#221 Outreachy Fedora project- Improve Docs Experience
Opened 2 years ago by diyawaghmare. Modified 2 years ago
fedora-docs/ diyawaghmare/docs-fp-o prod  into  master

Add package maintainers
Otto Urpelainen • 2 years ago  
Move eln-docs to GitHub
Aleksandra Fedorova • 3 years ago  
Publish PgM docs to prod
Ben Cotton • 4 years ago  
file modified
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ 




+ build-scripts/output

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ 

- FROM fedora:29

+ FROM fedora:34


- RUN dnf -y module install nodejs:10 && \

+ RUN dnf -y module install nodejs:16 && \

      dnf clean all


- RUN npm i -g @antora/cli@2.0 @antora/site-generator-default@2.0

+ RUN npm i -g @antora/cli@3.0.0 @antora/site-generator@3.0.0 @antora/lunr-extension@1.0.0-alpha.6


  WORKDIR /antora

  ENTRYPOINT [ "antora" ]

file modified
+6 -6
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 

- FROM fedora:29

+ FROM fedora:34


- RUN dnf -y module install nodejs:10/default && \

-     dnf -y install git && \

+ RUN dnf -y module install nodejs:16 && \

+     dnf -y install git python3-yaml && \

      dnf clean all


- RUN npm i -g @antora/cli@2.0 @antora/site-generator-default@2.0

+ RUN npm i -g @antora/cli@3.0.0 @antora/site-generator@3.0.0 @antora/lunr-extension@1.0.0-alpha.6


- ADD rebuild-site.sh /antora/rebuild-site.sh

+ ADD rebuild-site.py /antora/rebuild-site.py


  WORKDIR /antora


- CMD /antora/rebuild-site.sh

+ CMD /antora/rebuild-site.py

file modified
+41 -2
@@ -1,7 +1,46 @@ 

  # Building the docs


+ This script is used in OpenShift to rebuild the whole site for Fedora.



+ ## Local testing


+ Test the build locally using podman.


+ First, make sure your in the right directory — it's the same one that has this *README.md* file. Then build the container on your system:


+ ```

+ $ podman build --no-cache -t fedora-docs-openshift-rebuild . 

+ ```


+ And then run it:


+ ```

+ $ mkdir output

+ $ podman run --rm -it -e "BUILD_ENV=prod" -v $(pwd)/output:/antora/output:Z fedora-docs-openshift-rebuild

+ ```


+ The output will be saved in `./output/`.


+ ### Changing configuration


+ You can also set different environment variables by setting `-e "VAR_NAME=value"` in the `podman run` command.

+ See a list of supported variables below.



- docker run --rm -it -e "BUILD_ENV=stg" -v $(pwd)/output:/antora/output antora-openshift-rebuild

+ # The script requires the following environment variables to be set:

+ # 

+ # Variable          Values      Effect

+ # -----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------

+ # BUILD_ENV         prod        Build the production version of the site

+ #                               using the "prod" branch. DEFAULT

+ #                   stg         Build the staging version of the site

+ #                               using the "stg" branch.

+ # -----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------

+ # BUILD_LANGS       english     Build the "en-US" version only. DEFAULT

+ #                   translated  Build only the translated versions.

+ #                   all         Build the "en-US" and the translated versions.



- The output will be in `./output/`.

+ Please note that rebuilding all the languages locally will take many hours and results in gigabytes of output.


@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3



+ # The script requires the following environment variables to be set:

+ # 

+ # Variable          Values      Effect

+ # -----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------

+ # BUILD_ENV         prod        Build the production version of the site

+ #                               using the "prod" branch. DEFAULT

+ #                   stg         Build the staging version of the site

+ #                               using the "stg" branch.

+ # -----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------

+ # BUILD_LANGS       english     Build the "en-US" version only. DEFAULT

+ #                   translated  Build only the translated versions.

+ #                   all         Build the "en-US" and the translated versions.

+ #

+ #



+ import tempfile

+ import yaml

+ import os

+ import errno

+ import subprocess

+ import copy

+ import datetime

+ import shutil

+ import sys

+ import glob

+ import re



+ def get_config():

+     config = {}


+     config["docs_repo_branch"] = os.getenv(

+         "BUILD_ENV",

+         "prod")


+     config["build_langs"] = os.getenv(

+         "BUILD_LANGS",

+         "english")


+     config["docs_repo_url"] = os.getenv(

+         "DOCS_REPO_URL",

+         "https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o.git")


+     config["translated_sources_repo_url"] = os.getenv(


+         "https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git"

+     )


+     config["translated_adockeywords_repo_url"] = os.getenv(


+         "https://pagure.io/fedora-docs-l10n/asciidoc-keywords.git")


+     os.environ['CI'] = "true"


+     return config



+ def log(msg):

+     print(msg, flush=True)



+ def get_languages(config):

+     languages_dict = {}


+     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:

+         translated_sources_repo = os.path.join(workdir, "translated_sources_repo")

+         subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", config["translated_sources_repo_url"], translated_sources_repo])


+         languages = []

+         filename_blacklist = [".git"]

+         for filename in os.listdir(translated_sources_repo):

+             filepath = os.path.join(translated_sources_repo, filename)

+             if os.path.isdir(filepath) and filename not in filename_blacklist:

+                 languages.append(filename)


+         languages.sort()


+         for lang in languages:

+             languages_dict[lang] = []


+             lang_dir = os.path.join(translated_sources_repo, lang)

+             for component in os.listdir(lang_dir):

+                 version_dir = os.path.join(lang_dir, component)

+                 for version in os.listdir(version_dir):

+                     start_path = "{lang}/{component}/{version}".format(

+                             lang=lang, component=component, version=version)


+                     # This is a workaround for cases when a component doesn't have

+                     # the ROOT module that should contain the antora.yml.

