1247cd5 Use 'rpm --query' where possible in GNU Hello tutorial

1 file Authored by oturpe 2 years ago, Committed by ankursinha 2 years ago,
    Use 'rpm --query' where possible in GNU Hello tutorial
    The original rationale for using 'dnf repoquery'
    was to minimize the amount of different tools.
    'dnf repoquery' can cover both actual repo queries and local rpm files.
    But it is clumsy in many ways:
    * if -C parameter is forgotten (and sometimes even if it is not),
      dnf downloads a large set of repodata that is not needed for anything.
    * Tab completion is quirky and slow.
    * The subcommand is called "repoquery",
      but it does not actually query any repo in this case.
    Because of such reasons, using 'rpm --query' is better.
    Long forms of all parameters are used,
    because this is a tutorial, so being explicit is good.
    Packagers can learn about the short options somewhere else.