#180 Fedora Websites: Swap git repositories used for source content
Merged 2 years ago by jflory7. Opened 2 years ago by jflory7.
fedora-docs/ jflory7/docs-fp-o change/websites-src-docs  into  prod

file modified
+3 -1
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ 

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops.git

      start_path: docs

      branches: main

+   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-websites.git

+     start_path: docs

+     branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs.git

      start_path: council

      branches: main
@@ -108,7 +111,6 @@ 

      branches: main

    - url: https://pagure.io/cpe/rawhide-gating-docs.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/cpe/docs.git

-   - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/websites.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/qa-docs.git

    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-pgm/pgm_docs.git

      branches: main

This commit corresponds with the following Fedora W&A docs Pull Request:


Once the above Pull Request is merged, the updated content for the
Fedora Websites & Apps team can be sourced from that repository, and the
old repository may be retired. This Pull Request makes the change to
Fedora's Antora config so the documentation will be served from the
expected place.

Do NOT merge this Pull Request/commit before the above Pull Request
is merged.

CC'ing all the folks included in previous communication about this change:

@mohanboddu @ryanlerch @codeblock @t0xic0der @pbokoc @robyduck @thunderbirdtr @mattdm @riecatnor @ramyaparimi @lilyx @misc

rebased onto 890129a

2 years ago

fedora-websites#1113 is now merged. I rebased this PR on latest prod commits. I am merging this in for the next site rebuild. :clapper:

Pull-Request has been merged by jflory7

2 years ago