#241 Migrate package-maintainer-docs repo to GitLab
Opened 2 years ago by bcotton. Modified 2 years ago

This issue is for tracking the migration of the package-maintainer-docs repo to the fedora/docs space on GitLab.

Coordinate this migration with @oturpe and @ankursinha. It will require migrating the package-maintainer-docs Pagure group to GitLab as well.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue tagged with: gitlab

2 years ago

On my part, GitLab migration is fine.
I have a draft pull request open, but I can move it to GitLab easily.
Or just not do that, I has been open for some time,
and due to a new family member, time has been a scarce resource lately.
I can just open another one when I have the opportunity to continue.
I doubt anybody else has anything substantial going on,
and even if somebody does, I will not be hard to point the pull request to the new repo.

If GitLab can support giving access to the whole packager FAS group, great!
Otherwise, the current access group can be manually migrated.
I can do that, I have enough privileges at GitLab,
otherwise somebody who has should do that.

I would like to retain the open issues.
Looking at how documentation-contributor-guide was migrated,
the migration script does not seem to do that, right?
There are not so many of those, so in a pinch I can migrate them manually.

As a final note, if everything was properly set up,
this repository should probably not be part of the Docs group,
and be administered by the package maintainers.
But, things are set up as they are,
and I do not see much point in not just tailing the Docs GitLab migration.
i think just posting to devel and notifying about the migration is enough.

+1, happy to help however I can :)

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GitLab migration Status: Todo