#10 css: Add padding around Fedora logo
Closed 6 years ago by bex. Opened 6 years ago by sanqui.
fedora-docs/ sanqui/docs-fp-o master  into  master

empty or binary file added
file added
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="12.52" height="12.52"><rect width="1.688" height="16.018" x="-.844" y=".844" transform="rotate(-45)" fill="#555"/><rect width="1.688" height="16.018" x="8.009" y="-8.009" transform="rotate(45)" fill="#555"/></svg> 

\ No newline at end of file

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="27" height="16"><path fill="#D3E3F4" d="M0 0h11.876v16h-11.876v-16z"/><path fill="#E9E9E9" d="M12.819 0v15.969h10.755c1.085-2.578 1.837-4.991 3.062-8.591l-3.062-7.378h-10.755z"/><path fill="#434343" d="M14.828 4.146c.32.023.639.035.951.035.471 0 .922-.016 1.354-.046l.023-.258.034-.367.081-.711.033-.333.873.058c-.073.577-.133 1.091-.179 1.542 1.116-.119 2.233-.331 3.349-.637l.092.809c-1.078.271-2.251.472-3.521.602-.05.463-.082.968-.098 1.514.524-.187 1.14-.313 1.847-.378.064-.207.136-.461.213-.763l.865.201c-.027.123-.088.315-.184.579.814.104 1.461.34 1.938.711.681.542 1.021 1.252 1.021 2.128 0 .963-.406 1.746-1.221 2.351-.635.47-1.505.784-2.609.94l-.505-.779c.968-.104 1.739-.337 2.317-.7.733-.458 1.101-1.066 1.101-1.823 0-.772-.341-1.363-1.021-1.772-.345-.21-.764-.344-1.256-.401-.604 1.422-1.4 2.598-2.387 3.527.035.352.102.715.201 1.09l-.849.314-.126-.773c-.654.462-1.27.693-1.847.693-.696 0-1.044-.407-1.044-1.222 0-1.104.591-2.103 1.771-2.993.227-.165.532-.352.918-.562.012-.524.046-1.128.104-1.812-.585.046-1.143.069-1.675.069l-.493-.011-.071-.822m2.127 3.384c-.268.161-.545.392-.831.694-.612.619-.94 1.226-.986 1.817l-. .252.112.378.339.378.492 0 1.02-.258 1.582-.773-.057-.613-.092-1.404-.104-2.375m2.455-.884c-.57.08-1.111.226-1.623.436 0 .883.018 1.581.052 2.093.634-.707 1.158-1.55 1.571-2.529"/><path fill="#1A1A1A" d="M8.517 11.735l-.734-2.409h-3.69l-.734 2.409h-2.313l3.573-10.165h2.625l3.587 10.165h-2.314m-1.246-4.21c-.679-2.183-1.062-3.418-1.149-3.704-.083-.286-.143-.512-.18-.678-.153.59-.589 2.051-1.309 4.382h2.638"/><path fill="#BCBCBC" d="M12.817 13.5v2.5h10.757l.98-2.5h-11.737z"/><path fill="#3692D0" d="M.011 13.511h3.569l2.367-3.116 2.367 3.116h3.57v2.484h-11.873v-2.484z"/></svg> 

\ No newline at end of file

empty or binary file added
file added
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ 

+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+ <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="Layer_1">

+     <path d="M16.4 16.4c1-1.2 1.6-2.7 1.6-4.4 0-3.9-3.1-7-7-7s-7 3.1-7 7 3.1 7 7 7c1.2 0 2.3-.3 3.2-.8L17 21c1.4 1.4 2.5 1.5 4 0l-4.6-4.6zM6 12c0-2.8 2.2-5 5-5s5 2.2 5 5-2.2 5-5 5-5-2.3-5-5z" id="path3" fill="#555"/>

+ </svg>

@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ 

+ /**

+  * Universal Language Selector

+  * ULS core component.

+  *

+  * Copyright (C) 2012 Alolita Sharma, Amir Aharoni, Arun Ganesh, Brandon Harris,

+  * Niklas Laxström, Pau Giner, Santhosh Thottingal, Siebrand Mazeland and other

+  * contributors. See CREDITS for a list.

+  *

+  * UniversalLanguageSelector is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't

+  * have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't

+  * have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use

+  * UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright

+  * header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.

+  *

+  * @file

+  * @ingroup Extensions

+  * @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later

+  * @licence MIT License

+  */


+ ( function ( $ ) {

+ 	'use strict';


+ 	var template, ULS;


+ 	// Region numbers in id attributes also appear in the langdb.

+ 	/*jshint multistr:true */

+ 	template = '<div class="grid uls-menu"> \

+ 			<div id="search" class="row uls-search"> \

+ 				<div class="uls-search-wrapper"> \

+ 					<label class="uls-search-label" for="uls-languagefilter"></label>\

+ 					<div class="uls-search-input-wrapper">\

+ 						<span id="uls-languagefilter-clear" class="uls-languagefilter-clear"></span>\

+ 						<input type="text" class="uls-filterinput uls-filtersuggestion"\

+ 							id="uls-filtersuggestion" disabled="true" autocomplete="off">\

+ 						<input type="text" class="uls-filterinput uls-languagefilter"\

+ 							id="uls-languagefilter" data-clear="uls-languagefilter-clear"\

+ 							data-suggestion="uls-filtersuggestion"\

+ 							placeholder="Search for a language" autocomplete="off">\

+ 					</div>\

+ 				</div>\

+ 			</div>\

+ 			<div class="row uls-language-list"></div>\

+ 			<div class="row" id="uls-settings-block"></div>\

+ 		</div>';

+ 	/*jshint multistr:false */


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Count the number of keys in an object.

+ 	 * Works in a cross-browser way.

+ 	 * @param {Object} The object.

+ 	 */

+ 	function objectLength ( obj ) {

+ 		var count, key;


+ 		// Some old browsers don't support Object.keys

+ 		if ( Object.keys ) {

+ 			return Object.keys( obj ).length;

+ 		}


+ 		count = 0;


+ 		for ( key in obj ) {

+ 			if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( obj, key ) ) {

+ 				count++;

+ 			}

+ 		}


+ 		return count;

+ 	}


+ 	/**

+ 	 * ULS Public class definition

+ 	 */

+ 	ULS = function ( element, options ) {

+ 		this.$element = $( element );

+ 		this.options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.uls.defaults, options );

+ 		this.$menu = $( template );

+ 		this.languages = this.options.languages;


+ 		for ( var code in this.languages ) {

+ 			if ( $.uls.data.languages[ code ] === undefined ) {

+ 				// Language is unknown to ULS.

+ 				delete this.languages[ code ];

+ 			}

+ 		}


+ 		this.left = this.options.left;

+ 		this.top = this.options.top;

+ 		this.shown = false;

+ 		this.initialized = false;


+ 		this.$languageFilter = this.$menu.find( '#uls-languagefilter' );

+ 		this.$resultsView = this.$menu.find( '.uls-language-list' );


+ 		this.render();

+ 		this.listen();

+ 		this.ready();

+ 	};


+ 	ULS.prototype = {

+ 		constructor: ULS,


+ 		/**

+ 		 * A "hook" that runs after the ULS constructor.

+ 		 * At this point it is not guaranteed that the ULS has its dimensions

+ 		 * and that the languages lists are initialized.

+ 		 *

+ 		 * To use it, pass a function as the onReady parameter

+ 		 * in the options when initializing ULS.

+ 		 */

+ 		ready: function () {

+ 			if ( this.options.onReady ) {

+ 				this.options.onReady.call( this );

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * A "hook" that runs after the ULS panel becomes visible

+ 		 * by using the show method.

+ 		 *

+ 		 * To use it, pass a function as the onVisible parameter

+ 		 * in the options when initializing ULS.

+ 		 */

+ 		visible: function () {

+ 			if ( this.options.onVisible ) {

+ 				this.options.onVisible.call( this );

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Calculate the position of ULS

+ 		 * Returns an object with top and left properties.

+ 		 * @returns {Object}

+ 		 */

+ 		position: function () {

+ 			var pos,

+ 				top = this.top,

+ 				left = this.left;


+ 			if ( top === undefined ) {

+ 				pos = $.extend( {}, this.$element.offset(), {

+ 					height: this.$element[ 0 ].offsetHeight

+ 				} );

+ 				top =  pos.top + pos.height;

+ 			}


+ 			if ( left === undefined ) {

+ 				left = $( window ).width() / 2 - this.$menu.outerWidth() / 2;

+ 			}



+ 			return {

+ 				top: top,

+ 				left: left

+ 			};

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Show the ULS window

+ 		 */

+ 		show: function () {

+ 			var widthClasses = {

+ 				wide: 'uls-wide',

+ 				medium: 'uls-medium',

+ 				narrow: 'uls-narrow'

+ 			};


+ 			this.$menu.addClass( widthClasses[this.getMenuWidth()] );


+ 			if ( !this.initialized ) {

+ 				$( 'body' ).prepend( this.$menu );

+ 				this.i18n();

+ 				this.initialized = true;

+ 			}


+ 			this.$menu.css( this.position() );

+ 			this.$menu.show();

+ 			this.$menu.scrollIntoView();

+ 			this.shown = true;


+ 			if ( !this.isMobile() ) {

+ 				this.$languageFilter.focus();

+ 			}


+ 			this.visible();

+ 		},


+ 		i18n: function () {

+ 			if ( $.i18n ) {

+ 				this.$menu.find( '[data-i18n]' ).i18n();

+ 				this.$languageFilter.prop( 'placeholder', $.i18n( 'uls-search-placeholder' ) );

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Hide the ULS window

+ 		 */

+ 		hide: function () {

+ 			this.$menu.hide();

+ 			this.shown = false;


+ 			if ( this.options.onCancel ) {

+ 				this.options.onCancel.call( this );

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Render the UI elements.