+                     # Without the ROOT module the translation scripts won't

+                     # pick up the antora.yml causing the docs build to fail.

+                     # So we're only including directories with the antora.yml file.

+                     if "antora.yml" in os.listdir(os.path.join(version_dir, version)):

+                         languages_dict[lang].append(start_path)


+     return languages_dict



+ def generate_lang_switch_ui(languages):

+     template_start = """

+         <div class="page-languages">

+             <button class="languages-menu-toggle" title="Show other languages of the site">

+                 {{{env.ANTORA_LANGUAGE}}}

+             </button>

+             <div class="languages-menu">

+     """

+     template_end = """

+             </div>

+         </div>

+     """


+     template_list = []

+     template_list.append(template_start)

+     for language in languages:

+         link = '<a class="language" href="{{{{siteRootPath}}}}/../{language}{{{{page.url}}}}">{language}</a>'.format(

+                     language=language)

+         template_list.append(link)

+     template_list.append(template_end)


+     return "\n".join(template_list)


+ def get_metadata_from_branch(branch, repodir):

+     cmd = f"""

+       for file in $(git ls-tree -r --name-only origin/{branch}|grep -E "adoc$"); do 

+         git log -1 --format="'$file':%n  refs: %S%n  hash: %h%n  date: %as" origin/{branch} -- $file;

+       done"""

+     s = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, cwd=repodir,  stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

+     return yaml.safe_load(s.stdout)


+ def prefetch_sources(original_sources, site_yml, config):

+     if not os.path.isdir(original_sources):

+         os.mkdir(original_sources)


+     default_branch = site_yml["content"].get("branches", ["master"])

+     if type(default_branch) is str:

+         default_branch = [default_branch]


+     metadata = {}


+     for repo_data in site_yml["content"]["sources"]:

+       gitdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=original_sources)

+       dirname = gitdir.name

+       gitdir.cleanup()

+       log(f"Fetching {repo_data['url']}...")

+       subprocess.run(["git", "clone", repo_data['url'], dirname])

+       repo_data['url'] = dirname


+       branches = repo_data.get("branches", default_branch)

+       if type(branches) is str:

+         branches = [branches]


+       for branch in branches:

+         y = get_metadata_from_branch(branch, repo_data['url'])

+         if dirname in metadata:

+           metadata[dirname][branch] = y

+         else:

+           metadata[dirname] = { branch: y }


+     if metadata:

+       with open("/tmp/metadata.yml", "w") as f:

+         yaml.dump(metadata, f)


+     return site_yml


+ def prepare_translated_sources(translated_sources, site_yml, languages, config):

+     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:

+         # Location of the translated-sources repo

+         #   (This repo only holds content that has some translations done,

+         #   so it might be incomplete.)

+         translated_sources_original = os.path.join(workdir, "translated_sources_original")


+         # Location of the English sources in the same structure

+         # as translated-sources, so:

+         #    COMPONENT/VERSION/antora.yml

+         #    COMPONENT/VERSION/modules/MODULE1

+         #    COMPONENT/VERSION/modules/MODULE2

+         #    COMPONENT/VERSION/modules/...

+         en_sources = os.path.join(workdir, "en_sources")


+         # Clone the original translated-sources

+         subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", config["translated_sources_repo_url"], translated_sources_original])


+         # Get a list of the original English repos

+         repos = []

+         default_branch = site_yml["content"].get("branches", ["master"])

+         if type(default_branch) is str:

+             default_branch = [default_branch]


+         for repo_data in site_yml["content"]["sources"]:


+             branches = repo_data.get("branches", default_branch)

+             if type(branches) is str:

+                 branches = [branches]


+             start_path = repo_data.get("start_path", "")


+             for branch in branches:

+                 repo = {}

+                 repo["url"] = repo_data["url"]

+                 repo["branch"] = branch

+                 repo["start_path"] = start_path


+                 repos.append(repo)


+         # Clome the original English sources and put them into the

+         # desired structure in en_sources (described above)

+         components = {}

+         for repo in repos:

+             with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_repo_root:

+                 log("")

+                 log("Cloning {url} {branch}".format(url=repo["url"], branch=repo["branch"]))

+                 subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--branch", repo["branch"], "--depth=1", repo["url"], tmp_repo_root])


+                 repo_dir = os.path.join(tmp_repo_root, repo["start_path"])

+                 antora_yml_file = os.path.join(repo_dir, "antora.yml")

+                 with open(antora_yml_file, "r") as file:

+                     antora_yml = yaml.safe_load(file)


+                 component = antora_yml["name"]

+                 version = antora_yml["version"]

+                 # if component version is null (~), fallback to "master"

+                 if not version:

+                     version = "master"


+                 # Saving components and all their versions

+                 if component not in components:

+                     components[component] = set()

+                 components[component].add(version)


