#220 Redesign fedora docs page - add "text to speech" and " what's new" button
Opened 2 years ago by joewest24. Modified 2 years ago
fedora-docs/ joewest24/docs-fp-o stg  into  master

add f32 branch
Jibec • 4 years ago  
add f31
Adam Samalik • 4 years ago  
Publish PgM docs
Ben Cotton • 4 years ago  
file modified
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ 




+ build-scripts/output

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ 

- FROM fedora:29

+ FROM fedora:34


- RUN dnf -y module install nodejs:10 && \

+ RUN dnf -y module install nodejs:16 && \

      dnf clean all


- RUN npm i -g @antora/cli@2.0 @antora/site-generator-default@2.0

+ RUN npm i -g @antora/cli@3.0.0 @antora/site-generator-default@3.0.0


  WORKDIR /antora

  ENTRYPOINT [ "antora" ]

file modified
+6 -6
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 

- FROM fedora:29

+ FROM fedora:34


- RUN dnf -y module install nodejs:10/default && \

-     dnf -y install git && \

+ RUN dnf -y module install nodejs:16 && \

+     dnf -y install git python3-yaml && \

      dnf clean all


- RUN npm i -g @antora/cli@2.0 @antora/site-generator-default@2.0

+ RUN npm i -g @antora/cli@3.0.0 @antora/site-generator@3.0.0


- ADD rebuild-site.sh /antora/rebuild-site.sh

+ ADD rebuild-site.py /antora/rebuild-site.py


  WORKDIR /antora


- CMD /antora/rebuild-site.sh

+ CMD /antora/rebuild-site.py

file modified
+41 -2
@@ -1,7 +1,46 @@ 

  # Building the docs


+ This script is used in OpenShift to rebuild the whole site for Fedora.



+ ## Local testing


+ Test the build locally using podman.


+ First, make sure your in the right directory — it's the same one that has this *README.md* file. Then build the container on your system:


+ ```

+ $ podman build --no-cache -t fedora-docs-openshift-rebuild . 

+ ```


+ And then run it:


+ ```

+ $ mkdir output

+ $ podman run --rm -it -e "BUILD_ENV=stg" -v $(pwd)/output:/antora/output fedora-docs-openshift-rebuild

+ ```


+ The output will be saved in `./output/`.


+ ### Changing configuration


+ You can also set different environment variables by setting `-e "VAR_NAME=value"` in the `podman run` command.

+ See a list of supported variables below.



- docker run --rm -it -e "BUILD_ENV=stg" -v $(pwd)/output:/antora/output antora-openshift-rebuild

+ # The script requires the following environment variables to be set:

+ # 

+ # Variable          Values      Effect

+ # -----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------

+ # BUILD_ENV         prod        Build the production version of the site

+ #                               using the "prod" branch. DEFAULT

+ #                   stg         Build the staging version of the site

+ #                               using the "stg" branch.

+ # -----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------

+ # BUILD_LANGS       english     Build the "en-US" version only. DEFAULT

+ #                   translated  Build only the translated versions.

+ #                   all         Build the "en-US" and the translated versions.



- The output will be in `./output/`.

+ Please note that rebuilding all the languages locally will take many hours and results in gigabytes of output.


@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/python3



+ # The script requires the following environment variables to be set:

+ # 

+ # Variable          Values      Effect

+ # -----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------

+ # BUILD_ENV         prod        Build the production version of the site

+ #                               using the "prod" branch. DEFAULT

+ #                   stg         Build the staging version of the site

+ #                               using the "stg" branch.

+ # -----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------

+ # BUILD_LANGS       english     Build the "en-US" version only. DEFAULT

+ #                   translated  Build only the translated versions.

+ #                   all         Build the "en-US" and the translated versions.

+ #

+ #



+ import tempfile

+ import yaml

+ import os

+ import errno

+ import subprocess

+ import copy

+ import datetime

+ import shutil

+ import sys

+ import glob

+ import re



+ def get_config():

+     config = {}


+     config["docs_repo_branch"] = os.getenv(

+         "BUILD_ENV",

+         "prod")


+     config["build_langs"] = os.getenv(

+         "BUILD_LANGS",

+         "english")


+     config["docs_repo_url"] = os.getenv(

+         "DOCS_REPO_URL",

+         "https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o.git")


+     config["translated_sources_repo_url"] = os.getenv(


+         "https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git"

+     )


+     config["translated_adockeywords_repo_url"] = os.getenv(


+         "https://pagure.io/fedora-docs-l10n/asciidoc-keywords.git")


+     return config



+ def log(msg):

+     print(msg, flush=True)



+ def get_languages(config):

+     languages_dict = {}


+     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:

+         translated_sources_repo = os.path.join(workdir, "translated_sources_repo")

+         subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", config["translated_sources_repo_url"], translated_sources_repo])


+         languages = []

+         filename_blacklist = [".git"]

+         for filename in os.listdir(translated_sources_repo):

+             filepath = os.path.join(translated_sources_repo, filename)

+             if os.path.isdir(filepath) and filename not in filename_blacklist:

+                 languages.append(filename)


+         languages.sort()


+         for lang in languages:

+             languages_dict[lang] = []


+             lang_dir = os.path.join(translated_sources_repo, lang)

+             for component in os.listdir(lang_dir):

+                 version_dir = os.path.join(lang_dir, component)

+                 for version in os.listdir(version_dir):

+                     start_path = "{lang}/{component}/{version}".format(

+                             lang=lang, component=component, version=version)


+                     # This is a workaround for cases when a component doesn't have

+                     # the ROOT module that should contain the antora.yml.