+ 		 * Does nothing by default. Can be used for customization.

+ 		 */

+ 		render: function () {

+ 			// Rendering stuff here

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Callback for no results found context.

+ 		 */

+ 		noresults: function () {

+ 			this.$resultsView.lcd( 'noResults' );

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * callback for results found context.

+ 		 */

+ 		success: function () {

+ 			this.$resultsView.show();

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Bind the UI elements with their event listeners

+ 		 */

+ 		listen: function () {

+ 			var lcd, columnsOptions, languagesCount;


+ 			columnsOptions = {

+ 				wide: 4,

+ 				medium: 2,

+ 				narrow: 1

+ 			};


+ 			// Register all event listeners to the ULS here.

+ 			this.$element.on( 'click', $.proxy( this.click, this ) );


+ 			// Don't do anything if pressing on empty space in the ULS

+ 			this.$menu.on( 'click', function ( e ) {

+ 				e.stopPropagation();

+ 			} );


+ 			// Handle key press events on the menu

+ 			this.$menu.on( 'keypress', $.proxy( this.keypress, this ) )

+ 				.on( 'keyup', $.proxy( this.keyup, this ) );


+ 			if ( this.eventSupported( 'keydown' ) ) {

+ 				this.$menu.on( 'keydown', $.proxy( this.keypress, this ) );

+ 			}


+ 			languagesCount = objectLength( this.options.languages );

+ 			lcd = this.$resultsView.lcd( {

+ 				languages: this.languages,

+ 				columns: columnsOptions[ this.getMenuWidth() ],


+ 				quickList: languagesCount > 12 ? this.options.quickList : [],

+ 				clickhandler: $.proxy( this.select, this ),

+ 				source: this.$languageFilter,

+ 				showRegions: this.options.showRegions,

+ 				languageDecorator: this.options.languageDecorator

+ 			} ).data( 'lcd' );


+ 			this.$languageFilter.languagefilter( {

+ 				$target: lcd,

+ 				languages: this.languages,

+ 				searchAPI: this.options.searchAPI,

+ 				onSelect: $.proxy( this.select, this )

+ 			} );


+ 			this.$languageFilter.on( 'noresults.uls', $.proxy( this.noresults, this ) );

+ 			this.$languageFilter.on( 'resultsfound.uls', $.proxy( this.success, this ) );


+ 			$( 'html' ).click( $.proxy( this.cancel, this ) );

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * On select handler for search results

+ 		 * @param langCode

+ 		 */

+ 		select: function ( langCode ) {

+ 			this.hide();

+ 			if ( this.options.onSelect ) {

+ 				this.options.onSelect.call( this, langCode );

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * On cancel handler for the uls menu

+ 		 */

+ 		cancel: function ( e ) {

+ 			if ( e && ( this.$element.is( e.target ) || $.contains( this.$element[0], e.target ) ) ) {

+ 				return;

+ 			}


+ 			this.hide();

+ 		},


+ 		keyup: function ( e ) {

+ 			if ( !this.shown ) {

+ 				return;

+ 			}


+ 			if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) { // escape

+ 				this.cancel();

+ 				e.preventDefault();

+ 				e.stopPropagation();

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		keypress: function ( e ) {

+ 			if ( !this.shown ) {

+ 				return;

+ 			}


+ 			if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) { // escape

+ 				this.cancel();

+ 				e.preventDefault();

+ 				e.stopPropagation();

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		click: function () {

+ 			if ( this.shown ) {

+ 				this.hide();

+ 			} else {

+ 				this.show();

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		eventSupported: function ( eventName ) {

+ 			var isSupported = eventName in this.$menu;


+ 			if ( !isSupported ) {

+ 				this.$element.setAttribute( eventName, 'return;' );

+ 				isSupported = typeof this.$element[ eventName ] === 'function';

+ 			}


+ 			return isSupported;

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Get the panel menu width parameter

+ 		 * @return string

+ 		 */

+ 		getMenuWidth: function () {

+ 			var languagesCount;


+ 			if ( this.options.menuWidth ) {

+ 				return this.options.menuWidth;

+ 			}


+ 			languagesCount = objectLength( this.options.languages );


+ 			if ( languagesCount < 25 ) {

+ 				return 'narrow';

+ 			}


+ 			if ( languagesCount < 100 ) {

+ 				return 'medium';

+ 			}


+ 			return 'wide';

+ 		},


+ 		isMobile: function () {

+ 			return navigator.userAgent.match( /(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry)/ );

+ 		}

+ 	};



+ 	 * =========================== */


+ 	$.fn.uls = function ( option ) {

+ 		return this.each( function () {

+ 			var $this = $( this ),

+ 				data = $this.data( 'uls' ),

+ 				options = typeof option === 'object' && option;


+ 			if ( !data ) {

+ 				$this.data( 'uls', ( data = new ULS( this, options ) ) );

+ 			}


+ 			if ( typeof option === 'string' ) {

+ 				data[ option ]();

+ 			}

+ 		} );

+ 	};


+ 	$.fn.uls.defaults = {

+ 		onSelect: null, // Callback function to be called when a language is selected

+ 		searchAPI: null, // Language search API

+ 		languages: $.uls.data.getAutonyms(), // Languages to be used for ULS, default is all languages

+ 		quickList: [], // Array of language codes or function that returns such

+ 		// The options are wide (4 columns), medium (2 columns), and narrow (1 column).

+ 		// If not specified, it will be set automatically.

+ 		menuWidth: null,

+ 		showRegions: [ 'WW', 'AM', 'EU', 'ME', 'AF', 'AS', 'PA' ],

+ 		languageDecorator: null // Callback function to be called when a language link is prepared - for custom decoration.

+ 	};


+ 	// Define a dummy i18n function, if jquery.i18n not integrated.

+ 	if ( !$.fn.i18n ) {

+ 		$.fn.i18n = function () {};

+ 	}


+ 	/*

+ 	 * Simple scrollIntoView plugin.

+ 	 * Scrolls the element to the viewport smoothly if it is not already.

+ 	 */

+ 	$.fn.scrollIntoView = function () {

+ 		return this.each( function () {

+ 			var scrollPosition,

+ 				$window = $( window ),

+ 				windowHeight = $window.height(),

+ 				windowTop = $window.scrollTop(),

+ 				windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight,

+ 				$element = $( this ),

+ 				panelHeight = $element.height(),

+ 				panelTop = $element.offset().top,

+ 				panelBottom = panelTop + panelHeight;


+ 			if ( ( panelTop < windowTop ) || ( panelBottom > windowBottom ) ) {

+ 				if ( windowTop > panelTop ) {

+ 					scrollPosition = panelTop;

+ 				} else {

+ 					scrollPosition = panelBottom - windowHeight;

+ 				}

+ 				$( 'html, body' ).stop().animate( {

+ 					scrollTop: scrollPosition

+ 				}, 500 );

+ 			}

+ 		} );

+ 	};


+ 	$.fn.uls.Constructor = ULS;

+ }( jQuery ) );

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ 

+ // Please do not edit. This file is generated from data/langdb.yaml by ulsdata2json.php

+ ( function ( $ ) {

+ 	'use strict';

+ 	$.uls = $.uls || {};

+ 	//noinspection JSHint

+ 	$.uls.data = {"languages":{"aa":["Latn",["AF"],"Qafár af"],"ab":["Cyrl",["EU"],"Аҧсшәа"],"abs":["Latn",["AS"],"Bahasa Ambon"],"ace":["Latn",["AS","PA"],"Acèh"],"acf":["Latn",["AM"],"kwéyòl"],"ady":["Cyrl",["EU","ME"],"Адыгабзэ"],"ady-cyrl":["ady"],"ady-latn":["Latn",["EU","ME"],"Adygabze"],"aeb":["aeb-arab"],"aeb-arab":["Arab",["AF"],"تونسي"],"aeb-latn":["Latn",["AF"],"Tûnsî"],"af":["Latn",["AF"],"Afrikaans"],"ahr":["Deva",["AS"],"अहिराणी"],"ais":["Latn",["AS"],"Sakizaya"],"ak":["Latn",["AF"],"Akan"],"akz":["Latn",["AM"],"Albaamo 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+ } ( jQuery ) );

@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ 

+ /**

+  * Utility functions for querying language data.