+                 for module in os.listdir(os.path.join(repo_dir, "modules")):

+                     # Now this is looping over modules accross all components,

+                     # so component, module, and version variables are available


+                     try:

+                         os.makedirs(os.path.join(en_sources, component, version, "modules"))

+                     except OSError as e:

+                         if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+                             raise


+                     original_module_dir = os.path.join(repo_dir, "modules", module)

+                     module_dir = os.path.join(en_sources, component, version, "modules", module)


+                     subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", original_module_dir, module_dir])


+                     if module == "ROOT" or "nav" in antora_yml:

+                         # if this is the main antora.yml file

+                         subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", antora_yml_file, os.path.join(en_sources, component, version, "antora.yml")])

+                         log("----- copying antora.yml for  {component} {module} {version}".format(

+                                 component=component, module=module, version=version))

+                     else:

+                         log("----- skipping antora.yml for  {component} {module} {version}".format(

+                                 component=component, module=module, version=version))


+         # Set up the language structure in translated_sources

+         for language in languages:

+             lang_dir = os.path.join(translated_sources, language)

+             try:

+                 os.makedirs(lang_dir)

+             except OSError as e:

+                 if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+                     raise


+         # Copy the English sources in the translated_sources

+         for language in languages:

+             lang_dir = os.path.join(translated_sources, language)

+             for component in components:

+                 en_component_dir = os.path.join(en_sources, component)

+                 subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", en_component_dir, lang_dir])


+         # And finally copy the original translated sources

+         # into translated_sources

+         for language in languages:

+             src = os.path.join(translated_sources_original, language)

+             subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", src, translated_sources + "/"])


+     return components



+ def prepare_localized_admonitions(languages, config):

+     """ Asciidoc use keywords for admonitions and others items """

+     keywords = {}


+     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:

+         translated_keywords_repo = os.path.join(workdir, "asciidoc-keywords")

+         subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", config["translated_adockeywords_repo_url"], translated_keywords_repo])


+         languages = []

+         log(translated_keywords_repo + "/langs/*/asciidoc-attributes.yml")

+         for filename in glob.glob(translated_keywords_repo + "/langs/*/asciidoc-attributes.yml"):

+             languages.append(filename.rsplit("/")[::-1][1])


+         for lang in languages:

+             file = translated_keywords_repo + "/langs/" + lang + "/asciidoc-attributes.yml"

+             with open(file, 'r') as stream:

+                 try:

+                     keywords[lang] = yaml.load(stream)

+                 except yaml.YAMLError as exc:

+                     print(exc)


+     return keywords



+ def init_git_repo(path):

+     try:

+         os.makedirs(path)

+     except OSError as e:

+         if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+             raise

+     subprocess.run(["git", "init"], cwd=path)

+     subprocess.run(["git", "config", "user.name", "Your Name"], cwd=path)

+     subprocess.run(["git", "config", "user.email", "you@example.com"], cwd=path)

+     subprocess.run(["git", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "init"], cwd=path)


+ def get_version_from_file(index_file):

+     latest = None

+     if os.path.isfile(index_file):

+       with open(index_file, 'r') as f:

+         for l in f:

+           m = re.search(r'data-version="(f\d+)"', l)

+           if m:

+             latest = m[1]

+             break

+     return latest



+ def gen_redirect(lang, results_dir):

+     htaccess = os.path.join(results_dir, ".htaccess")

+     latest = get_version_from_file(f"{results_dir}/fedora/latest/index.html")

+     if latest:

+       htaccess_content = f"""

+         ErrorDocument 404 /{lang}/404.html

+         Redirect 302 /{lang}/fedora/{latest} /{lang}/fedora/latest

+         """

+       with open(htaccess, "w") as file:

+           file.write(htaccess_content)


+ def main():

+     config = get_config()


+     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:


+         #####--------------------------------------#####

+         #####  Preparation                         #####

+         #####--------------------------------------#####


+         # Location of the docs-fp-o repo

+         docs_repo = os.path.join(workdir, "docs_repo")


+         # Location of the translated sources used for the build

+         #   (That's the translated-sources repo with the missing files added

+         #   from the English sources.)

+         translated_sources = os.path.join(workdir, "translated_sources")

+         init_git_repo(translated_sources)


+         log("")

+         log("===== Getting the site definition (site.yml) =====")

+         subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--branch", config["docs_repo_branch"], "--depth=1", config["docs_repo_url"], docs_repo])


+         with open(os.path.join(docs_repo, "site.yml"), "r") as file:

+             original_site_yml = yaml.safe_load(file)


+         log("")

+         log("===== Getting a list of languages =====")

+         languages = get_languages(config)

+         log("  Languages: {}".format(" ".join(languages)))


+         log("")

+         log("===== Generating the language switch UI =====")

+         lang_switch_ui = generate_lang_switch_ui(["en-US"] + list(languages.keys()))


+         ui_dir = os.path.join(docs_repo, "supplemental-ui", "partials")

+         try:

+             os.makedirs(ui_dir)

+         except OSError as e:

+             if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+                 raise


+         ui_file = os.path.join(ui_dir, "page-languages.hbs")

+         with open(ui_file, "w") as file:

+             file.write(lang_switch_ui)


+         # Timestamp to be included in the footer of the docs

+         timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')