+                     # Without the ROOT module the translation scripts won't

+                     # pick up the antora.yml causing the docs build to fail.

+                     # So we're only including directories with the antora.yml file.

+                     if "antora.yml" in os.listdir(os.path.join(version_dir, version)):

+                         languages_dict[lang].append(start_path)


+     return languages_dict



+ def generate_lang_switch_ui(languages):

+     template_start = """

+         <div class="page-languages">

+             <button class="languages-menu-toggle" title="Show other languages of the site">

+                 {{{env.ANTORA_LANGUAGE}}}

+             </button>

+             <div class="languages-menu">

+     """

+     template_end = """

+             </div>

+         </div>

+     """


+     template_list = []

+     template_list.append(template_start)

+     for language in languages:

+         link = '<a class="language" href="{{{{siteRootPath}}}}/../{language}{{{{page.url}}}}">{language}</a>'.format(

+                     language=language)

+         template_list.append(link)

+     template_list.append(template_end)


+     return "\n".join(template_list)


+ def get_metadata_from_branch(branch, repodir):

+     cmd = f"""

+       for file in $(git ls-tree -r --name-only origin/{branch}|grep -E "adoc$"); do 

+         git log -1 --format="'$file':%n  refs: %S%n  hash: %h%n  date: %as" origin/{branch} -- $file;

+       done"""

+     s = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, cwd=repodir,  stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

+     return yaml.safe_load(s.stdout)


+ def prefetch_sources(original_sources, site_yml, config):

+     if not os.path.isdir(original_sources):

+         os.mkdir(original_sources)


+     default_branch = site_yml["content"].get("branches", ["master"])

+     if type(default_branch) is str:

+         default_branch = [default_branch]


+     metadata = {}


+     for repo_data in site_yml["content"]["sources"]:

+       gitdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=original_sources)

+       dirname = gitdir.name

+       gitdir.cleanup()

+       log(f"Fetching {repo_data['url']}...")

+       subprocess.run(["git", "clone", repo_data['url'], dirname])

+       repo_data['url'] = dirname


+       branches = repo_data.get("branches", default_branch)

+       if type(branches) is str:

+         branches = [branches]


+       for branch in branches:

+         y = get_metadata_from_branch(branch, repo_data['url'])

+         if dirname in metadata:

+           metadata[dirname][branch] = y

+         else:

+           metadata[dirname] = { branch: y }


+     if metadata:

+       with open("/tmp/metadata.yml", "w") as f:

+         yaml.dump(metadata, f)


+     return site_yml


+ def prepare_translated_sources(translated_sources, site_yml, languages, config):

+     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:

+         # Location of the translated-sources repo

+         #   (This repo only holds content that has some translations done,

+         #   so it might be incomplete.)

+         translated_sources_original = os.path.join(workdir, "translated_sources_original")


+         # Location of the English sources in the same structure

+         # as translated-sources, so:

+         #    COMPONENT/VERSION/antora.yml

+         #    COMPONENT/VERSION/modules/MODULE1

+         #    COMPONENT/VERSION/modules/MODULE2

+         #    COMPONENT/VERSION/modules/...

+         en_sources = os.path.join(workdir, "en_sources")


+         # Clone the original translated-sources

+         subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", config["translated_sources_repo_url"], translated_sources_original])


+         # Get a list of the original English repos

+         repos = []

+         default_branch = site_yml["content"].get("branches", ["master"])

+         if type(default_branch) is str:

+             default_branch = [default_branch]


+         for repo_data in site_yml["content"]["sources"]:


+             branches = repo_data.get("branches", default_branch)

+             if type(branches) is str:

+                 branches = [branches]


+             start_path = repo_data.get("start_path", "")


+             for branch in branches:

+                 repo = {}

+                 repo["url"] = repo_data["url"]

+                 repo["branch"] = branch

+                 repo["start_path"] = start_path


+                 repos.append(repo)


+         # Clome the original English sources and put them into the

+         # desired structure in en_sources (described above)

+         components = {}

+         for repo in repos:

+             with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_repo_root:

+                 log("")

+                 log("Cloning {url} {branch}".format(url=repo["url"], branch=repo["branch"]))

+                 subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--branch", repo["branch"], "--depth=1", repo["url"], tmp_repo_root])


+                 repo_dir = os.path.join(tmp_repo_root, repo["start_path"])

+                 antora_yml_file = os.path.join(repo_dir, "antora.yml")

+                 with open(antora_yml_file, "r") as file:

+                     antora_yml = yaml.safe_load(file)


+                 component = antora_yml["name"]

+                 version = antora_yml["version"]

+                 # if component version is null (~), fallback to "master"

+                 if not version:

+                     version = "master"


+                 # Saving components and all their versions

+                 if component not in components:

+                     components[component] = set()

+                 components[component].add(version)


+                 for module in os.listdir(os.path.join(repo_dir, "modules")):

+                     # Now this is looping over modules accross all components,

+                     # so component, module, and version variables are available


+                     try:

+                         os.makedirs(os.path.join(en_sources, component, version, "modules"))

+                     except OSError as e:

+                         if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+                             raise


+                     original_module_dir = os.path.join(repo_dir, "modules", module)

+                     module_dir = os.path.join(en_sources, component, version, "modules", module)


+                     subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", original_module_dir, module_dir])


+                     if module == "ROOT" or "nav" in antora_yml:

+                         # if this is the main antora.yml file

+                         subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", antora_yml_file, os.path.join(en_sources, component, version, "antora.yml")])

+                         log("----- copying antora.yml for  {component} {module} {version}".format(

+                                 component=component, module=module, version=version))

+                     else:

