions below are not prescriptive, but following them minimizes the risk of errors occurring during installation.


- include::{partialsdir}/con_package-management-in-fedora.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- include::{partialsdir}/proc_setting-up-your-local-dev-and-compilation-environment.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- include::{partialsdir}/proc_downloading-source-code.adoc[leveloffset=+1]


- include::{partialsdir}/proc_compiling_your_application_from_source.adoc[leveloffset=+1]

- ifdef::parent-context[:context: {parent-context}]

- ifndef::parent-context[:!context:]

This is incomplete and does not fit into user-end documentation in this

Fixes #101

rebased onto 3af0c75

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pbokoc

5 years ago

@ankursinha I only realized this after I merged the PR: you removed the top level file, but it was including a bunch of other files from _partials. When you remove something, you should also check if those partials are used somewhere else (grep for the filename in the whole modules directory), and if not (grepping doesn't find any hits), you should remove them too. In this case the first file was being used in another topic and the others weren't.

I already fixed it, but please try to remember in the future :)

Ugh, sorry about that! I hadn't realised the _partials bits.