+         antora_env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

+         antora_env["ANTORA_DATE"] = timestamp




+         #####--------------------------------------#####

+         #####  English site build                  #####

+         #####--------------------------------------#####


+         if config["build_langs"] == "english" or config["build_langs"] == "all":


+             log("")

+             log("===== Prefetching all components =====")

+             original_sources = os.path.join(workdir, "orginal_sources")

+             site_local = prefetch_sources(original_sources, original_site_yml, config)

+             log(original_site_yml["content"]["sources"][0]['url'])

+             log(site_local["content"]["sources"][0]['url'])


+             filename = os.path.join(docs_repo, "site-local.yml")

+             with open(filename, "w") as file:

+                 file.write(yaml.dump(site_local))




+             log("")

+             log("===== Building the en-US site =====")

+             antora_env["ANTORA_LANGUAGE"] = "en-US"

+             # result = subprocess.run(["antora", "--html-url-extension-style=indexify", os.path.join(docs_repo, "site.yml")], env=antora_env)

+             result = subprocess.run(["antora", "--extension=lunr", filename], env=antora_env)


+             if result.returncode != 0:

+                 log("ERROR building the en-US site")

+                 sys.exit(1)


+             log("")

+             log("===== Copying the en-US site =====")

+             source_dir = os.path.join(docs_repo, "public")

+             target_dir_copying = "/antora/output/en-US.building"

+             target_dir_copied = "/antora/output/en-US.building/en-US"

+             target_dir_final = "/antora/output/en-US"


+             # Generate htaccess for redirect

+             gen_redirect("en-US", os.path.join(source_dir, "en-US"))


+             shutil.rmtree(target_dir_copying, ignore_errors=True)

+             subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", source_dir, target_dir_copying])

+             shutil.rmtree(target_dir_final, ignore_errors=True)

+             shutil.move(target_dir_copied, target_dir_final)

+             shutil.rmtree(target_dir_copying, ignore_errors=True)


+             log("")

+             log("===== Copying the index.html =====")

+             source_index_html = os.path.join(docs_repo, "static", "index.html")

+             target_index_html = "/antora/output/index.html"

+             shutil.copy(source_index_html, target_index_html)




+         #####--------------------------------------#####

+         #####  Translated site build               #####

+         #####--------------------------------------#####



+         if config["build_langs"] == "translated" or config["build_langs"] == "all":


+             log("")

+             log("===== Preparing the translated sources =====")

+             components = prepare_translated_sources(translated_sources, original_site_yml, languages, config)


+             log("")

+             log("===== Preparing the translated ascidoc keywords =====")

+             keywords = prepare_localized_admonitions(languages, config)


+             log("")

+             log("===== Generating site.lang.yml files =====")

+             for lang in languages:

+                 lang_site_yml = copy.deepcopy(original_site_yml)


+                 lang_site_yml["output"]["dir"] = "./public/{lang}".format(lang=lang)


+                 lang_site_yml["content"] = {}

+                 # Branches are set to HEAD because the script uses a locally-generated

+                 # content on top of the original translated-sources repo

+                 lang_site_yml["content"]["branches"] = "HEAD"

+                 # disable the "Edit this Page"

+                 lang_site_yml["content"]["edit_url"] = False

+                 lang_site_yml["content"]["sources"] = []


+                 for component, versions in components.items():

+                     for version in versions:

+                         source = {}

+                         source["url"] = translated_sources

+                         source["start_path"] = "{lang}/{component}/{version}".format(

+                                     lang=lang, component=component, version=version)


+                         lang_site_yml["content"]["sources"].append(source)


+                 if lang in keywords:

+                     if "attributes" in lang_site_yml["asciidoc"]:

+                         lang_site_yml["asciidoc"]["attributes"].append(keywords[lang])

+                     else:

+                         lang_site_yml["asciidoc"]["attributes"] = keywords[lang]


+                 # disable page-last-update extension 

+                 if "antora" in lang_site_yml and "extensions" in lang_site_yml["antora"]:

+                   for ext in lang_site_yml["antora"]["extensions"]:

+                     if 'id' in ext and ext['id'] == "page-last-update":

+                       ext['enabled'] = False


+                 # don't pull ui-bundle (use cache)

+                 lang_site_yml["runtime"]["fetch"] = False


+                 filename = os.path.join(docs_repo, "site-{lang}.yml".format(lang=lang))

+                 with open(filename, "w") as file:

+                     file.write(yaml.dump(lang_site_yml))


+                 log("  {lang} done".format(lang=lang))


+             # Building all the translated sites

+             lastlang = list(languages)[-1]

+             for lang in languages:

+                 log("")

+                 log("===== Building the {lang} site =====".format(lang=lang))

+                 filename = "site-{lang}.yml".format(lang=lang)

+                 antora_env["ANTORA_LANGUAGE"] = lang

+                 result = subprocess.run(["antora", "--extension=lunr", os.path.join(docs_repo, filename)], env=antora_env)


+                 if result.returncode != 0:

+                     log("ERROR building the {lang} site".format(lang=lang))

+                     sys.exit(1)


+                 # Copying the translated site

+                 log("")

+                 log(f"=== Copying the {lang} site ===")


+                 results_dir = os.path.join(docs_repo, "public", lang)

+                 publish_dir = f"/antora/output/{lang}"