+                         log("----- skipping antora.yml for  {component} {module} {version}".format(

+                                 component=component, module=module, version=version))


+         # Set up the language structure in translated_sources

+         for language in languages:

+             lang_dir = os.path.join(translated_sources, language)

+             try:

+                 os.makedirs(lang_dir)

+             except OSError as e:

+                 if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+                     raise


+         # Copy the English sources in the translated_sources

+         for language in languages:

+             lang_dir = os.path.join(translated_sources, language)

+             for component in components:

+                 en_component_dir = os.path.join(en_sources, component)

+                 subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", en_component_dir, lang_dir])


+         # And finally copy the original translated sources

+         # into translated_sources

+         for language in languages:

+             src = os.path.join(translated_sources_original, language)

+             subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", src, translated_sources + "/"])


+     return components



+ def prepare_localized_admonitions(languages, config):

+     """ Asciidoc use keywords for admonitions and others items """

+     keywords = {}


+     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:

+         translated_keywords_repo = os.path.join(workdir, "asciidoc-keywords")

+         subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", config["translated_adockeywords_repo_url"], translated_keywords_repo])


+         languages = []

+         log(translated_keywords_repo + "/langs/*/asciidoc-attributes.yml")

+         for filename in glob.glob(translated_keywords_repo + "/langs/*/asciidoc-attributes.yml"):

+             languages.append(filename.rsplit("/")[::-1][1])


+         for lang in languages:

+             file = translated_keywords_repo + "/langs/" + lang + "/asciidoc-attributes.yml"

+             with open(file, 'r') as stream:

+                 try:

+                     keywords[lang] = yaml.load(stream)

+                 except yaml.YAMLError as exc:

+                     print(exc)


+     return keywords



+ def init_git_repo(path):

+     try:

+         os.makedirs(path)

+     except OSError as e:

+         if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+             raise

+     subprocess.run(["git", "init"], cwd=path)

+     subprocess.run(["git", "config", "user.name", "Your Name"], cwd=path)

+     subprocess.run(["git", "config", "user.email", "you@example.com"], cwd=path)

+     subprocess.run(["git", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "init"], cwd=path)


+ def get_version_from_file(index_file):

+     latest = None

+     if os.path.isfile(index_file):

+       with open(index_file, 'r') as f:

+         for l in f:

+           m = re.search(r'data-version="(f\d+)"', l)

+           if m:

+             latest = m[1]

+             break

+     return latest



+ def gen_redirect(lang, results_dir):

+     htaccess = os.path.join(results_dir, ".htaccess")

+     latest = get_version_from_file(f"{results_dir}/fedora/latest/index.html")

+     if latest:

+       htaccess_content = f"""

+         ErrorDocument 404 /{lang}/404.html

+         Redirect 302 /{lang}/fedora/{latest} /{lang}/fedora/latest

+         """

+       with open(htaccess, "w") as file:

+           file.write(htaccess_content)


+ def main():

+     config = get_config()


+     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:


+         #####--------------------------------------#####

+         #####  Preparation                         #####

+         #####--------------------------------------#####


+         # Location of the docs-fp-o repo

+         docs_repo = os.path.join(workdir, "docs_repo")


+         # Location of the translated sources used for the build

+         #   (That's the translated-sources repo with the missing files added

+         #   from the English sources.)

+         translated_sources = os.path.join(workdir, "translated_sources")

+         init_git_repo(translated_sources)


+         log("")

+         log("===== Getting the site definition (site.yml) =====")

+         subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "--branch", config["docs_repo_branch"], "--depth=1", config["docs_repo_url"], docs_repo])


+         with open(os.path.join(docs_repo, "site.yml"), "r") as file:

+             original_site_yml = yaml.safe_load(file)


+         log("")

+         log("===== Getting a list of languages =====")

+         languages = get_languages(config)

+         log("  Languages: {}".format(" ".join(languages)))


+         log("")

+         log("===== Generating the language switch UI =====")

+         lang_switch_ui = generate_lang_switch_ui(["en-US"] + list(languages.keys()))


+         ui_dir = os.path.join(docs_repo, "supplemental-ui", "partials")

+         try:

+             os.makedirs(ui_dir)

+         except OSError as e:

+             if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

+                 raise


+         ui_file = os.path.join(ui_dir, "page-languages.hbs")

+         with open(ui_file, "w") as file:

+             file.write(lang_switch_ui)


+         # Timestamp to be included in the footer of the docs

+         timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')

+         antora_env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

+         antora_env["ANTORA_DATE"] = timestamp




+         #####--------------------------------------#####

+         #####  English site build                  #####

+         #####--------------------------------------#####


+         if config["build_langs"] == "english" or config["build_langs"] == "all":


+             log("")

+             log("===== Prefetching all components =====")

+             original_sources = os.path.join(workdir, "orginal_sources")

+             site_local = prefetch_sources(original_sources, original_site_yml, config)

+             log(original_site_yml["content"]["sources"][0]['url'])

+             log(site_local["content"]["sources"][0]['url'])


+             filename = os.path.join(docs_repo, "site-local.yml")

+             with open(filename, "w") as file:

+                 file.write(yaml.dump(site_local))




+             log("")

+             log("===== Building the en-US site =====")

+             antora_env["ANTORA_LANGUAGE"] = "en-US"

+             # result = subprocess.run(["antora", "--html-url-extension-style=indexify", os.path.join(docs_repo, "site.yml")], env=antora_env)

+             result = subprocess.run(["antora", "--html-url-extension-style=indexify", filename], env=antora_env)


+             if result.returncode != 0:

+                 log("ERROR building the en-US site")