+  *

+  * Copyright (C) 2012 Alolita Sharma, Amir Aharoni, Arun Ganesh, Brandon Harris,

+  * Niklas Laxström, Pau Giner, Santhosh Thottingal, Siebrand Mazeland and other

+  * contributors. See CREDITS for a list.

+  *

+  * UniversalLanguageSelector is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't

+  * have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't

+  * have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use

+  * UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright

+  * header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.

+  *

+  * @file

+  * @ingroup Extensions

+  * @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later

+  * @licence MIT License

+  */


+ ( function ( $ ) {

+ 	'use strict';


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Is this language a redirect to another language?

+ 	 * @param language string Language code

+ 	 * @return Target language code if it's a redirect or false if it's not

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.isRedirect = function ( language ) {

+ 		return ( $.uls.data.languages[language] !== undefined &&

+ 			$.uls.data.languages[language].length === 1 ) ? $.uls.data.languages[language][0] : false;

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns the script of the language.

+ 	 * @param language string Language code

+ 	 * @return string

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getScript = function ( language ) {

+ 		var target = $.uls.data.isRedirect( language );


+ 		if ( target ) {

+ 			return $.uls.data.getScript( target );

+ 		}


+ 		if ( !$.uls.data.languages[language] ) {

+ 			// Undetermined

+ 			return 'Zyyy';

+ 		}


+ 		return $.uls.data.languages[language][0];

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns the regions in which a language is spoken.

+ 	 * @param language string Language code

+ 	 * @return array|string 'UNKNOWN'

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getRegions = function ( language ) {

+ 		var target = $.uls.data.isRedirect( language );


+ 		if ( target ) {

+ 			return $.uls.data.getRegions( target );

+ 		}


+ 		return ( $.uls.data.languages[language] && $.uls.data.languages[language][1] ) || 'UNKNOWN';

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns the autonym of the language.

+ 	 * @param language string Language code

+ 	 * @return string

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getAutonym = function ( language ) {

+ 		var target = $.uls.data.isRedirect( language );


+ 		if ( target ) {

+ 			return $.uls.data.getAutonym( target );

+ 		}


+ 		return ( $.uls.data.languages[language] && $.uls.data.languages[language][2] ) || language;

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns all language codes and corresponding autonyms

+ 	 * @return array

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getAutonyms = function () {

+ 		var language,

+ 			autonymsByCode = {};


+ 		for ( language in $.uls.data.languages ) {

+ 			if ( $.uls.data.isRedirect( language ) ) {

+ 				continue;

+ 			}


+ 			autonymsByCode[language] = $.uls.data.getAutonym( language );

+ 		}


+ 		return autonymsByCode;

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns all languages written in script.

+ 	 * @param script string

+ 	 * @return array of strings (languages codes)

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getLanguagesInScript = function ( script ) {

+ 		return $.uls.data.getLanguagesInScripts( [ script ] );

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns all languages written in the given scripts.

+ 	 * @param scripts array of strings

+ 	 * @return array of strings (languages codes)

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getLanguagesInScripts = function ( scripts ) {

+ 		var language, i,

+ 			languagesInScripts = [];


+ 		for ( language in $.uls.data.languages ) {

+ 			if ( $.uls.data.isRedirect( language ) ) {

+ 				continue;

+ 			}


+ 			for ( i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++ ) {

+ 				if ( scripts[i] === $.uls.data.getScript( language ) ) {

+ 					languagesInScripts.push( language );

+ 					break;

+ 				}

+ 			}

+ 		}


+ 		return languagesInScripts;

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns an associative array of languages in a region,

+ 	 * grouped by script group.

+ 	 * @param region string Region code

+ 	 * @return associative array

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getLanguagesByScriptGroupInRegion = function ( region ) {

+ 		return $.uls.data.getLanguagesByScriptGroupInRegions( [ region ] );

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Get the given list of languages grouped by script.

+ 	 * @param languages Array of language codes

+ 	 * @return {Object} Array of languages indexed by script codes

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getLanguagesByScriptGroup = function ( languages ) {

+ 		var languagesByScriptGroup = {},

+ 			language, resolvedRedirect, langScriptGroup;


+ 		for ( language in languages ) {

+ 			resolvedRedirect = $.uls.data.isRedirect( language ) || language;


+ 			langScriptGroup = $.uls.data.getScriptGroupOfLanguage( resolvedRedirect );


+ 			if ( !languagesByScriptGroup[langScriptGroup] ) {

+ 				languagesByScriptGroup[langScriptGroup] = [];

+ 			}


+ 			languagesByScriptGroup[langScriptGroup].push( language );

+ 		}


+ 		return languagesByScriptGroup;

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns an associative array of languages in several regions,

+ 	 * grouped by script group.

+ 	 * @param regions array of strings - region codes

+ 	 * @return associative array

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getLanguagesByScriptGroupInRegions = function ( regions ) {

+ 		var language, i, scriptGroup,

+ 			languagesByScriptGroupInRegions = {};


+ 		for ( language in $.uls.data.languages ) {

+ 			if ( $.uls.data.isRedirect( language ) ) {

+ 				continue;

+ 			}


+ 			for ( i = 0; i < regions.length; i++ ) {

+ 				if ( $.inArray( regions[i], $.uls.data.getRegions( language ) ) !== -1 ) {

+ 					scriptGroup = $.uls.data.getScriptGroupOfLanguage( language );


+ 					if ( languagesByScriptGroupInRegions[scriptGroup] === undefined ) {

+ 						languagesByScriptGroupInRegions[scriptGroup] = [];

+ 					}


+ 					languagesByScriptGroupInRegions[scriptGroup].push( language );

+ 					break;

+ 				}

+ 			}

+ 		}


+ 		return languagesByScriptGroupInRegions;

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns the script group of a script or 'Other' if it doesn't

+ 	 * belong to any group.

+ 	 * @param script string Script code

+ 	 * @return string script group name

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getGroupOfScript = function ( script ) {

+ 		var scriptGroup;


+ 		for ( scriptGroup in $.uls.data.scriptgroups ) {

+ 			if ( $.inArray( script, $.uls.data.scriptgroups[scriptGroup] ) !== -1 ) {

+ 				return scriptGroup;

+ 			}

+ 		}


+ 		return 'Other';

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns the script group of a language.

+ 	 * @param language string Language code

+ 	 * @return string script group name

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getScriptGroupOfLanguage = function ( language ) {

+ 		return $.uls.data.getGroupOfScript( $.uls.data.getScript( language ) );

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * A callback for sorting languages by autonym.

+ 	 * Can be used as an argument to a sort function.

+ 	 * @param a string Language code

+ 	 * @param b string Language code

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.sortByAutonym = function ( a, b ) {

+ 		var autonymA = $.uls.data.getAutonym( a ) || a,

+ 			autonymB = $.uls.data.getAutonym( b ) || b;


+ 		return ( autonymA.toLowerCase() < autonymB.toLowerCase() ) ? -1 : 1;

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Check if a language is right-to-left.

+ 	 * @param language string Language code

+ 	 * @return boolean

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.isRtl = function ( language ) {

+ 		return $.inArray( $.uls.data.getScript( language ), $.uls.data.rtlscripts ) !== -1;

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Return the direction of the language

+ 	 * @param language string Language code

+ 	 * @return string

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getDir = function ( language ) {

+ 		return $.uls.data.isRtl( language ) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Returns the languages spoken in a territory.

+ 	 * @param territory string Territory code

+ 	 * @return list of language codes

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.getLanguagesInTerritory = function ( territory ) {

+ 		return $.uls.data.territories[territory];

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Adds a language in run time and sets its options as provided.

+ 	 * If the target option is provided, the language is defined as a redirect.

+ 	 * Other possible options are script, regions and autonym.

+ 	 *

+ 	 * @param code string New language code.

+ 	 * @param options Object Language properties.

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.addLanguage = function( code, options ) {

+ 		if ( options.target ) {

+ 			$.uls.data.languages[code] = [options.target];

+ 		} else {

+ 			$.uls.data.languages[code] = [options.script, options.regions, options.autonym];

+ 		}

+ 	};


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Removes a language from the langdb in run time.

+ 	 *

+ 	 * @param code string Language code to delete.

+ 	 * @return true if the language was removed, false otherwise.

+ 	 */

+ 	$.uls.data.deleteLanguage = function( code ) {

+ 		if ( $.uls.data.languages[code] ) {

+ 			delete $.uls.data.languages[code];


+ 			return true;

+ 		}


+ 		return false;

+ 	};

+ } ( jQuery ) );

@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@ 

+ /**

+  * jQuery language filter plugin.

+  *

+  * Copyright (C) 2012 Alolita Sharma, Amir Aharoni, Arun Ganesh, Brandon Harris,

+  * Niklas Laxström, Pau Giner, Santhosh Thottingal, Siebrand Mazeland and other

+  * contributors. See CREDITS for a list.

+  *

+  * UniversalLanguageSelector is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't

+  * have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't

+  * have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use

+  * UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright

+  * header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.