+                 copying_dir = f"/antora/output/{lang}.tmp"

+                 lastlang_dir = f"/antora/output/{lastlang}"


+                 # I have:

+                 # docs_repo/public/xx         <- results_dir  (local partition)

+                 # /antora/output/xx.tmp       <- copying_dir  (mounted partition)

+                 # /antora/output/xx           <- publish_dir  (mounted partition)

+                 #

+                 # I need to:

+                 #   1/  copy from local to mounted

+                 #   2/  remove old in mounted

+                 #   3/  move new within mounted

+                 #   4/  remove the copying dir


+                 # Generate htaccess for redirect

+                 gen_redirect(lang, results_dir)


+                 # Make sure copying_dir doesn't exist

+                 shutil.rmtree(copying_dir, ignore_errors=True)


+                 # Copy results from local partition to a mounted partition

+                 log(f"Copying from {results_dir} to {copying_dir}")

+                 subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", results_dir, copying_dir])


+                 # Swap the old tree for the new one for each language

+                 log(f"Moving language to the final place: {copying_dir} to {publish_dir}")

+                 shutil.rmtree(publish_dir, ignore_errors=True)

+                 subprocess.run(["mv", copying_dir, publish_dir])


+                 # Recreate hardlinks as we go, in case the rsync job

+                 # start while we are still building

+                 if (lang != lastlang):

+                     log(f"hardlinking files: {publish_dir} - {lastlang_dir}")

+                     subprocess.run(["hardlink", "-cv", publish_dir, lastlang_dir])


+                 # Remove local build

+                 shutil.rmtree(results_dir, ignore_errors=True)


+             # End Building all the translated sites


+             # https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8964

+             log("Consolidate files with hardlink...")

+             subprocess.run(["hardlink", "-cv", "/antora/output/"])


+             log("DONE!")




+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     main()


@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ 

- #/bin/bash


- echo ""

- echo "$(date +%G-%m-%d-%H%M%S): Building Fedora Docs..."

- echo ""


- SOURCE_REPO="https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o.git"

- BUILD_CMD="antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site.yml"


- target="/antora"


- if [ -z ${BUILD_ENV+x} ]; then 

-     BUILD_ENV="master"   

- fi



- if ! workdir=$(mktemp -d) ; then

-     echo "Error creating a tempdir. Exiting."

-     exit 1

- fi


- if ! git clone --single-branch --branch $BUILD_ENV  $SOURCE_REPO "$workdir/source" ; then

-     echo ""

-     echo "Error cloning the source repo."

-     rm -rf "$workdir"

-     exit 1

- else

-     echo "OK  cloned source repo"

- fi


- if [ ! -f "$workdir/source/site.yml" ]; then

-     echo ""

-     echo "Error! There is no site.yml in the source."

-     rm -rf "$workdir"

-     exit 1

- fi


- pushd "$workdir/source/" > /dev/null



- export ANTORA_DATE=$(date -u)


- if ! $BUILD_CMD ; then

-     echo ""

-     echo "Error building the site."

-     rm -rf "$workdir"

-     exit 1

- fi


- popd > /dev/null


- cp -r "$workdir/source/public/en-US" "$target/output/en-US.building" && rm -rf "$target/output/en-US" && mv "$target/output/en-US.building" "$target/output/en-US" || exit 1

- cp "$workdir/source/static/index.html" "$target/output/index.html" || exit 1


- rm -rf "$workdir"


- echo ""

- echo "$(date +%G-%m-%d-%H%M%S): Building of Fedora Docs has finished successfully!"

- echo ""

file modified
+2 -2
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 



- image="docker.io/antora/antora"

- cmd="--html-url-extension-style=indexify site.yml"

+ image="docker.io/antora/antora:3.0.0"

+ cmd="site.yml"


  if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then

      # Running on macOS.

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ 


+ module.exports.register = function () {

+   this.on('contentClassified', async ({ contentCatalog }) => {

+     const logger = this.require('@antora/logger').get('page-last-update')

+     const yaml = this.require('js-yaml')

+     const path = this.require('path')

+     const fs = this.require('fs')

+     const pages = contentCatalog.findBy({ family: 'page' })

+     const pageRx = new RegExp('modules/[^/]+/pages/(?:.+/)*[^.].*\.adoc$')


+     if (fs.existsSync("/tmp/metadata.yml")) {

+       let data = fs.readFileSync("/tmp/metadata.yml", "utf-8")

+       let y = yaml.loadAll(data)


+       for (const page of pages) {

+         if (page.src.origin.type == "git" && pageRx.test(page.src.path)) {

+           const relpath = path.join(page.src.origin.startPath, page.src.path)

+           const abspath = page.src.origin.gitdir.replace(/\/\.git$/, "")

+           // logger.warn(abspath)

+           const contents = page.contents.toString('utf-8')

+           const branch = page.src.origin.branch

+           if (abspath in y[0] && branch in y[0][abspath] && relpath in y[0][abspath][branch]) {

+             let last_update = y[0][abspath][branch][relpath]["date"].toISOString().split('T')[0]

+             logger.warn({name: relpath, rev: branch, update: last_update})


+             // Inject attribute in page content

+             const patchedContents = ":page-last-updated: " + last_update + "\n" + contents

+             page.contents = Buffer.from(patchedContents)

+           }

+         }

+       }


+     } else {

+       logger.warn("no git metadata found, skipping...")

