#172 Nest Banner Add
Merged 3 years ago by asamalik. Opened 3 years ago by lilyx.
Unknown source prod  into  prod

empty or binary file added
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@

- <!-- Add any HTML code to show at the top of each page — like a banner to a survey, some announcement, etc. Leave this file empty to not show anything--> 

\ No newline at end of file

+ <!-- Add any HTML code to show at the top of each page — like a banner to a survey, some announcement, etc. Leave this file empty to not show anything-->

+ <div style=" background-color: #dedede; padding: 10px 0; text-align: center;">

+ <a href="https://hopin.com/events/nest-with-fedora-2021">

+ <img src="{{uiRootPath}}/img/nest-banner.jpg" alt="Fedora Nest Banner" style="max-width: 832px; width: 100%">

+ </a>

+ </div> 

\ No newline at end of file

Added nest banner to docs page using same styling as was done with the survey banner last month.

Pull-Request has been merged by asamalik

3 years ago