+  *

+  * @file

+  * @ingroup Extensions

+  * @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later

+  * @licence MIT License

+  */


+ /**

+  * Usage: $( 'inputbox' ).languagefilter();

+  * The values for autocompletion is from the options.languages.

+  * The data is in the format of languagecode:languagename.

+  */

+ ( function ( $ ) {

+ 	'use strict';


+ 	var LanguageFilter, delay;


+ 	LanguageFilter = function ( element, options ) {

+ 		this.$element = $( element );

+ 		this.options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.languagefilter.defaults, options );

+ 		this.$element.addClass( 'languagefilter' );

+ 		this.resultCount = 0;

+ 		this.$suggestion = this.$element.parents().find( '#' + this.$element.data( 'suggestion' ) );

+ 		this.$clear = this.$element.parents().find( '#' + this.$element.data( 'clear' ) );

+ 		this.selectedLanguage = null;

+ 		this.init();

+ 		this.listen();

+ 	};


+ 	delay = ( function () {

+ 		var timer = 0;


+ 		return function ( callback, milliseconds ) {

+ 			clearTimeout( timer );

+ 			timer = setTimeout( callback, milliseconds );

+ 		};

+ 	}() );


+ 	LanguageFilter.prototype = {

+ 		init: function () {

+ 			this.search();

+ 		},


+ 		listen: function () {

+ 			this.$element.on( 'keypress', $.proxy( this.keyup, this ) )

+ 				.on( 'keyup', $.proxy( this.keyup, this ) );


+ 			if ( this.eventSupported( 'keydown' ) ) {

+ 				this.$element.on( 'keydown', $.proxy( this.keyup, this ) );

+ 			}


+ 			if ( this.$clear.length ) {

+ 				this.$clear.on( 'click', $.proxy( this.clear, this ) );

+ 			}


+ 			this.toggleClear();

+ 		},


+ 		keyup: function ( e ) {

+ 			var suggestion, query, languageFilter;


+ 			switch ( e.keyCode ) {

+ 			case 9: // Tab -> Autocomplete

+ 				suggestion = this.$suggestion.val();


+ 				if ( suggestion && suggestion !== this.$element.val() ) {

+ 					this.$element.val( suggestion );

+ 					e.preventDefault();

+ 					e.stopPropagation();

+ 				}

+ 				break;

+ 			case 13: // Enter

+ 				if ( !this.options.onSelect ) {

+ 					break;

+ 				}


+ 				// Avoid bubbling this 'enter' to background page elements

+ 				e.preventDefault();

+ 				e.stopPropagation();


+ 				query = $.trim( this.$element.val() ).toLowerCase();


+ 				if ( this.selectedLanguage ) {

+ 					// this.selectLanguage will be populated from a matching search

+ 					this.options.onSelect( this.selectedLanguage );

+ 				} else if ( this.options.languages[ query ] ) {

+ 					// Search is yet to happen (in timeout delay),

+ 					// but we have a matching language code.

+ 					this.options.onSelect( query );

+ 				}


+ 				break;

+ 			default:

+ 				languageFilter = this;


+ 				if ( e.which < 32 &&

+ 					e.which !== 8 // Backspace

+ 				) {

+ 					// ignore any ASCII control characters

+ 					break;

+ 				}


+ 				this.selectedLanguage = null;


+ 				delay( function () {

+ 					if ( !languageFilter.$element.val() ) {

+ 						languageFilter.clear();

+ 					} else {

+ 						languageFilter.options.$target.empty();

+ 						languageFilter.search();

+ 					}

+ 				}, 300 );


+ 				this.toggleClear();

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Clears the current search removing

+ 		 * clear buttons and suggestions.

+ 		 */

+ 		deactivate: function () {

+ 			this.$element.val( '' );


+ 			if ( !$.fn.uls.Constructor.prototype.isMobile() ) {

+ 				this.$element.focus();

+ 			}


+ 			this.toggleClear();

+ 			this.autofill();

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Clears the search and shows all languages

+ 		 */

+ 		clear: function () {

+ 			this.deactivate();

+ 			this.search();

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Toggles the visibility of clear icon depending

+ 		 * on whether there is anything to clear.

+ 		 */

+ 		toggleClear: function () {

+ 			if ( !this.$clear.length ) {

+ 				return;

+ 			}


+ 			if ( this.$element.val() ) {

+ 				this.$clear.show();

+ 			} else {

+ 				this.$clear.hide();

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		search: function () {

+ 			var langCode, scriptGroup, langNum, languagesInScript,

+ 				languages = $.uls.data.getLanguagesByScriptGroup( this.options.languages ),

+ 				query = $.trim( this.$element.val() );


+ 			this.resultCount = 0;

+ 			for ( scriptGroup in languages ) {

+ 				languagesInScript = languages[ scriptGroup ];

+ 				languagesInScript.sort( $.uls.data.sortByAutonym );

+ 				for ( langNum = 0; langNum < languagesInScript.length; langNum++ ) {

+ 					langCode = languagesInScript[ langNum ];

+ 					if ( query === '' || this.filter( langCode, query ) ) {

+ 						if ( this.resultCount === 0 ) {

+ 							// Autofill the first result.

+ 							this.autofill( langCode );

+ 						}


+ 						if ( query.toLowerCase() === langCode ) {

+ 							this.selectedLanguage = langCode;

+ 						}


+ 						if ( this.render( langCode ) ) {

+ 							this.resultCount++;

+ 						}

+ 					}

+ 				}

+ 			}


+ 			// Also do a search by search API

+ 			if ( !this.resultCount && this.options.searchAPI && query ) {

+ 				this.searchAPI( query );

+ 			} else {

+ 				this.resultHandler( query );

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		searchAPI: function ( query ) {

+ 			var languageFilter = this;


+ 			$.get( languageFilter.options.searchAPI, {

+ 				search: query

+ 			}, function ( result ) {

+ 				$.each( result.languagesearch, function ( code, name ) {

+ 					if ( languageFilter.resultCount === 0 ) {

+ 						// Autofill the first result.

+ 						languageFilter.autofill( code, name );

+ 					}


+ 					if ( languageFilter.options.languages[ code ] &&

+ 						languageFilter.render( code )

+ 					) {

+ 						languageFilter.resultCount++;

+ 					}

+ 				} );


+ 				languageFilter.resultHandler( query );

+ 			} );

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Handler method to be called once search is over.

+ 		 * Based on search result triggers resultsfound or noresults events

+ 		 * @param query string

+ 		 */

+ 		resultHandler: function ( query ) {

+ 			if ( this.resultCount === 0 ) {

+ 				this.$suggestion.val( '' );

+ 				this.$element.trigger( 'noresults.uls', query );

+ 			} else {

+ 				this.$element.trigger( 'resultsfound.uls', [ query, this.resultCount ] );

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		autofill: function ( langCode, languageName ) {

+ 			var autonym, userInput, suggestion;


+ 			if ( !this.$suggestion.length ) {

+ 				return;

+ 			}


+ 			if ( !this.$element.val() ) {

+ 				this.$suggestion.val( '' );

+ 				return;

+ 			}


+ 			this.selectedLanguage = langCode;

+ 			languageName = languageName || this.options.languages[ langCode ];


+ 			if ( !languageName ) {

+ 				return;

+ 			}


+ 			userInput = this.$element.val();

+ 			suggestion = userInput + languageName.substring( userInput.length, languageName.length );


+ 			if ( suggestion.toLowerCase() !== languageName.toLowerCase() ) {

+ 				// see if it was autonym match

+ 				autonym = $.uls.data.getAutonym( langCode ) || '';

+ 				suggestion = userInput + autonym.substring( userInput.length, autonym.length );


+ 				if ( suggestion !== autonym ) {

+ 					// Give up. It may be an ISO/script code match.

+ 					suggestion = '';

+ 				}

+ 			}


+ 			// Make sure that it is a visual prefix.

+ 			if ( !isVisualPrefix( userInput, suggestion ) ) {

+ 				suggestion = '';

+ 			}


+ 			this.$suggestion.val( suggestion );

+ 		},


+ 		render: function ( langCode ) {

+ 			var $target = this.options.$target;


+ 			if ( !$target ) {

+ 				return false;

+ 			}


+ 			return $target.append( langCode );

+ 		},


+ 		escapeRegex: function ( value ) {

+ 			return value.replace( /[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$\|#\s]/g, '\\$&' );

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * A search match happens if any of the following passes:

+ 		 * a) Language name in current user interface language

+ 		 * 'starts with' search string.

+ 		 * b) Language autonym 'starts with' search string.

+ 		 * c) ISO 639 code match with search string.

+ 		 * d) ISO 15924 code for the script match the search string.

+ 		 */

+ 		filter: function ( langCode, searchTerm ) {

+ 			// FIXME script is ISO 15924 code. We might need actual name of script.