+     }

+     this.updateVariables({ contentCatalog })

+   })

+ }

file modified
+99 -10
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


-   title: Fedora Docs Site

+   title: Fedora Docs

    url: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/

    start_page: docs::index.adoc

@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ 

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-docs-home.git


      - master

+     - f35

+     - f34

+     - f33

+     - f32

+     - f31

      - f30

      - f29

      - f28
@@ -22,6 +27,11 @@ 

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/install-guide.git


      - master

+     - f35

+     - f34

+     - f33

+     - f32

+     - f31

      - f30

      - f29

      - f28
@@ -30,6 +40,11 @@ 

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/system-administrators-guide.git


      - master

+     - f35

+     - f34

+     - f33

+     - f32

+     - f31

      - f30

      - f29

      - f28
@@ -38,6 +53,11 @@ 

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes.git


      - master

+     - f35

+     - f34

+     - f33

+     - f32

+     - f31

      - f30

      - f29

      - f28
@@ -47,13 +67,26 @@ 

    - url: https://pagure.io/mentored-projects.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops.git

      start_path: docs

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-websites.git

+     start_path: docs

+     branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs.git

      start_path: council

+     branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs.git

      start_path: project

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/status_reports.git

+     branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/modularity.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/package-maintainer-docs.git

+     branches: main

    - url: https://github.com/fedora-silverblue/silverblue-docs.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/documentation-contributors-guide.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-kde/kinoite-docs

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/community-tools/documentation-contributors-guide.git

+     branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/flatpak.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/packaging-committee.git
@@ -62,30 +95,86 @@ 

      start_path: website

    - url: https://pagure.io/fesco/fesco-docs.git

      start_path: fesco

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-iot/iot-docs.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-badges.git

-     start_path: docs

+   - url: https://github.com/fedora-iot/iot-docs.git

+     start_path: user-docs

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://github.com/fedora-iot/iot-docs.git

+     start_path: wg-docs

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/docs.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/remix-building.git

    - url: https://github.com/containers/docs.git

+     branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/documentation.git

+     branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/sig-teleirc/infrastructure.git

      start_path: docs

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/docs.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/java-packaging-howto.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/taiga-docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/minimization.git

+   - url: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-docs.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/cpe/rawhide-gating-docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/cpe/docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/qa-docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-pgm/pgm_docs.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-pgm/pgm_docs.git

+     branches: main

+     start_path: releases

+   - url: https://pagure.io/Ask-Fedora-SOP-docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/fedora-join-docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/localization.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-l10n/docs.git

+   - url: https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln-docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/i3-sig/docs.git

+   - url: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-accounts-docs.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/gaming/documentation.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-server.git

+     branches: main

+     start_path: docs

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-server.git

+     branches: main

+     start_path: wg

+   - url: https://pagure.io/epel.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/infra-docs-fpo.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/workstation-docs.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://gitlab.com/fedora/marketing/marketing-docs.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/defensive-coding-guide.git



-     url: https://asamalik.fedorapeople.org/ui-bundle.zip

+     url: https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/ui-bundle/-/jobs/artifacts/HEAD/raw/build/ui-bundle.zip?job=bundle-stable

      snapshot: true

    default_layout: with_menu

+   supplemental_files: ./supplemental-ui


    clean: true

    dir: ./public/en-US

-   destinations:

-   - provider: archive


-   pull: true

+   fetch: true

    cache_dir: ./cache

+   log:

+     format: pretty

+     level: fatal



    - ./lib/extensions/package-inline-macro.js

+ antora:

+   extensions:

+   - id: page-last-update

+     require: ./lib/extensions/page-last-update.js

+     enabled: true

+   - id: lunr

+     require: '@antora/lunr-extension'

+     index_latest_only: true

+     enabled: false

+ urls:

+   latest_version_segment: latest

+   html_extension_style: indexify


@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ 

+ .search-result-dropdown-menu {

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+   word-wrap: break-word;

+ }


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+ }


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+   color: #174d8c;

+   background: rgba(143, 187, 237, 0.1);

+   padding: 0.1em 0.05em;

+   font-weight: 500;

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ 

+ /* global CustomEvent */

+ ;(function (globalScope) {

+   /* eslint-disable no-var */

+   var config = document.getElementById('search-ui-script').dataset

+   var snippetLength = parseInt(config.snippetLength || 100, 10)

+   var siteRootPath = config.siteRootPath || ''

+   appendStylesheet(config.stylesheet)

+   var searchInput = document.getElementById('search-input')

+   var searchResult = document.createElement('div')

+   searchResult.classList.add('search-result-dropdown-menu')

+   searchInput.parentNode.appendChild(searchResult)


+   function appendStylesheet (href) {

+     if (!href) return

+     document.head.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement('link'), { rel: 'stylesheet', href: href }))

+   }


+   function highlightText (doc, position) {

+     var hits = []

+     var start = position[0]

+     var length = position[1]


+     var text = doc.text

+     var highlightSpan = document.createElement('span')

+     highlightSpan.classList.add('search-result-highlight')

+     highlightSpan.innerText = text.substr(start, length)


+     var end = start + length

+     var textEnd = text.length - 1

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+     var contextBefore = start - snippetLength < 0 ? 0 : start - snippetLength

+     if (start === 0 && end === textEnd) {

+       hits.push(highlightSpan)

+     } else if (start === 0) {

+       hits.push(highlightSpan)

+       hits.push(document.createTextNode(text.substr(end, contextAfter)))

+     } else if (end === textEnd) {

+       hits.push(document.createTextNode(text.substr(0, start)))

+       hits.push(highlightSpan)

+     } else {

+       hits.push(document.createTextNode('...' + text.substr(contextBefore, start - contextBefore)))

+       hits.push(highlightSpan)

+       hits.push(document.createTextNode(text.substr(end, contextAfter - end) + '...'))