+                 sys.exit(1)


+             log("")

+             log("===== Copying the en-US site =====")

+             source_dir = os.path.join(docs_repo, "public")

+             target_dir_copying = "/antora/output/en-US.building"

+             target_dir_copied = "/antora/output/en-US.building/en-US"

+             target_dir_final = "/antora/output/en-US"


+             # Generate htaccess for redirect

+             gen_redirect("en-US", os.path.join(source_dir, "en-US"))


+             shutil.rmtree(target_dir_copying, ignore_errors=True)

+             subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", source_dir, target_dir_copying])

+             shutil.rmtree(target_dir_final, ignore_errors=True)

+             shutil.move(target_dir_copied, target_dir_final)

+             shutil.rmtree(target_dir_copying, ignore_errors=True)


+             log("")

+             log("===== Copying the index.html =====")

+             source_index_html = os.path.join(docs_repo, "static", "index.html")

+             target_index_html = "/antora/output/index.html"

+             shutil.copy(source_index_html, target_index_html)




+         #####--------------------------------------#####

+         #####  Translated site build               #####

+         #####--------------------------------------#####


+         if config["build_langs"] == "translated" or config["build_langs"] == "all":


+             log("")

+             log("===== Preparing the translated sources =====")

+             components = prepare_translated_sources(translated_sources, original_site_yml, languages, config)


+             log("")

+             log("===== Preparing the translated ascidoc keywords =====")

+             keywords = prepare_localized_admonitions(languages, config)


+             log("")

+             log("===== Generating site.lang.yml files =====")

+             for lang in languages:

+                 lang_site_yml = copy.deepcopy(original_site_yml)


+                 lang_site_yml["output"]["dir"] = "./public/{lang}".format(lang=lang)


+                 lang_site_yml["content"] = {}

+                 # Branches are set to HEAD because the script uses a locally-generated

+                 # content on top of the original translated-sources repo

+                 lang_site_yml["content"]["branches"] = "HEAD"

+                 # disable the "Edit this Page"

+                 lang_site_yml["content"]["edit_url"] = False

+                 lang_site_yml["content"]["sources"] = []


+                 for component, versions in components.items():

+                     for version in versions:

+                         source = {}

+                         source["url"] = translated_sources

+                         source["start_path"] = "{lang}/{component}/{version}".format(

+                                     lang=lang, component=component, version=version)


+                         lang_site_yml["content"]["sources"].append(source)


+                 if lang in keywords:

+                     if "attributes" in lang_site_yml["asciidoc"]:

+                         lang_site_yml["asciidoc"]["attributes"].append(keywords[lang])

+                     else:

+                         lang_site_yml["asciidoc"]["attributes"] = keywords[lang]


+                 # disable page-last-update extension 

+                 if "antora" in lang_site_yml and "extensions" in lang_site_yml["antora"]:

+                   for ext in lang_site_yml["antora"]["extensions"]:

+                     if ext['id'] == "page-last-update":

+                       ext['enabled'] = False


+                 filename = os.path.join(docs_repo, "site-{lang}.yml".format(lang=lang))

+                 with open(filename, "w") as file:

+                     file.write(yaml.dump(lang_site_yml))


+                 log("  {lang} done".format(lang=lang))


+             # Building all the translated sites

+             lastlang = list(languages)[-1]

+             for lang in languages:

+                 log("")

+                 log("===== Building the {lang} site =====".format(lang=lang))

+                 filename = "site-{lang}.yml".format(lang=lang)

+                 antora_env["ANTORA_LANGUAGE"] = lang

+                 result = subprocess.run(["antora", "--html-url-extension-style=indexify", os.path.join(docs_repo, filename)], env=antora_env)


+                 if result.returncode != 0:

+                     log("ERROR building the {lang} site".format(lang=lang))

+                     sys.exit(1)


+                 # Copying the translated site

+                 log("")

+                 log(f"=== Copying the {lang} site ===")


+                 results_dir = os.path.join(docs_repo, "public", lang)

+                 publish_dir = f"/antora/output/{lang}"

+                 copying_dir = f"/antora/output/{lang}.tmp"

+                 lastlang_dir = f"/antora/output/{lastlang}"


+                 # I have:

+                 # docs_repo/public/xx         <- results_dir  (local partition)

+                 # /antora/output/xx.tmp       <- copying_dir  (mounted partition)

+                 # /antora/output/xx           <- publish_dir  (mounted partition)

+                 #

+                 # I need to:

+                 #   1/  copy from local to mounted

+                 #   2/  remove old in mounted

+                 #   3/  move new within mounted

+                 #   4/  remove the copying dir


+                 # Generate htaccess for redirect

+                 gen_redirect(lang, results_dir)


+                 # Make sure copying_dir doesn't exist

+                 shutil.rmtree(copying_dir, ignore_errors=True)


+                 # Copy results from local partition to a mounted partition

+                 log(f"Copying from {results_dir} to {copying_dir}")

+                 subprocess.run(["cp", "-a", results_dir, copying_dir])


+                 # Swap the old tree for the new one for each language

+                 log(f"Moving language to the final place: {copying_dir} to {publish_dir}")

+                 shutil.rmtree(publish_dir, ignore_errors=True)

+                 subprocess.run(["mv", copying_dir, publish_dir])


+                 # Recreate hardlinks as we go, in case the rsync job

+                 # start while we are still building

+                 if (lang != lastlang):

+                     log(f"hardlinking files: {publish_dir} - {lastlang_dir}")

+                     subprocess.run(["hardlink", "-cv", publish_dir, lastlang_dir])


+                 # Remove local build

+                 shutil.rmtree(results_dir, ignore_errors=True)


+             # End Building all the translated sites


+             # https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8964

+             log("Consolidate files with hardlink...")