+ 			var matcher = new RegExp( '^' + this.escapeRegex( searchTerm ), 'i' ),

+ 				languageName = this.options.languages[ langCode ];


+ 			return matcher.test( languageName ) ||

+ 				matcher.test( $.uls.data.getAutonym( langCode ) ) ||

+ 				matcher.test( langCode ) ||

+ 				matcher.test( $.uls.data.getScript( langCode ) );

+ 		},


+ 		eventSupported: function ( eventName ) {

+ 			var isSupported = eventName in this.$element;


+ 			if ( !isSupported ) {

+ 				this.$element.setAttribute( eventName, 'return;' );

+ 				isSupported = typeof this.$element[ eventName ] === 'function';

+ 			}


+ 			return isSupported;

+ 		}

+ 	};


+ 	$.fn.languagefilter = function ( option ) {

+ 		return this.each( function () {

+ 			var $this = $( this ),

+ 				data = $this.data( 'languagefilter' ),

+ 				options = typeof option === 'object' && option;


+ 			if ( !data ) {

+ 				$this.data( 'languagefilter', ( data = new LanguageFilter( this, options ) ) );

+ 			}


+ 			if ( typeof option === 'string' ) {

+ 				data[ option ]();

+ 			}

+ 		} );

+ 	};


+ 	$.fn.languagefilter.defaults = {

+ 		$target: null, // Where to append the results

+ 		searchAPI: null,

+ 		languages: null, // Languages as code:name format.

+ 		onSelect: null // Language select handler - like enter in filter textbox.

+ 	};


+ 	$.fn.languagefilter.Constructor = LanguageFilter;


+ 	/**

+ 	 * Check if a prefix is visually prefix of a string

+ 	 *

+ 	 * @param {string} prefix

+ 	 * @param {string} string

+ 	 */

+ 	function isVisualPrefix( prefix, string ) {

+ 		// Pre-base vowel signs of Indic languages. A vowel sign is called pre-base if

+ 		// consonant + vowel becomes [vowel][consonant] when rendered. Eg: ക + െ => കെ

+ 		var prebases = 'െേൈൊോൌெேைொோௌେୈୋୌિਿिিেৈোৌෙේෛොෝෞ';

+ 		return prebases.indexOf( string[ prefix.length ] ) <= 0;

+ 	}

+ }( jQuery ) );

@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ 

+ /**

+  * Universal Language Selector

+  * Language category display component - Used for showing the search results,

+  * grouped by regions, scripts

+  *

+  * Copyright (C) 2012 Alolita Sharma, Amir Aharoni, Arun Ganesh, Brandon Harris,

+  * Niklas Laxström, Pau Giner, Santhosh Thottingal, Siebrand Mazeland and other

+  * contributors. See CREDITS for a list.

+  *

+  * UniversalLanguageSelector is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't

+  * have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't

+  * have to notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use

+  * UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright

+  * header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.

+  *

+  * @file

+  * @ingroup Extensions

+  * @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later

+  * @licence MIT License

+  */


+ ( function ( $ ) {

+ 	'use strict';


+ 	var noResultsTemplate, LanguageCategoryDisplay;


+ 	noResultsTemplate = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'uls-no-results-view hide' );

+ 	noResultsTemplate.append(

+ 		$( '<h2>' )

+ 			.attr( 'data-i18n', 'uls-no-results-found' )

+ 			.addClass( 'uls-no-results-found-title' )

+ 			.text( 'No results found' ),

+ 		$( '<div>' )

+ 			.attr( 'id', 'uls-no-found-more' )

+ 			.addClass( 'uls-no-found-more' )

+ 			.append(

+ 				$( '<div>' )

+ 					.addClass( '' )

+ 					.append(

+ 						$( '<p>' ).append(

+ 							$( '<span>' )

+ 								.attr( 'data-i18n', 'uls-search-help' )

+ 								.text( 'You can search by language name, script name, ISO code of language or you can browse by region.' )

+ 						)

+ 					)

+ 			)

+ 	);


+ 	LanguageCategoryDisplay = function ( element, options ) {

+ 		this.$element = $( element );

+ 		this.options = $.extend( {}, $.fn.lcd.defaults, options );

+ 		this.$element.addClass( 'uls-lcd' );

+ 		this.regionLanguages = {};

+ 		this.renderTimeout = null;

+ 		this.cachedQuicklist = null;


+ 		this.$element.append( $( noResultsTemplate ) );

+ 		this.$noResults = this.$element.children( '.uls-no-results-view' );


+ 		this.render();

+ 		this.listen();

+ 	};


+ 	LanguageCategoryDisplay.prototype = {

+ 		constructor: LanguageCategoryDisplay,


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Adds language to the language list.

+ 		 * @param {string} langCode

+ 		 * @param {string} [regionCode]

+ 		 * @return {boolean} Whether the language was added.

+ 		 */

+ 		append: function ( langCode, regionCode ) {

+ 			var lcd = this,

+ 				i, regions;


+ 			if ( !$.uls.data.languages[ langCode ] ) {

+ 				// Language is unknown or not in the list of languages for this context.

+ 				return false;

+ 			}


+ 			// Show everything in one region when there is only one column

+ 			if ( lcd.options.columns === 1 ) {

+ 				regions = [ 'WW' ];


+ 				// Languages are expected to be repeated in this case,

+ 				// and we only want to show them once

+ 				if ( $.inArray( langCode, this.regionLanguages.WW ) > -1 ) {

+ 					return true;

+ 				}

+ 			} else {

+ 				if ( regionCode ) {

+ 					regions = [ regionCode ];

+ 				} else {

+ 					regions = $.uls.data.getRegions( langCode );

+ 				}

+ 			}


+ 			for ( i = 0; i < regions.length; i++ ) {

+ 				this.regionLanguages[ regions[ i ] ].push( langCode );

+ 			}


+ 			// Work around the bad interface, delay rendering until we have got

+ 			// all the languages to speed up performance.

+ 			window.clearTimeout( this.renderTimeout );

+ 			this.renderTimeout = window.setTimeout( function () {

+ 				lcd.renderRegions();

+ 			}, 50 );


+ 			return true;

+ 		},


+ 		render: function () {

+ 			var $section, $quicklist,

+ 				lcd = this,

+ 				narrowMode = this.options.columns === 1,

+ 				regions = [],

+ 				regionNames = {

+ 					// These are fallback text when i18n library not present

+ 					WW: 'Worldwide',

+ 					SP: 'Special',

+ 					AM: 'America',

+ 					EU: 'Europe',

+ 					ME: 'Middle East',

+ 					AS: 'Asia',

+ 					AF: 'Africa',

+ 					PA: 'Pacific'

+ 				};


+ 			$quicklist = this.buildQuicklist();

+ 			regions.push( $quicklist );


+ 			if ( narrowMode && $quicklist.length ) {

+ 				regions.push( $( '<h3>' )

+ 					.attr( 'data-i18n', 'uls-region-all' )

+ 					.addClass( 'uls-lcd-region-title' )

+ 					.text( 'All languages' )

+ 				);

+ 			}


+ 			$.each( $.uls.data.regiongroups, function ( regionCode ) {

+ 				lcd.regionLanguages[ regionCode ] = [];


+ 				// Don't show the region unless it was enabled

+ 				if ( $.inArray( regionCode, lcd.options.showRegions ) === -1 ) {

+ 					return;

+ 				}


+ 				$section = $( '<div>' )

+ 					.addClass( 'uls-lcd-region-section hide' )

+ 					.attr( 'id', regionCode );


+ 				// Show a region heading, unless we are using a narrow ULS

+ 				if ( !narrowMode ) {

+ 					$section.append( $( '<h3>' )

+ 						.attr( 'data-i18n', 'uls-region-' + regionCode )

+ 						.addClass( 'uls-lcd-region-title' )

+ 						.text( regionNames[ regionCode ] )

+ 					);

+ 				}


+ 				regions.push( $section );

+ 			} );


+ 			lcd.$element.append( regions );


+ 			this.i18n();

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Renders a region and displays it if it has content.

+ 		 */

+ 		renderRegions: function () {

+ 			var languages,

+ 				lcd = this;


+ 			this.$noResults.addClass( 'hide' );

+ 			this.$element.find( '.uls-lcd-region-section' ).each( function () {

+ 				var $region = $( this ),

+ 					regionCode = $region.attr( 'id' );


+ 				if ( $region.is( '#uls-lcd-quicklist' ) ) {

+ 					return;

+ 				}


+ 				$region.children( '.uls-language-block' ).remove();


+ 				languages = lcd.regionLanguages[ regionCode ];

+ 				if ( !languages || languages.length === 0 ) {

+ 					$region.addClass( 'hide' );

+ 					return;

+ 				}


+ 				lcd.renderRegion(

+ 					$region,

+ 					languages,

+ 					lcd.options.itemsPerColumn,

+ 					lcd.options.columns

+ 				);

+ 				$region.removeClass( 'hide' );


+ 				lcd.regionLanguages[ regionCode ] = [];

+ 			} );


+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Adds given languages sorted into rows and columns into given element.

+ 		 * @param {jQuery} $region Element to add language list.

+ 		 * @param {array} languages List of language codes.