+     }

+     return hits

+   }


+   function highlightTitle (sectionTitle, doc, position) {

+     var hits = []

+     var start = position[0]

+     var length = position[1]


+     var highlightSpan = document.createElement('span')

+     highlightSpan.classList.add('search-result-highlight')

+     var title

+     if (sectionTitle) {

+       title = sectionTitle.text

+     } else {

+       title = doc.title

+     }

+     highlightSpan.innerText = title.substr(start, length)


+     var end = start + length

+     var titleEnd = title.length - 1

+     if (start === 0 && end === titleEnd) {

+       hits.push(highlightSpan)

+     } else if (start === 0) {

+       hits.push(highlightSpan)

+       hits.push(document.createTextNode(title.substr(length, titleEnd)))

+     } else if (end === titleEnd) {

+       hits.push(document.createTextNode(title.substr(0, start)))

+       hits.push(highlightSpan)

+     } else {

+       hits.push(document.createTextNode(title.substr(0, start)))

+       hits.push(highlightSpan)

+       hits.push(document.createTextNode(title.substr(end, titleEnd)))

+     }

+     return hits

+   }


+   function highlightHit (metadata, sectionTitle, doc) {

+     var hits = []

+     for (var token in metadata) {

+       var fields = metadata[token]

+       for (var field in fields) {

+         var positions = fields[field]

+         if (positions.position) {

+           var position = positions.position[0] // only higlight the first match

+           if (field === 'title') {

+             hits = highlightTitle(sectionTitle, doc, position)

+           } else if (field === 'text') {

+             hits = highlightText(doc, position)

+           }

+         }

+       }

+     }

+     return hits

+   }


+   function createSearchResult (result, store, searchResultDataset) {

+     result.forEach(function (item) {

+       var ids = item.ref.split('-')

+       var docId = ids[0]

+       var doc = store[docId]

+       var sectionTitle

+       if (ids.length > 1) {

+         var titleId = ids[1]

+         sectionTitle = doc.titles.filter(function (item) {

+           return String(item.id) === titleId

+         })[0]

+       }

+       var metadata = item.matchData.metadata

+       var hits = highlightHit(metadata, sectionTitle, doc)

+       searchResultDataset.appendChild(createSearchResultItem(doc, sectionTitle, item, hits))

+     })

+   }


+   function createSearchResultItem (doc, sectionTitle, item, hits) {

+     var documentTitle = document.createElement('div')

+     documentTitle.classList.add('search-result-document-title')

+     documentTitle.innerText = doc.title

+     var documentHit = document.createElement('div')

+     documentHit.classList.add('search-result-document-hit')

+     var documentHitLink = document.createElement('a')

+     documentHitLink.href = siteRootPath + doc.url + (sectionTitle ? '#' + sectionTitle.hash : '')

+     documentHit.appendChild(documentHitLink)

+     hits.forEach(function (hit) {

+       documentHitLink.appendChild(hit)

+     })

+     var searchResultItem = document.createElement('div')

+     searchResultItem.classList.add('search-result-item')

+     searchResultItem.appendChild(documentTitle)

+     searchResultItem.appendChild(documentHit)

+     searchResultItem.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {

+       e.preventDefault()

+     })

+     return searchResultItem

+   }


+   function createNoResult (text) {

+     var searchResultItem = document.createElement('div')

+     searchResultItem.classList.add('search-result-item')

+     var documentHit = document.createElement('div')

+     documentHit.classList.add('search-result-document-hit')

+     var message = document.createElement('strong')

+     message.innerText = 'No results found for query "' + text + '"'

+     documentHit.appendChild(message)

+     searchResultItem.appendChild(documentHit)

+     return searchResultItem

+   }


+   function clearSearchResults (reset) {

+     if (reset === true) searchInput.value = ''

+     searchResult.innerHTML = ''

+   }


+   function search (index, text) {

+     // execute an exact match search

+     var result = index.search(text)

+     if (result.length > 0) {

+       return result

+     }

+     // no result, use a begins with search

+     result = index.search(text + '*')

+     if (result.length > 0) {

+       return result

+     }

+     // no result, use a contains search

+     result = index.search('*' + text + '*')

+     return result

+   }


+   function searchIndex (index, store, text) {

+     clearSearchResults(false)

+     if (text.trim() === '') {

+       return

+     }

+     var result = search(index, text)

+     var searchResultDataset = document.createElement('div')

+     searchResultDataset.classList.add('search-result-dataset')

+     searchResult.appendChild(searchResultDataset)

+     if (result.length > 0) {

+       createSearchResult(result, store, searchResultDataset)

+     } else {

+       searchResultDataset.appendChild(createNoResult(text))

+     }

+   }


+   function confineEvent (e) {

+     e.stopPropagation()

+   }


+   function debounce (func, wait, immediate) {

+     var timeout

+     return function () {

+       var context = this

+       var args = arguments

+       var later = function () {

+         timeout = null

+         if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args)

+       }

+       var callNow = immediate && !timeout

+       clearTimeout(timeout)

+       timeout = setTimeout(later, wait)

+       if (callNow) func.apply(context, args)

+     }

+   }


+   function enableSearchInput (enabled) {

+     searchInput.disabled = !enabled

+     searchInput.title = enabled ? '' : 'Loading index...'