+             subprocess.run(["hardlink", "-cv", "/antora/output/"])


+             log("DONE!")




+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     main()


@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ 

- #/bin/bash


- echo ""

- echo "$(date +%G-%m-%d-%H%M%S): Building Fedora Docs..."

- echo ""


- SOURCE_REPO="https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o.git"

- BUILD_CMD="antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site.yml"


- target="/antora"


- if [ -z ${BUILD_ENV+x} ]; then 

-     BUILD_ENV="master"   

- fi



- if ! workdir=$(mktemp -d) ; then

-     echo "Error creating a tempdir. Exiting."

-     exit 1

- fi


- if ! git clone --single-branch --branch $BUILD_ENV  $SOURCE_REPO "$workdir/source" ; then

-     echo ""

-     echo "Error cloning the source repo."

-     rm -rf "$workdir"

-     exit 1

- else

-     echo "OK  cloned source repo"

- fi


- if [ ! -f "$workdir/source/site.yml" ]; then

-     echo ""

-     echo "Error! There is no site.yml in the source."

-     rm -rf "$workdir"

-     exit 1

- fi


- pushd "$workdir/source/" > /dev/null



- export ANTORA_DATE=$(date -u)


- if ! $BUILD_CMD ; then

-     echo ""

-     echo "Error building the site."

-     rm -rf "$workdir"

-     exit 1

- fi


- popd > /dev/null


- cp -r "$workdir/source/public/en-US" "$target/output/en-US.building" && rm -rf "$target/output/en-US" && mv "$target/output/en-US.building" "$target/output/en-US" || exit 1

- cp "$workdir/source/static/index.html" "$target/output/index.html" || exit 1


- rm -rf "$workdir"


- echo ""

- echo "$(date +%G-%m-%d-%H%M%S): Building of Fedora Docs has finished successfully!"

- echo ""

file removed
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/sh


- if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then

-     # Running on macOS.

-     # Let's assume that the user has the Docker CE installed

-     # which doesn't require a root password.

-     docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora antora/antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site-cs-CZ.yml

-     docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora antora/antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site-fr-FR.yml

-     docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora antora/antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site-jp-JP.yml


- elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then

-     # Running on Linux.

-     # Let's assume that it's running the Docker deamon

-     # which requires root.

-     echo ""

-     echo "This build script is using Docker to run the build in an isolated environment. You might be asked for a root password in order to start it."

-     sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z antora/antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site-cs-CZ.yml

-     sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z antora/antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site-fr-FR.yml

-     sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z antora/antora --html-url-extension-style=indexify site-jp-JP.yml

- fi

file modified
+13 -13
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ 



- image="docker.io/antora/antora"

+ image="docker.io/antora/antora:3.0.0"

  cmd="--html-url-extension-style=indexify site.yml"


- if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then

+ if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then

      # Running on macOS.

      # Let's assume that the user has the Docker CE installed

      # which doesn't require a root password.

      echo ""

      echo "This build script is using Docker container runtime to run the build in an isolated environment."

      echo ""

-     docker run -e "ANTORA_DATE=$(date -u)" --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora $image $cmd

+     docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/antora" $image $cmd


- elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then

+ elif [ "$(expr substr "$(uname -s)" 1 5)" = "Linux" ]; then

      # Running on Linux.

-     # Check whether podman is available, else faill back to docker

+     # Check whether podman is available, else fall back to docker

      # which requires root.


      if [ -f /usr/bin/podman ]; then

          echo ""

          echo "This build script is using Podman to run the build in an isolated environment."

          echo ""

- 	podman run -e "ANTORA_DATE=$(date -u)" --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z $image $cmd

+         podman run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/antora:z" $image $cmd


      elif [ -f /usr/bin/docker ]; then

          echo ""
@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ 

          echo ""


          if groups | grep -wq "docker"; then

- 	    docker run -e "ANTORA_DATE=$(date -u)" --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z $image $cmd

- 	else

+             docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/antora:z" $image $cmd

+         else

              echo ""

              echo "This build script is using $runtime to run the build in an isolated environment. You might be asked for your password."

              echo "You can avoid this by adding your user to the 'docker' group, but be aware of the security implications. See https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/."

              echo ""

-             sudo docker run -e "ANTORA_DATE=$(date -u)" --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z $image $cmd

- 	fi

+             sudo docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/antora:z" $image $cmd

+         fi


          echo ""

- 	echo "Error: Container runtime haven't been found on your system. Fix it by:"

- 	echo "$ sudo dnf install podman"

- 	exit 1

+         echo "Error: Container runtime haven't been found on your system. Fix it by:"

+         echo "$ sudo dnf install podman"

+         exit 1



@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ 


+ module.exports.register = function () {

+   this.on('contentClassified', async ({ contentCatalog }) => {

+     const logger = this.require('@antora/logger').get('page-last-update')

+     const yaml = this.require('js-yaml')

+     const path = this.require('path')

+     const fs = this.require('fs')

+     const pages = contentCatalog.findBy({ family: 'page' })

+     const pageRx = new RegExp('modules/[^/]+/pages/(?:.+/)*[^.].*\.adoc$')


+     if (fs.existsSync("/tmp/metadata.yml")) {

+       let data = fs.readFileSync("/tmp/metadata.yml", "utf-8")

+       let y = yaml.loadAll(data)


+       for (const page of pages) {

+         if (page.src.origin.type == "git" && pageRx.test(page.src.path)) {

+           const relpath = path.join(page.src.origin.startPath, page.src.path)

+           const abspath = page.src.origin.gitdir.replace(/\/\.git$/, "")

+           // logger.warn(abspath)

+           const contents = page.contents.toString('utf-8')

+           const branch = page.src.origin.branch

+           if (abspath in y[0] && branch in y[0][abspath] && relpath in y[0][abspath][branch]) {

+             let last_update = y[0][abspath][branch][relpath]["date"].toISOString().split('T')[0]

+             logger.warn({name: relpath, rev: branch, update: last_update})


+             // Inject attribute in page content

+             const patchedContents = ":page-last-updated: " + last_update + "\n" + contents

+             page.contents = Buffer.from(patchedContents)

+           }

+         }

+       }


+     } else {

+       logger.warn("no git metadata found, skipping...")

