#6 Extending content - making modules and community
Merged 6 years ago by asamalik. Opened 6 years ago by asamalik.
Unknown source master  into  master

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+ <%- navigation.each do |topic_group| -%>

+   <%- if topic_id.start_with?(topic_group[:id]) %>

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+       <%- if topic_group.has_key?(:topics) -%>

+         <a href="<%= subtopic_shim %><%= topic_group[:path] %>"><%= topic_group[:name] %></a>

+       <%- else -%>

+         <%= topic_group[:name] %>

+       <%- end -%>

+     </li>

+   <%- end -%>

+   <%- if topic_group.has_key?(:topics) -%>

+     <%= render("_templates/_breadcrumb.html.erb", :navigation => topic_group[:topics], :topic_id => topic_id, :subtopic_shim => subtopic_shim) %>

+   <%- end -%>

+ <%- end -%>

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-   <%- navigation.each.with_index do |topic_group, groupidx| -%>

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-         <span id="tgSpan<%= groupidx %>" class="fa <%= current_group ? 'fa-angle-down' : 'fa-angle-right' %>"></span><%= topic_group[:name] %>

+ <%- navigation.each do |topic_group| -%>

+   <%- if not topic_group.has_key?(:topics) -%>

+     <%- if topic_id == topic_group[:id] %>

+       <li><a class="active" href="<%= subtopic_shim %><%= topic_group[:path] %>"><%= topic_group[:name] %></a></li>

+     <%- else %>

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file modified
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  Name: Fedora Modularity

  Dir: en-US


- #  - Name: index alias

- #    File: index

- #    Alias: en-US/brian

    - Name: What is Modularity

      File: index

-   - Name: Using Modules in Fedora

-     File: Using_Modules

-   - Name: Making Modules

-     File: Making_Modules

-   - Name: Architecture

+   - Name: How does it work

      Dir: architecture


        - Name: Main Concepts
@@ -42,12 +35,26 @@

          File: Building_Software

        - Name: Consuming Software

          File: Consuming_Software

+   - Name: Making Modules

+     Dir: making-modules

+     Topics:

+       - Name: Naming and organizing modules

+         File: Naming_and_organizing_modules

+       - Name: Storing and defining sources

+         File: Storing_and_defining_sources

+       - Name: Building and installing

+         File: Building_and_installing

+   - Name: Using Modules

+     File: Using_Modules

    - Name: Community

      Dir: community


        - Name: Communication

          File: Communication

+       - Name: Working Groups & Teams

+         File: working_groups_and_teams

    - Name: References

      File: References

    - Name: FAQ

      File: FAQ


\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@

- = Making Modules


- NOTE: This page is a placeholder. You can make this page more useful by submitting a pull-request to https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/modularity/


- == Overview of module files


- explain module.yaml, what it should be named, what the branch should be called, where to find the spec, some example


- == How to generate a module


- using fedmod


- == Requesting a new module


- mostly a link to the process in the wiki


- == Requesting a new module stream


- mostly a link to the process in the wiki


- == Testing your module


- how to do a local build, why there is no scratch build, using odcs with your new module


- == Publishing your module


- how to do a mbs build





file modified
@@ -12,3 +12,8 @@


  https://github.com/fedora-modularity/[Modularity on GitHub]::

      GitHub is an alternative place for some of our repositories.


+ == Other teams and working groups


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SELinuxModularity[Modularity and SELinux]::

+     Documents related to SELinux support in Modularity 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

+ = Working Groups and Teams


+ Modularity is driven by the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Modularity_Working_Group[Modularity Working Group]


+ However, Modularity couldn't happen without other working groups contributing a significant portion of effort into it, i.e.:


+ * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server[Server Working Group]

+ * https://docs.pagure.org/releng/[Fedora Release Engineering]

+ * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure[Fedora Infrastructure] 

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empty or binary file added
empty or binary file added
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+ = Building and installing modules


+ NOTE: This section needs some love. Mostly info about how build groups work in MBS, how to do local builds, etc.


+ All packages in a module are built as a unit. That's why we talk about *module builds* instead of individual package builds.


+ == Submitting a build


+ Builds are managed by _fedpkg_. To submit a build, run the following command from a local copy of your module's dist-git repository:


+     $ fedpkg module-build


+ == Some facts about modules and other packages


+ These are some facts about how modules interact with other modules both during the build, and during installation.


+ === Runtime


+ During installation, modules can:


+ * use packages from the base as dependencies

+ * use other module streams as dependencies

+ * override/replace other packages in base


+ === Build


+ * can use packages from the base as build dependencies

+ * can use other module streams as build dependencies

+ * can expand across multiple modules or bases (one source produces several binaries, Stream Expansion) 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@

+ = Naming and organizing modules



+ Modules are uniquely identified by NSVCA which stands for _name_, _stream_, _version_, _context_, and _architecture_.


+ *When creating a new module*, you only need to decide about the *name* (name of your module, such as _nodejs_), and the *stream* (the flavour of your module, mostly a major version, such as _8_).


+ == Deep Dive


+ If you want more details about the whole NSVCA, continue reading.


+ === Source level ID (NSV)


+ At the source level, modules are only identified by the first three: _name_, _stream_, and _version_.


+ ==== Name


+ Name of the module corresponds to the name of the application or the language stack it represents.


+ An example of a name could be _postgresql_ for a PostgreSQL database module, or _nodejs_ for a Node.js runtime.


+ ==== Stream


+ Streams are variants of a module with a certain promise.


+ In most cases, streams promise *backwards compatibility* with a major version of the application or the language stack they provide. For example, let's say the Node.js runtime is supported in two major versions: 6 and 8. In this case, the module _nodejs_ would have two streams: _6_ and _8_.