+ 		 * @param {number} itemsPerColumn How many languages fit in a column.

+ 		 * @param {number} columnsPerRow How many columns fit in a row.

+ 		 */

+ 		renderRegion: function ( $region, languages, itemsPerColumn, columnsPerRow ) {

+ 			var columnsClasses, i, lastItem, currentScript, nextScript, force,

+ 				languagesCount = languages.length,

+ 				items = [],

+ 				columns = [],

+ 				rows = [];


+ 			if ( columnsPerRow === 1 ) {

+ 				columnsClasses = 'twelve columns';

+ 			} else if ( columnsPerRow === 2 ) {

+ 				columnsClasses = 'six columns';

+ 			} else {

+ 				columnsClasses = 'three columns';

+ 			}


+ 			if ( this.options.columns === 1 ) {

+ 				// For one-column narrow ULS, just render all the languages

+ 				// in one simple list without separators or script groups

+ 				for ( i = 0; i < languagesCount; i++ ) {

+ 					items.push( this.renderItem( languages[ i ] ) );

+ 				}


+ 				columns.push( $( '<ul>' ).addClass( columnsClasses ).append( items ) );

+ 				rows.push( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'row uls-language-block' ).append( columns ) );

+ 			} else {

+ 				// For medium and wide ULS, clever column placement

+ 				for ( i = 0; i < languagesCount; i++ ) {

+ 					force = false;

+ 					nextScript = $.uls.data.getScriptGroupOfLanguage( languages[ i + 1 ] );


+ 					lastItem = languagesCount - i === 1;

+ 					// Force column break if script changes and column has more than one row already

+ 					if ( i === 0 ) {

+ 						currentScript = $.uls.data.getScriptGroupOfLanguage( languages[ i ] );

+ 					} else if ( currentScript !== nextScript && items.length > 1 ) {

+ 						force = true;

+ 					}

+ 					currentScript = nextScript;


+ 					items.push( this.renderItem( languages[ i ] ) );


+ 					if ( items.length >= itemsPerColumn || lastItem || force ) {

+ 						columns.push( $( '<ul>' ).addClass( columnsClasses ).append( items ) );

+ 						items = [];

+ 						if ( columns.length >= columnsPerRow || lastItem ) {

+ 							rows.push( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'row uls-language-block' ).append( columns ) );

+ 							columns = [];

+ 						}

+ 					}

+ 				}

+ 			}


+ 			$region.append( rows );

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Creates dom node representing one item in language list.

+ 		 * @param {string} code Language code

+ 		 * @return {Element}

+ 		 */

+ 		renderItem: function ( code ) {

+ 			var a, name, autonym, li;


+ 			name = this.options.languages[ code ];

+ 			autonym = $.uls.data.getAutonym( code ) || name || code;


+ 			// Not using jQuery as this is performance hotspot

+ 			li = document.createElement( 'li' );

+ 			li.title = name;

+ 			li.setAttribute( 'data-code', code );


+ 			a = document.createElement( 'a' );

+ 			a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( autonym ) );

+ 			a.className = 'autonym';

+ 			a.lang = code;

+ 			a.dir = $.uls.data.getDir( code );



+ 			li.appendChild( a );

+ 			if ( this.options.languageDecorator ) {

+ 				this.options.languageDecorator( $( a ), code );

+ 			}

+ 			return li;

+ 		},


+ 		i18n: function () {

+ 			this.$element.find( '[data-i18n]' ).i18n();

+ 		},


+ 		/**

+ 		 * Adds quicklist as a region.

+ 		 */

+ 		quicklist: function () {

+ 			this.$element.find( '#uls-lcd-quicklist' ).removeClass( 'hide' );

+ 		},


+ 		buildQuicklist: function () {

+ 			var quickList, $quickListSection, $quickListSectionTitle;


+ 			if ( this.cachedQuicklist !== null ) {

+ 				return this.cachedQuicklist;

+ 			}


+ 			if ( $.isFunction( this.options.quickList ) ) {

+ 				this.options.quickList = this.options.quickList();

+ 			}


+ 			if ( !this.options.quickList.length ) {

+ 				this.cachedQuicklist = $( [] );

+ 				return this.cachedQuicklist;

+ 			}


+ 			// Pick only the first elements, because we don't have room for more

+ 			quickList = this.options.quickList;

+ 			quickList = quickList.slice( 0, 16 );

+ 			quickList.sort( $.uls.data.sortByAutonym );


+ 			$quickListSection = $( '<div>' )

+ 				.addClass( 'uls-lcd-region-section' )

+ 				.attr( 'id', 'uls-lcd-quicklist' );


+ 			$quickListSectionTitle = $( '<h3>' )

+ 				.attr( 'data-i18n', 'uls-common-languages' )

+ 				.addClass( 'uls-lcd-region-title' )

+ 				.text( 'Suggested languages' ); // This is placeholder text if jquery.i18n not present

+ 			$quickListSection.append( $quickListSectionTitle );


+ 			this.renderRegion(

+ 				$quickListSection,

+ 				quickList,

+ 				this.options.itemsPerColumn,

+ 				this.options.columns

+ 			);


+ 			$quickListSectionTitle.i18n();


+ 			this.cachedQuicklist = $quickListSection;

+ 			return this.cachedQuicklist;

+ 		},


+ 		show: function () {

+ 			if ( !this.regionDivs ) {

+ 				this.render();

+ 			}

+ 		},


+ 		empty: function () {

+ 			this.$element.find( '#uls-lcd-quicklist' ).addClass( 'hide' );

+ 		},


+ 		focus: function () {

+ 			this.$element.focus();

+ 		},


+ 		noResults: function () {

+ 			this.$noResults.removeClass( 'hide' );

+ 			if ( this.$noResults.find( '.uls-lcd-region-title' ).length ) {

+ 				return;

+ 			}


+ 			var $suggestions = this.buildQuicklist().clone();

+ 			$suggestions.find( 'h3' )

+ 				.data( 'i18n', 'uls-no-results-suggestion-title' )

+ 				.text( 'You may be interested in:' )

+ 				.i18n();

+ 			this.$noResults.find( 'h2' ).after( $suggestions.show() );

+ 		},


+ 		listen: function () {

+ 			var lcd = this;


+ 			if ( this.options.clickhandler ) {

+ 				this.$element.on( 'click', '.row li', function () {

+ 					lcd.options.clickhandler.call( this, $( this ).data( 'code' ) );

+ 				} );

+ 			}

+ 		}

+ 	};


+ 	$.fn.lcd = function ( option ) {

+ 		return this.each( function () {

+ 			var $this = $( this ),

+ 				data = $this.data( 'lcd' ),

+ 				options = typeof option === 'object' && option;


+ 			if ( !data ) {

+ 				$this.data( 'lcd', ( data = new LanguageCategoryDisplay( this, options ) ) );

+ 			}


+ 			if ( typeof option === 'string' ) {

+ 				data[ option ]();

+ 			}

+ 		} );

+ 	};


+ 	$.fn.lcd.defaults = {

+ 		languages: null,

+ 		showRegions: [ 'WW', 'AM', 'EU', 'ME', 'AF', 'AS', 'PA' ],

+ 		itemsPerColumn: 8,

+ 		// Other supported values are 1 and 2.

+ 		// Other values will have rendering issues.

+ 		columns: 4,

+ 		languageDecorator: null,

+ 		quickList: []

+ 	};


+ 	$.fn.lcd.Constructor = LanguageCategoryDisplay;

+ }( jQuery ) );

@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ 

  .navbar-brand {

    padding: initial;

    height: initial;

+   padding: 12px;

+ }


+ .language-select {

+     padding: 16px 32px 8px 8px;



  .nav > li  > a.hover{

@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ 

+ .uls-trigger {

+ 	/* @embed */

+ 	background: transparent url('../_images/icon-language.png') no-repeat scroll left center;

+ 	/* @embed */

+ 	background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url('../_images/icon-language.svg');

+ 	/* @embed */

+ 	background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url('../_images/icon-language.svg');

+ 	padding-left: 30px;

+ }


+ .uls-menu {

+ 	position: absolute;

+ 	z-index: 1000;

+ 	display: none;

+ 	margin-top: 1px;

+ 	/* Styling */

+ 	background-color: #ffffff;

+ 	border: 1px solid #ccc;

+ 	border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

+ 	-webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

+ 	-moz-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

+ 	box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

+ 	-webkit-background-clip: padding-box;

+ 	-moz-background-clip: padding;

+ 	background-clip: padding-box;

+ }


+ .uls-wide {

+ 	min-width: 715px;

+ 	width: 45%;

+ }


+ .uls-medium {

+ 	min-width: 360px;

+ 	width: 30%;

+ }


+ /* Override the grid */

+ .uls-medium.grid .row {

+ 	min-width: 300px;

+ }


+ .uls-narrow {

+ 	min-width: 180px;

+ 	width: 20%;

+ }


+ /* Override the grid */

+ .uls-narrow.grid .row {

+ 	min-width: 150px;

+ }


+ .uls-search {

+ 	background-color: white;

+ 	padding: 5px 16px;