+     }

+     this.updateVariables({ contentCatalog })

+   })

+ }

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 

+ server {

+     listen       80;

+     server_name  localhost;


+     location / {

+         root   /antora/public;

+         index  index.html index.htm;

+     }


+     error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;

+     location = /50x.html {

+         root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

+     }

+ }

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ 

- # Name will be mostly visible in the URL. Treat it as an indentifier.

- # Tip: If you want to use the local preview scripts that come with this repository, please change this value in the site.yml file as well. (under site/start_page)

- name: engineering  # <---- PLEASE MODIFY


- # Title will be visible on the page. 

- title: Engineering Teams # <---- PLEASE MODIFY


- # If you don't plan to have multiple versions of the docs (for example, to document multiple versions of some software), you can ignore this field. Otherwise, change "master" to a specific version.

- version: master


- # We encourage you to name the index page as "index.adoc". If you absolutely have to use a different name, please reflect it here. You can ignore this field otherwise. 

- start_page: ROOT:index


- # This lists all the menu definitions of your component.

- #nav:

- #- modules/ROOT/nav.adoc

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ 

- = Engineering Teams

- :page-layout: without_menu


- * xref:fesco:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora Engineering Steering Committee**] — FESCo is the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee. It is a fully community elected body and represents the technical leadership in Fedora.


- * xref:modularity:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora Modularity**] — Modularity introduces an optional Modular repository that provides additional versions of software on independent lifecycles.


- * xref:containers:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora Containers**] — Here you will find Documentation and Guidelines regarding creation, usage and maintainance of Containers in Fedora.


- * xref:neurofedora:ROOT:overview.adoc[**NeuroFedora**] — NeuroFedora is an initiative to provide a ready to use Fedora based Free/Open source software platform for neuroscience.


- * xref:teleirc-sig:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora Teleirc SIG**] — The Teleirc SIG is a volunteer-driven group to manage Teleirc bridge bots.


- * xref:ci:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora CI**] — Fedora Continuous Integration Portal 


- * link:https://fedora-infra-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/[**Fedora Infrastructure 🔗**] — Documentation covering the development and administration of the many projects that make Fedora work.


- == Other Engineering Resources


- * xref:flatpak:ROOT:index.adoc[**Flatpak in Fedora**] — Learn how to build Flatpaks out of Fedora RPM packages.

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ 

- name: docs

- title: Fedora Documentation

- version: master

- start-page: ROOT::index.adoc

- nav:

-   - modules/ROOT/nav.adoc 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ 

- = Fedora Documentation

- :page-layout: homepage


- ++++

- <div class="homepage-page">

-     <div class="homepage-section homepage-section-user-docs">

-         <h2>User Documentation</h2>

-         <div class="homepage-section-container">

-             <a href="../fedora/f29/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Fedora&nbsp;29</h3>

-                 <p>Documentation covering the most recent release, Fedora&nbsp;29.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="../fedora/f28/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Fedora&nbsp;28</h3>

-                 <p>Documentation covering the Fedora&nbsp;28 release.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="../quick-docs/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Quick Docs</h3>

-                 <p>How tos and tutorials for using and configuring Fedora.</p>

-             </a>

-         </div>

-         <div class="homepage-section-container">

-             <a href="../iot/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Fedora&nbsp;IoT</h3>

-                 <p>The home to the documentation for the Fedora Internet of Things objective.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="../fedora-silverblue/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Fedora&nbsp;Silverblue</h3>

-                 <p>Silverblue is the new face of Fedora Atomic Workstation from Project Atomic.</p>

-             </a>

-         </div>

-         <div class="homepage-section-container">

-             <a href="../fedora/rawhide/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-secondary">

-                 <h3>Fedora&nbsp;Rawhide</h3>

-                 <p>Draft documentation targeting future Fedora releases.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="" class="homepage-link homepage-link-secondary">

-                 <h3>Older releases</h3>

-                 <p>Older Fedora user documentation.</p>

-             </a>

-         </div>

-     </div>


-     <div class="homepage-section homepage-section-project-docs">

-         <h2>Fedora Project &amp; Community</h2>

-         <div class="homepage-section-container">

-             <a href="../project/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Fedora Project</h3>

-                 <p>Learn how the Fedora Project works.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="../council/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Fedora Council</h3>

-                 <p>Learn about the Fedora Project governance.</p>

-             </a>

-         </div>

-         <div class="homepage-section-container">

-             <a href="../engineering/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Engineering Teams</h3>

-                 <p>Learn about FESCo and Engineering subprojects, SIGs, Work Groups, and teams.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="../mindshare/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Mindshare Teams</h3>

-                 <p>Learn about Mindshare and its subprojects and teams.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="../diversity-inclusion/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-primary">

-                 <h3>Diversity & Inclusion</h3>

-                 <p>The goal of this initiative is to help foster diversity and inclusion in Fedora community.</p>

