#16 index: Significant rework of landing page (closes #5)
Merged 3 years ago by jflory7. Opened 3 years ago by jflory7.

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ 

+ :COMMBLOG: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org

+ :MAILING-LIST: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/docs.lists.fedoraproject.org/

+ :FEDMSG: http://www.fedmsg.com/

+ :FWIKI: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki

+ :MATRIX: https://matrix.to/#/!xgLsrAoDENMqGECcPn:matrix.org?via=mozilla.org&via=matrix.org

+ :TELEGRAM: https://telegram.me/fedora_docs

+ :YEAR: 2020

file modified
+59 -1
@@ -1,3 +1,61 @@ 

+ include::{partialsdir}/attributes.adoc[]


  = Fedora Docs


- NOTE: This page is a placeholder for the Fedora Docs documentation. At this moment, only contributors' guide is available. 

\ No newline at end of file

+ image::docs-banner.jpg[Fedora Documentation Team logo with Fedora Trademark; book pages in the background.]


+ The Fedora Documentation Team is responsible for the management, curation, and publishing of the documentation hosted at https://docs.fedoraproject.org[docs.fedoraproject.org].

+ This team is a mix of Red Hat employees and volunteer contributors.



+ [[find-docs]]

+ == Where to find Fedora Docs team


+ The Fedora Docs team uses the following communication platforms:


+ * Mailing list

+ * Freenode IRC channel

+ * Matrix room

+ * Telegram room


+ The {MAILING-LIST}[mailing list] is best for _asynchronous_ communication.

+ This means it is best for questions or topics that someone may respond to later.

+ It is better for longer, threaded discussions.


+ The Fedora Docs IRC channel, Matrix room, and Telegram group are bridged together.

+ They are best for _synchronous_ communication.

+ This means it is best for quick feedback, like a conversation.

+ It is helpful for real-time discussions or getting someone's attention.


+ Mailing list:: {MAILING-LIST}[{MAILING-LIST}]

+ IRC channel:: link:ircs://chat.freenode.net:6697/#fedora-docs[#fedora-docs] on https://freenode.net/[Freenode IRC]

+ Matrix room:: {MATRIX}[#fedora-docs:matrix.org]

+ Telegram group:: {TELEGRAM}[@fedora_docs]


+ First time using IRC?

+ Look into https://opensource.com/article/17/5/introducing-riot-IRC[Element] (formerly Riot), a free and open source client that is compatible with various IRC networks.

+ Element also keeps you connected to IRC even when you are not connected to the Internet.



+ [[meeting-format]]

+ === Meeting format


+ Meetings follow an agenda split into five parts:


+ . **Roll call**:

+   Waiting for others to arrive, opportunity to introduce yourself and ask general questions

+ . **Announcements**:

+   Any news or updates to share

+ . **Action items from last meeting**:

+   Follow-up on `#action` items from previous meeting

+ . **Tickets**:

+   Follow-up on tickets marked for meeting discussion

+ . **Open floor**:

+   General discussion or comments



+ === Contributing


+ Want to be a part of the Fedora Docs team?

+ Excellent!

+ xref:contributing:prerequisites.adoc[*Click here to find our contributing guide*].

I was trying to find a good place to link out about how to get in touch
with the Fedora Docs team, but sadly realized we do not have clear
pointers on how to get in touch with the Docs team.

Given this index page gets a lot of visibility as THE landing page for
the Fedora Docs team, I think this is a lively refresh that gives a
little more life and utility to the page.

Plus I got to use amaaaaaazing Fedora Magazine header images for the top
of our docs. Isn't it pretty? :grin:

rebased onto 8dbd192

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Request assigned

3 years ago

Because I am working on separate changes that build on this as an initial base, I am making a unilateral decision to go ahead and merge this. So, by extension, I unilaterally volunteer myself to open issues / open new PRs if something was amiss with this change.

I was able to build and test it locally. Check it out!

Screenshot of new landing page for Fedora Docs site

Pull-Request has been merged by jflory7

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Pull-request tagged with: type - new docs

3 years ago