+   }


+   function initSearch (lunr, data) {

+     var start = performance.now()

+     var index = Object.assign({ index: lunr.Index.load(data.index), store: data.store })

+     enableSearchInput(true)

+     searchInput.dispatchEvent(

+       new CustomEvent('loadedindex', {

+         detail: {

+           took: performance.now() - start,

+         },

+       })

+     )

+     var debug = 'URLSearchParams' in globalScope && new URLSearchParams(globalScope.location.search).has('lunr-debug')

+     searchInput.addEventListener(

+       'keydown',

+       debounce(function (e) {

+         if (e.key === 'Escape' || e.key === 'Esc') return clearSearchResults(true)

+         try {

+           var query = searchInput.value

+           if (!query) return clearSearchResults()

+           searchIndex(index.index, index.store, searchInput.value)

+         } catch (err) {

+           if (debug) console.debug('Invalid search query: ' + query + ' (' + err.message + ')')

+         }

+       }, 100)

+     )

+     searchInput.addEventListener('click', confineEvent)

+     searchResult.addEventListener('click', confineEvent)

+     document.documentElement.addEventListener('click', clearSearchResults)

+   }


+   // disable the search input until the index is loaded

+   enableSearchInput(false)


+   globalScope.initSearch = initSearch

+ })(typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : window)

@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ <!-- Add any HTML code to show at the top of each page — like a banner to a survey, some announcement, etc. Leave this file empty to not show anything-->


The Docs front page has a lot of entries. It's not clear to visitors where they can find what they're looking for. And it's not clear to contributors where we should add new content when someone wants to add new docs sections to the front page.
For the application period, submit a pull request with your ideas for redesigning the front page. Include the reasoning behind decisions you made. The exact graphical style isn't important, so long as we can see the general concept represented. For reference, the page is in the fedora-docs/pages repository.

Flaws identified/ Ideas suggested:

  1. According to UX Laws, “an aesthetically pleasing design creates a positive response in people’s brains and leads them to believe the design actually works better.” Good looking documentation would ensure that more users get started and involved with Fedora.
  2. At the first glance, there’s no introduction to the website; users don’t know how to proceed or what they’re supposed to do. Information about Fedora Linux needs to be added in the main landing screen with a ‘read more’ button.
  3. There’s no prominent search bar on the page which would improve user accessibility and reduce a lot of time spent on finding exactly what the user is looking for- using keywords or tags would also make the process of finding information seamless and structured.
  4. Edit/Contribute icon is too small; needs to be big and clear for those who wish to contribute to adding new sections in the Docs
  5. Heavy colour scheme, the aesthetics are awry and card colours are inconsistent too. There is no specific reason as to why certain cards are colored differently under the same heading, that needs to be sorted too.
  6. No sense of hierarchy on the page, all items are sorted randomly- there should be a visual hierarchy of content structure. There should be a proper division of Fedora Linux variants and then cards underneath which leads to the documentation of specific variants. There is no division between topics and sub-topics as of now.
  7. No interaction with the users- there’s no feedback or animation that lets the user know that their action is actually being executed in the webpage. It looks and feels like a static website.
  8. Information is all over the place, a user would feel very overloaded with information the first time they view the page. Makes a user unlikely to actually go through the documentation and find what they are looking for.
  9. Accessibility is important- most users will be put off by the crowded design of the page where the lack of structure makes it hard to determine the next steps- Lack of any white space or breathing room for the content.
  10. Inclusivity in design is important- icons should be used with the content and there should be a Text-to-Speech option for those with visual impairments. Text-to-Speech icon can be added in the upper-right corner.
  11. Dark mode is preferred by most users nowadays with big companies like Discord and VS Code shifting their interface entirely to dark mode to appeal to their user base. Also makes it easier on the eyes to read through loads of documentation. A toggle button for light to dark mode can also be added in the upper right corner.
  12. Navigation panel in the documentation (left-side) needs to be more consistently designed with font size and colour making sense according to the hierarchy
  13. No links in the footer- a user would like to scroll through the entire first page and then decided if they would wish to contribute or find different links. The footer can be made more informative and accessible by adding links to contribute and know more about the community.
  14. A call-to-action button for contributing to Fedora with something written that makes it an appealing call for contributors but one that doesn’t seem like a lot of effort- “Want to contribute to a cause? – Get Involved!” There can be a banner section on the front page with the call-to-action button and text that catches the user’s eye and makes the page look appealing too.
  15. Grid layout with proper sub-headings would make things look a lot cleaner than big crowded boxes that take up the whole space.
  16. Colors would follow the two basic Fedora colours and the logo design so as to keep things minimalistic and clean and not overload the user.