-             </a>

-         </div>

-         <div class="homepage-section-container">

-             <a href="../packaging-guidelines/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-secondary">

-                 <h3>Fedora Packaging Guidelines</h3>

-                 <p>Learn about packaging for Fedora — from both a policy and a technical perspective.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="https://budget.fedoraproject.org/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-secondary">

-                 <h3><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> Fedora Budget</h3>

-                 <p>Information regarding money allocated and spent by the Fedora Project.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Outreachy/2017" class="homepage-link homepage-link-secondary">

-                 <h3><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> Fedora's Outreachy Docs</h3>

-                 <p>Outreachy is an internship program for people from group underrepresented in free and open source software.</p>

-             </a>

-             <a href="../mentored-projects/gsoc/2019/" class="homepage-link homepage-link-secondary">

-                 <h3>Fedora's Google Summer of Code Docs</h3>

-                 <p>Information about Fedora’s participation in Google Summer of Code (GSoC).</p>

-             </a>

-         </div>

-     </div>

- </div>

- ++++

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ 

- # Name will be mostly visible in the URL. Treat it as an indentifier.

- # Tip: If you want to use the local preview scripts that come with this repository, please change this value in the site.yml file as well. (under site/start_page)

- name: mindshare  # <---- PLEASE MODIFY


- # Title will be visible on the page. 

- title: Mindshare Teams # <---- PLEASE MODIFY


- # If you don't plan to have multiple versions of the docs (for example, to document multiple versions of some software), you can ignore this field. Otherwise, change "master" to a specific version.

- version: master


- # We encourage you to name the index page as "index.adoc". If you absolutely have to use a different name, please reflect it here. You can ignore this field otherwise. 

- start_page: ROOT:index


- # This lists all the menu definitions of your component.

- #nav:

- #- modules/ROOT/nav.adoc

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ 

- = Mindshare Teams

- :page-layout: without_menu


- Mindshare Teams are focused on helping our community grow both the number of users and contributors. The teams in Mindshare are each focused on a different aspect of this goal.


- * xref:mindshare-committee:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora Mindshare Committee**] — The Mindshare Committee fosters communication amongst the Mindshare teams and helps facilitate Council strategy.


- * xref:commops:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora Community Operations (CommOps)**] — Community Operations (CommOps) provides tools, resources, and utilities for different sub-projects of Fedora to improve effective communication.


- * xref:fedora-docs:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora Documentation (Docs)**] — The group behind this very documentation site. Includes contributors' guidelines to Fedora Docs


- * xref:badges:ROOT:index.adoc[**Fedora Badges**] — The group behind Fedora Badges — a fun website built to recognize contributors to the Fedora Project, help new and existing Fedora contributors find different ways to get involved, and encourage the improvement of Fedora's infrastructure.

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 



- if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then

+ if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then

      # Running on macOS.

      # Let's assume that the user has the Docker CE installed

      # which doesn't require a root password.

      echo "The preview will be available at http://localhost:8080/"

-     docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/antora:ro -v $(pwd)/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro -p 8080:80 nginx

+     docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/antora:ro" -v "$(pwd)/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro" -p 8080:80 nginx


- elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then

+ elif [ "$(expr substr "$(uname -s)" 1 5)" = "Linux" ]; then

      # Running on Linux.

      # Fedora Workstation has python3 installed as a default, so using that

      echo ""

file removed
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ 

- site: 

-   title: Fedora Docs Site 

-   url: https://docs.fedoraproject.org

-   start_page: docs::index.adoc

- content:

-   branches: master

-   sources:

- ##### Translated sources #####


-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: cs/docs/master

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: cs/fedora/f28

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: cs/fedora/f29



- ##### Original sources #####

- # (Translated pieces are commented out)


- #  - url: .

- #    start_path: pages/homepage

-   - url: .

-     start_path: pages/engineering

-   - url: .

-     start_path: pages/mindshare

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-docs-home.git

-     branches:

-     - master

- #    - f29

- #    - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/install-guide.git

-     branches:

-     - master

- #    - f29

- #    - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/system-administrators-guide.git

-     branches:

-     - master

-     - f29

-     - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes.git

-     branches:

-     - master

- #    - f29

- #    - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/mentored-projects.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops.git

-     start_path: docs

-   - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs.git

-     start_path: council

-   - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs.git

-     start_path: project

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/modularity.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/silverblue.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/documentation-contributors-guide.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/flatpak.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/packaging-committee.git

-     start_path: guidelines

-   - url: https://pagure.io/mindshare.git

-     start_path: website

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fesco/fesco-docs.git

-     start_path: fesco

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-iot/iot-docs.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-badges.git

-     start_path: docs

- ui:

-   bundle:

-     url: https://asamalik.fedorapeople.org/ui-bundle.zip

-     snapshot: true

-   default_layout: with_menu

- output: 

-   clean: true 

-   dir: ./public/cs-CZ

-   destinations: 

-   - provider: archive 

- runtime:

-   pull: true

-   cache_dir: ./cache

- asciidoc:

-   extensions:

-   - ./lib/extensions/package-inline-macro.js

file removed
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ 

- site: 

-   title: Fedora Docs Site 

-   url: https://docs.fedoraproject.org

-   start_page: docs::index.adoc

- content:

-   branches: master

-   sources:

- ##### Translated sources #####


-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: fr/docs/master

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: fr/fedora/f28

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: fr/fedora/f29



- ##### Original sources #####

- # (Translated pieces are commented out)


- #  - url: .

- #    start_path: pages/homepage

-   - url: .

-     start_path: pages/engineering

-   - url: .