+ 	border-bottom-width: 1px;

+ 	border-bottom-style: solid;

+ 	border-bottom-color: #DDD;

+ }


+ .grid .uls-search {

+ 	padding-left: 0;

+ }


+ /* Make space for magnifying class on the front */

+ .uls-search-wrapper {

+ 	position: relative;

+ 	padding-left: 44px;

+ 	margin-right: 5px;

+ 	height: 32px;

+ }


+ .uls-search-label {

+ 	background: transparent url('../_images/search.png') no-repeat scroll right center;

+ 	background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url('../_images/search.svg');

+ 	/* @embed */

+ 	background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url('../_images/search.svg');

+ 	background-size: 20px;

+ 	background-position: center center;

+ 	height: 32px;

+ 	width: 44px;

+ 	display: block;

+ 	position: absolute;

+ 	left: 0;

+ 	opacity: 0.8;

+ }


+ .uls-search-input-wrapper {

+ 	position: relative;

+ }


+ /* There are two input boxes. This class applies to both of them */

+ .uls-filterinput {

+ 	font-size: 16px;

+ 	height: 32px;

+ 	width: 100%;

+ 	/* For the custom clear (X) icon */

+ 	padding: 6px 25px 6px 0;


+ 	outline: none;

+ 	border: none;


+ 	display: block;

+ 	position: absolute;

+ 	top: 0;

+ 	left: 0;

+ }


+ /* This is the actual input */

+ .uls-languagefilter {

+ 	background-color: transparent;

+ 	border: none;

+ 	color: #333;

+ }


+ /* This is the shadow input box showing completion suggestions */

+ .uls-filtersuggestion {

+ 	background-color: white;

+ 	color: #888;

+ }


+ .uls-languagefilter-clear {

+ 	background: transparent url('../_images/clear.png') no-repeat scroll left center;

+ 	background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url('../_images/clear.svg');

+ 	/* @embed */

+ 	background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url('../_images/clear.svg');

+ 	background-size: 15px;

+ 	cursor: pointer;

+ 	height: 15px;

+ 	width: 15px;


+ 	/* Vertical margins: (32 - 15) / 2 */

+ 	margin: 8.5px 5px;

+ 	position: absolute;

+ 	right: 0;

+ 	/* Make it appear above the input boxes */

+ 	z-index: 1;

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ 

+ /* Generated using Foundation http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/grid.php */

+ /* Global Reset & Standards ---------------------- */

+ .grid * {

+ 	-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;

+ 	-moz-box-sizing: border-box;

+ 	box-sizing: border-box;

+ }


+ /* Misc ---------------------- */

+ .grid .left {

+ 	float: left;

+ }


+ .grid .right {

+ 	float: right;

+ }


+ .grid .text-left {

+ 	text-align: left;

+ }


+ .grid .text-right {

+ 	text-align: right;

+ }


+ .grid .text-center {

+ 	text-align: center;

+ }


+ .grid .hide {

+ 	display: none;

+ }


+ .grid .highlight {

+ 	background: #ffff99;

+ }


+ /* The Grid ---------------------- */

+ .grid .row {

+ 	width: 100%;

+ 	max-width: none;

+ 	min-width: 600px;

+ 	margin: 0 auto;

+ }


+ .grid .row .row {

+ 	width: auto;

+ 	max-width: none;

+ 	min-width: 0;

+ 	margin: 0 -5px;

+ }


+ .grid .row.collapse .column,

+ .grid .row.collapse .columns {

+ 	padding: 0;

+ }


+ .grid .row .row {

+ 	width: auto;

+ 	max-width: none;

+ 	min-width: 0;

+ 	margin: 0 -5px;

+ }


+ .grid .row .row.collapse {

+ 	margin: 0;

+ }


+ .grid .column, .grid .columns {

+ 	float: left;

+ 	min-height: 1px;

+ 	padding: 0 5px;

+ 	position: relative;

+ }


+ .grid .column.centered, .grid .columns.centered {

+ 	float: none;

+ 	margin: 0 auto;

+ }


+ .grid .row .one {

+ 	width: 8.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .two {

+ 	width: 16.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .three {

+ 	width: 25%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .four {

+ 	width: 33.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .five {

+ 	width: 41.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .six {

+ 	width: 50%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .seven {

+ 	width: 58.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .eight {

+ 	width: 66.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .nine {

+ 	width: 75%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .ten {

+ 	width: 83.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .eleven {

+ 	width: 91.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .twelve {

+ 	width: 100%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-one {

+ 	margin-left: 8.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-two {

+ 	margin-left: 16.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-three {

+ 	margin-left: 25%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-four {

+ 	margin-left: 33.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-five {

+ 	margin-left: 41.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-six {

+ 	margin-left: 50%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-seven {

+ 	margin-left: 58.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-eight {

+ 	margin-left: 66.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-nine {

+ 	margin-left: 75%;

+ }


+ .grid .row .offset-by-ten {

+ 	margin-left: 83.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-two {

+ 	left: 16.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-two {

+ 	right: 16.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-three {

+ 	left: 25%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-three {

+ 	right: 25%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-four {

+ 	left: 33.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-four {

+ 	right: 33.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-five {

+ 	left: 41.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-five {

+ 	right: 41.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-six {

+ 	left: 50%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-six {

+ 	right: 50%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-seven {

+ 	left: 58.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-seven {

+ 	right: 58.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-eight {

+ 	left: 66.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-eight {

+ 	right: 66.667%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-nine {

+ 	left: 75%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-nine {

+ 	right: 75%;

+ }


+ .grid .push-ten {

+ 	left: 83.333%;

+ }


+ .grid .pull-ten {

+ 	right: 83.333%;

+ }


+ /* Nicolas Gallagher's micro clearfix */

+ .grid .row {

+ 	*zoom: 1;

+ }


+ .grid .row:before, .grid .row:after {

+ 	content: "";

+ 	display: table;

+ }


+ .grid .row:after {

+ 	clear: both;

+ }


+ /* Block Grids ---------------------- */

+ /* These are 2-up, 3-up, 4-up and 5-up ULs, suited

+  for repeating blocks of content. Add 'mobile' to

+  them to switch them just like the layout grid

+  (one item per line) on phones


+  For IE7/8 compatibility block-grid items need to be

+  the same height. You can optionally uncomment the

+  lines below to support arbitrary height, but know

+  that IE7/8 do not support :nth-child.

+  -------------------------------------------------- */

+ .grid .block-grid {

+ 	display: block;

+ 	overflow: hidden;

+ 	padding: 0;

+ }


+ .grid .block-grid > li {

+ 	display: block;

+ 	height: auto;

+ 	float: left;

+ }


+ .grid .block-grid.two-up {

+ 	margin: 0 -15px;

+ }


+ .grid .block-grid.two-up > li {

+ 	width: 50%;

+ 	padding: 0 15px 15px;

+ }


+ /* .block-grid.two-up>li:nth-child(2n+1) {clear: left;} */

+ .grid .block-grid.three-up {

+ 	margin: 0 -12px;

+ }


+ .grid .block-grid.three-up > li {

+ 	width: 33.33%;

+ 	padding: 0 12px 12px;

+ }


+ /* .block-grid.three-up>li:nth-child(3n+1) {clear: left;} */

+ .grid .block-grid.four-up {

+ 	margin: 0 -10px;

+ }


+ .grid .block-grid.four-up > li {

+ 	width: 25%;

+ 	padding: 0 10px 10px;

+ }


+ /* .block-grid.four-up>li:nth-child(4n+1) {clear: left;} */

+ .grid .block-grid.five-up {

+ 	margin: 0 -8px;

+ }


+ .grid .block-grid.five-up > li {

+ 	width: 20%;

+ 	padding: 0 8px 8px;

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ 

+ /*

+  * Language Category Display (LCD) consists of multiple sections:

+  * - one to display when there are no search results (which might display suggested languages)

+  * - one for each region of the world, plus regions for world languages and suggested languages

+  * The regions consist of one or more rows (blocks) which consist of one-to-four columns. Each

+  * column is an ul element, and contains up to 8 li elements, each containing a link.

+  */


+ .uls-lcd {

+ 	height: 20em;

+ 	/* Work around Chrome bug where it places scrollbar on the left in

+ 	 * in RTL mode but actually reserves the place on the right side */

+ 	overflow-x: hidden;

+ 	overflow-y: auto;

+ 	width: auto;

+ 	background: #FCFCFC;

+ 	padding: 0 16px;

+ }


+ .uls-lcd-region-section {

+ 	margin-top: 10px;

+ }


+ .uls-lcd-region-title {

+ 	color: #777;

+ 	font-size: 14px;

+ 	padding-left: 28px;

+ }


+ /*

+  * We need to have this as a grid row to push rest of the content below it, but resetting

+  * padding and margin so that calculating them for children is easier.

+  */

+ .grid .uls-language-block.row {

+ 	padding: 0;

+ 	margin: 0;

+ }


+ /*

+  * Each block should have 16px padding on both sides. But because we already gave

+  * 16px for the whole menu, we need to remove it for first and last items the blocks.

