#193 Create style guide
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by hankuoffroad. Opened 2 years ago by bcotton.

For both written style (e.g. say "Red Hat" instead of "RedHat") and technical style (e.g. "don't use :toc: in docs)

Inspired by this Discussion thread

Fedora Magazine has some style guidelines. Many of them would apply, although some of them are not applicable since it's a different style of writing.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue assigned to bcotton

2 years ago

For both written style (e.g. say "Red Hat" instead of "RedHat") and technical style (e.g. "don't use :toc: in docs)

Inspired by this Discussion thread

How about the Red Hat style guide (see https://redhat-documentation.github.io/) for consistency?

How about the Red Hat style guide (see https://redhat-documentation.github.io/) for consistency?

That would be a good starting point, and a "if you don't see it in here, refer there", but there may be places where we'll want to diverge from that. And there are definitely places we'll want to supplement it.

Another thing to include is guidance for admonitions. (See KDE for an example and Discussion for my thoughts on reducing our admonition set)

Metadata Update from @hankuoffroad:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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