-     start_path: pages/mindshare

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-docs-home.git

-     branches:

-     - master

- #    - f29

- #    - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/install-guide.git

-     branches:

-     - master

- #    - f29

- #    - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/system-administrators-guide.git

-     branches:

-     - master

-     - f29

-     - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes.git

-     branches:

-     - master

- #    - f29

- #    - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/mentored-projects.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops.git

-     start_path: docs

-   - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs.git

-     start_path: council

-   - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs.git

-     start_path: project

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/modularity.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/silverblue.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/documentation-contributors-guide.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/flatpak.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/packaging-committee.git

-     start_path: guidelines

-   - url: https://pagure.io/mindshare.git

-     start_path: website

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fesco/fesco-docs.git

-     start_path: fesco

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-iot/iot-docs.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-badges.git

-     start_path: docs

- ui:

-   bundle:

-     url: https://asamalik.fedorapeople.org/ui-bundle.zip

-     snapshot: true

-   default_layout: with_menu

- output: 

-   clean: true 

-   dir: ./public/fr-FR

-   destinations: 

-   - provider: archive 

- runtime:

-   pull: true

-   cache_dir: ./cache

- asciidoc:

-   extensions:

-   - ./lib/extensions/package-inline-macro.js

file removed
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ 

- site: 

-   title: Fedora Docs Site 

-   url: https://docs.fedoraproject.org

-   start_page: docs::index.adoc

- content:

-   branches: master

-   sources:

- ##### Translated sources #####


-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: jp/docs/master

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: jp/fedora/f28

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/translated-sources.git

-     start_path: jp/fedora/f29



- ##### Original sources #####

- # (Translated pieces are commented out)


- #  - url: .

- #    start_path: pages/homepage

-   - url: .

-     start_path: pages/engineering

-   - url: .

-     start_path: pages/mindshare

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-docs-home.git

-     branches:

-     - master

- #    - f29

- #    - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/install-guide.git

-     branches:

-     - master

- #    - f29

- #    - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/system-administrators-guide.git

-     branches:

-     - master

-     - f29

-     - f28

-     - f27

-     - f26

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes.git

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- #    - f28

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file modified
+93 -11
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-   title: Fedora Docs Site

+   title: Fedora Docs

    url: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/

    start_page: docs::index.adoc


    branches: master


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-     start_path: pages/homepage

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-     start_path: pages/engineering

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o

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+     start_path: homepage

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/pages

+     start_path: engineering

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/pages

+     start_path: mindshare

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-docs-home.git


      - master

+     - f35

+     - f34

+     - f33

+     - f32

+     - f31

+     - f30

      - f29

      - f28

      - f27
@@ -21,6 +27,12 @@ 

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/install-guide.git


      - master

+     - f35

+     - f34

+     - f33

+     - f32

+     - f31

+     - f30

      - f29

      - f28

      - f27
@@ -28,6 +40,12 @@ 

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/system-administrators-guide.git


      - master

+     - f35

+     - f34

+     - f33

+     - f32

+     - f31

+     - f30

      - f29

      - f28

      - f27
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    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes.git


      - master

+     - f35

+     - f34

+     - f33

+     - f32

+     - f31

+     - f30

      - f29

      - f28

      - f27
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    - url: https://pagure.io/mentored-projects.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops.git

      start_path: docs

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-websites.git

+     start_path: docs

+     branches: main

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      start_path: council

+     branches: main

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      start_path: project

+     branches: stg

+   - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/status_reports.git

+     branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/modularity.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/package-maintainer-docs.git

    - url: https://github.com/fedora-silverblue/silverblue-docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-kde/kinoite-docs

+     branches: main

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    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/flatpak.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity.git
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+   - url: https://pagure.io/minimization.git

+   - url: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-docs.git

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+   - url: https://pagure.io/cpe/docs.git

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/qa-docs.git

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+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-pgm/pgm_docs.git

+     branches: main

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+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/fedora-join-docs.git

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+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-l10n/docs.git

+     branches: stg

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+   - url: https://pagure.io/i3-sig/docs.git

+   - url: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-accounts-docs.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/gaming/documentation.git

+     branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-server.git

+     branches: stg

+     start_path: docs

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-server.git

+     branches: stg

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+     branches: main

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+     branches: main



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+   - id: page-last-update

+     require: ./lib/extensions/page-last-update.js

+     enabled: true

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+   latest_version_segment: latest


@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ <!-- Add any HTML code to show at the top of each page — like a banner to a survey, some announcement, etc. Leave this file empty to not show anything-->

I tried to research and look for ways by which the fedora docs site could be more accessible to people with disabilities or difficulty in exploring and using the web. After much deliberation, I decided that a good option would be to add a "text to speech" button right there on the website, which would be available on all pages.

"Text to speech" would enable people with disabilities like dyslexia (a common learning difficulty that mainly causes problems with reading, writing, and spelling) to be able to access the data on each page of the fedora docs site easily.

I also thought it'd be great to add a "what's new" button at the top right of the site to enable users easily access information on new updates, new developments, upcoming events, and the latest fedora software.
Below is a link to an interactive prototype page showing the "speech to text" and "what's new" interactions


To be able to interact with the page;
- hover on the "what's new" icon at the top right corner
- Click on the "text to speech" icon at the top right corner to open the options and click anywhere on the screen to exit the options.

Why are you submitting the same PR in multiple places?

I like the idea of increasing the accessibility. How would the "text to speech" work on the page? Is that something that most browsers support or would it require an external screen reader application?

How do you envision "what's new" working? Is that something we'd have to manually curate? I like the general idea, but I don't see how it would work in practice.