+  */

+ .grid .uls-language-block > ul {

+ 	margin: 0 0 20px 0;

+ 	padding: 0 16px;

+ }


+ .grid .uls-language-block > ul:first-child {

+ 	padding-left: 0;

+ }


+ .grid .uls-language-block > ul:last-child {

+ 	padding-right: 0;

+ }



+ .uls-language-block > ul {

+ 	/*

+ 	 * We don't want any visible bullets in this list. Not by default anyway.

+ 	 * Using very unspecific selector here to allow other classes to override.

+ 	 * Bug because overflow: hidden is incompatible with bullets, also render

+ 	 * the bullets inside the list in case there should be any.

+ 	 */

+ 	list-style-image: none;

+ 	list-style-type: none;

+ }


+ .uls-language-block > ul > li {

+ 	cursor: pointer;

+ 	margin-left: 20px;

+ 	padding: 8px;

+ 	/*

+ 	 * The directionality (ltr/rtl) for each list item is set dynamically

+ 	 * as HTML attributes in JavaScript. Setting directionality also applies

+ 	 * alignment, but a list with mixed alignment is hard to read.

+ 	 * All items are therefore explicitly aligned to the left, including names

+ 	 * of right-to-left languages in left-to-right environment and vice versa.

+ 	 * As long as the directionality of the item is set correctly, the text

+ 	 * is readable.

+ 	 */

+ 	text-align: left;

+ }


+ .uls-language-block > ul > li:hover {

+ 	background-color: #eaeff7;

+ }


+ .uls-language-block a {

+ 	cursor: pointer;

+ 	text-decoration: none;

+ 	color: #3366bb;

+ 	font-size: 14px;

+ 	display: inline-block;

+ 	width: 100%;

+ 	overflow: hidden;

+ 	/*

+ 	 * Some languages have long names for various reasons and we still want

+ 	 * them to appear on one line.

+ 	 * To make it work correctly, the directionality must be set correctly

+ 	 * on the item level.

+ 	 */

+ 	text-overflow: ellipsis;

+ 	white-space: nowrap;

+ 	vertical-align: middle;

+ }


+ /* TODO: ugly hack that forces last matching search results to shift down.

+  * They should be hidden properly.

+  */

+ .uls-no-results-view {

+ 	height: 100%;

+ }


+ .uls-no-results-found-title {

+ 	font-size: 16px;

+ 	padding: 0 16px 0 28px;

+ 	border-bottom: none;

+ 	color: #555;

+ }


+ .uls-no-found-more {

+ 	padding: 0 16px 0 44px;

+ 	font-size: 0.9em;

+ 	background: #F8F8F8;

+ 	width: 100%;

+ 	margin-top: 1.6em;

+ 	line-height: 1.6em;

+ 	position: absolute;

+ 	bottom: 0;

+ 	left: 0;

+ }

@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ 

+ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {


+ 	.uls-mobile.uls-menu {

+ 		width: 95%;

+ 		left: 2.5%;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .uls-language-list {

+ 		-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .uls-language-block {

+ 		padding-left: 15px !important;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .uls-language-block ul {

+ 		min-height: 14em;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .uls-language-block a {

+ 		font-size: 16px;

+ 		line-height: 1.7em;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row {

+ 		width: auto;

+ 		min-width: 0;

+ 		margin-left: 0;

+ 		margin-right: 0;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .column,

+ 	.uls-mobile .columns {

+ 		width: auto !important;

+ 		float: none;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .column:last-child,

+ 	.uls-mobile .columns:last-child {

+ 		float: none;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile [class*="column"] + [class*="column"]:last-child {

+ 		float: none;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .column:before,

+ 	.uls-mobile .uls-mobile .columns:before,

+ 	.uls-mobile .column:after,

+ 	.columns:after {

+ 		content: "";

+ 		display: table;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .column:after,

+ 	.uls-mobile .columns:after {

+ 		clear: both;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-one,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-two,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-three,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-four,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-five,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-six,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-seven,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-eight,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-nine,

+ 	.uls-mobile .offset-by-ten {

+ 		margin-left: 0 !important;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .push-two,

+ 	.uls-mobile .push-three,

+ 	.uls-mobile .push-four,

+ 	.uls-mobile .push-five,

+ 	.uls-mobile .push-six,

+ 	.uls-mobile .push-seven,

+ 	.uls-mobile .push-eight,

+ 	.uls-mobile .push-nine,

+ 	.uls-mobile .push-ten {

+ 		left: auto;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-two,

+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-three,

+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-four,

+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-five,

+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-six,

+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-seven,

+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-eight,

+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-nine,

+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-ten {

+ 		right: auto;

+ 	}


+ 	/* Mobile 4-column Grid */

+ 	.uls-mobile .row .mobile-one {

+ 		width: 25% !important;

+ 		float: left;

+ 		padding: 0 4px;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row .mobile-one:last-child {

+ 		float: right;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row.collapse .mobile-one {

+ 		padding: 0;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row .mobile-two {

+ 		width: 50% !important;

+ 		float: left;

+ 		padding: 0 4px;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row .mobile-two:last-child {

+ 		float: right;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row.collapse .mobile-two {

+ 		padding: 0;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row .mobile-three {

+ 		width: 75% !important;

+ 		float: left;

+ 		padding: 0 4px;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row .mobile-three:last-child {

+ 		float: right;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row.collapse .mobile-three {

+ 		padding: 0;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row .mobile-four {

+ 		width: 100% !important;

+ 		float: left;

+ 		padding: 0 4px;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row .mobile-four:last-child {

+ 		float: right;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .row.collapse .mobile-four {

+ 		padding: 0;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .push-one-mobile {

+ 		left: 25%;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-one-mobile {

+ 		right: 25%;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .push-two-mobile {

+ 		left: 50%;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-two-mobile {

+ 		right: 50%;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .push-three-mobile {

+ 		left: 75%;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .pull-three-mobile {

+ 		right: 75%;

+ 	}

+ }


+ /* Visibility Classes ---------------------- */

+ /* Standard (large) display targeting */

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-small,

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-medium,

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-medium-down,

+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-large,

+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-large-up,

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-xlarge {

+ 	display: none !important;

+ }


+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-xlarge,

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-large,

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-large-up,

+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-small,

+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-medium,

+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-medium-down {

+ 	display: block !important;

+ }


+ /* Very large display targeting */

+ @media only screen and (min-width: 1441px) {


+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-small,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-medium,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-medium-down,

+ 	.hide-for-large, .show-for-large-up,

+ 	.show-for-xlarge {

+ 		display: block !important;

+ 	}


+ 	.show-for-small,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-medium,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-medium-down,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-large,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-large-up,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-xlarge {

+ 		display: none !important;

+ 	}

+ }

+ /* Medium display targeting */

+ @media only screen and (max-width: 1279px) and (min-width: 768px) {


+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-small,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-medium,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-medium-down,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-large,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-large-up,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-xlarge {

+ 		display: block !important;

+ 	}


+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-small,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-medium,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-medium-down,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-large,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-large-up,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-xlarge {

+ 		display: none !important;

+ 	}

+ }

+ /* Small display targeting */

+ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {


+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-small,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-medium,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-medium-down,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-large,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-large-up,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-xlarge {

+ 		display: block !important;

+ 	}

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-small,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-medium,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-medium-down,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-large,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-large-up,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-xlarge {

+ 		display: none !important;

+ 	}

+ }


+ /* Orientation targeting */

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-landscape,

+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-portrait {

+ 	display: block !important;

+ }


+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-landscape,

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-portrait {

+ 	display: none !important;

+ }


+ @media screen and (orientation: landscape) {

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-landscape,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-portrait {

+ 		display: block !important;

+ 	}

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-landscape,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-portrait {

+ 		display: none !important;

+ 	}

+ }


+ @media screen and (orientation: portrait) {

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-portrait,

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-landscape {

+ 		display: block !important;

+ 	}

+ 	.uls-mobile .hide-for-portrait,

+ 	.uls-mobile .show-for-landscape {

+ 		display: none !important;

+ 	}

+ }


+ /* Touch-enabled device targeting */

+ .uls-mobile .show-for-touch {

+ 	display: none !important;

+ }


+ .uls-mobile .hide-for-touch {

+ 	display: block !important;

+ }


+ .uls-mobile .touch .show-for-touch {

+ 	display: block !important;

+ }


+ .uls-mobile .touch .hide-for-touch {

+ 	display: none !important;

+ }

file modified
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+ 			onSelect : function( language ) {

+ 				url = window.location.href;

+ 				depth = "<%= site_home_path %>".split("/").length - 1;

+ 				split_url = url.split('/');

+ 				version = split_url[split_url.length - depth - 1].split('-')[0];

+ 				window.location.href = "<%= site_home_path %>".split("/index.html")[0] + "/"+version+"-"+language+"/"+ split_url.slice(split_url.length - depth, split_url.length);

+ 			},

+ 			languages: {

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+ 			    'fr': "Français",

+ 		    }

+ 		    // <%= site_home_path %>

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