+ However, streams can also promise different things such as *stability*. A good example of this is the _calc_ package in Fedora which is maintained in two upstream branches: _stable_ for the latest stable release and _unstable_ for the latest development version. Using modularity, this package could be built as a _calc_ module in two different streams: _stable_ and _unstable_.


+ In addition to the version promise, streams are also a way for packagers to communicate the *level of maintennance*. Does the maintainer plan to apply every minor patch? Will they apply security fixes quickly? Or is the module updated only twice a year? This can also be part of the promise.


+ Other different example could be a stream that provides the software compiled using some experimental flags increasing the performance.


+ Anyway, you get the idea. Streams are very flexible and powerful tool. Use them wisely.


+ ==== Version


+ Versions are just updates of a given stream. Technically, version is a number generated by the build system. Higher number always wins.


+ === Binary level ID (NSVCA)


+ Building a module from one source can result in multiple different binaries. Different binaries are typically produced for different architectures (i.e. _x86_64_, _armv7hl_, etc.) and different Fedora releases (i.e. Fedora 28, Fedora 29, EPEL 7, etc.).


+ In addition to the _name_, _stream_, and _version_ fields described above, there are two more for binaries:


+ ==== Architecture


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures[ Fedora is built for many different architectures]. The architecture field simply distinguishes architecture-specific binaries from each other.


+ The value is typically the same as with RPM packages, i.e. _x86_64_, _armv7hl_, etc.


+ ==== Context


+ Context is used to distinguish binaries built for different Fedora releases. Thanks to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Factory2/Focus/StreamExpansion[stream expansion], modules can also be built against multiple streams of other modules, i.e. different versions of a language runtime etc.


+ The value is generated by the build system and is usually hidden from the user as it doesn't have any informational value by itself — it is a hash. However, the client tooling consuming this valie can present it in a useful way.


+ One way of representing the context could be listing the Fedora releases for which a certain module has been built.


@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@

+ = Storing and defining module sources


+ Module sources consist of two main parts:


+ . RPM package sources

+ . module definition file


+ Both of these are stored in https://src.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora dist-git]. Dist-git is organized into repositories, each having multiple branches.


+ *When creating a new module*, follow the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Modularity/Adding_New_Modules_and_Managing_Defaults[process for adding new modules to Fedora].


+ == Stream branching


+ Modularity introduced https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ArbitraryBranching[Stream Branching] (formerly Arbitrary Branching) that is used for both module definitions and RPM packages that are part of modules.


+ === Modules


+ Module definitions are stored in the `/modules` namespace and only consist of a modulemd file that defines the module itself.


+ Each module has a repository with branches corresponding to different streams. The repository and branch naming map to the module ID:


+ * Repository name -> module name

+ * Branch name -> stream name

+ * Commit timestamp -> module version


+ === Packages


+ RPM Packages are stored in the `/rpms` namespace, and are also organized into stream branches. However, only the repository name map to the name of the package:


+ * Repository name -> package name

+ * Branch name doesn't map to anything, but is used as a reference in the module definition.


+ == Defining modules using modulemd


+ Modules are defined using a https://pagure.io/modulemd[modulemd file]. It defines the following information:


+ * summary and description

+ * list of components (srpm name + branch)

+ * "build" information

+ ** build groups

+ ** filter

+ ** macros

+ ** dependencies

+ * "use" information

+ ** installation profiles

+ ** licenses

+ ** refs to community, docs, bug tracker

+ ** API


+ === Example


+ WARNING: The following example is modulemd version 1 that doesn't support stream expansion. We are introducing a new version very soon.


+ modulemd.yaml

+ [source,yaml]

+ ----

+ document: modulemd

+ version: 1

+ data:

+     summary: An example module                          <1>

+     description: >-

+         A module for the demonstration                  <2>

+         of the metadata format.

+     license:

+         module:

+             - MIT                                       <3>

+     dependencies:                                       <4>

+         buildrequires:

+             platform: f27

+         requires:

+             platform: f27

+     references:                                         <5>

+         community: http://www.example.com/

+         documentation: http://www.example.com/

+         tracker: http://www.example.com/

+     profiles:                                           <6>

+         default:

+             rpms:

+                 - foo

+                 - foo-extras

+         minimal:

+             description: Minimal profile.

+             rpms:

+                 - foo

+     api:                                                <7>

+         rpms:

+             - foo

+     components:                                         <8>

+         rpms:

+             foo:                                        <9>

+                 rationale: Our main package.            <10>

+                 ref: 2.4                                <11>

+             bar:

+                 rationale: Some another package.

+                 ref: latest

+ ----


+ <1> A short summary describing the module.


+ <2> A longer summary describing the module.


+ <3> Licence of this modulemd file.


+ <4> Other modules and their streams that are used as runtime and build dependencies.

+ "platform" is a reserved word for the Fedora releases.

+ The stream names follow the usual short names for the releases i.e. "f26", "f27", "epel7", etc.

+ In this version of modulemd (v1) there is no support for stream expansion.

+ That means that only one release can be selected.

+ However, in the upcoming version of modulemd (v2) there will be an option to list multiple ones.


+ <5> Various references to the upstream.


+ <6> Installation profiles that will help users to install the module.

+ Keep in mind that not all the packages from the module need to be installed.


+ <7> The module's public RPM-level API.

+ A list of binary RPM names that are considered to be the main and stable feature of the module


+ <8> List of packages that are part of this module.


+ <9> Name of a package.


+ <10> A rationale why the package has been included.

+ This is only for humans.


+ <11> A dist-git branch of the package. 

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