#240 Migrate modularity repo to GitLab
Closed: Invalid 2 years ago by bcotton. Opened 2 years ago by bcotton.

This issue is for tracking the migration of the modularity repo to the fedora/docs space on GitLab.

Coordinate this move with @jmracek, @mcurlej, and @ppisar. Note that the fedora-docs group has commit access to this repo, but does not have admin access.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue tagged with: gitlab

2 years ago

Could you provide more details? Why is this change needed at all? Which Gitlab instance you talk about? How access permissions there are handled? Do you have FESCo approval for this change? https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/modularity hosts packaging guidelines where any change needs FESCo approval.

Could you provide more details? Why is this change needed at all? Which Gitlab instance you talk about? How access permissions there are handled?

See https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/move-docs-to-gitlab/35777/ and https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/gitlab-migration-plan/38092

Do you have FESCo approval for this change? https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/modularity hosts packaging guidelines where any change needs FESCo approval.

This is an implementation detail, not a content change. We can leave this in Pagure, but if we do that, it should probably be moved out of the fedora-docs namespace. (Which might make sense regardless, since this isn't something maintained by the Docs team anyway).
is moving to GitLab.

I briefly talked to @churchyard from FESCo and he recommends keeping the guidelines together with modularity documentation.

I briefly talked to @churchyard from FESCo and he recommends keeping the guidelines together with modularity documentation.

I'm not entirely clear about the practical impacts of this. This repo seems to have both, and I'm not proposing splitting them out. The only question is where the repo lives.

I'd rather keep modularity documentation here on Pagure.io. (Legal and security aspects.) I'd also like to keep it in the current fedora-docs name space so that the hypertext links and the cloned repositories keep working.

If this is fine for you, I will close this ticket.

Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Issue close_status updated to: Invalid

2 years ago

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Boards 1
GitLab migration Status: Will not move