#26 refactored some modules
Opened 2 years ago by mykaah. Modified 2 years ago
mykaah/fedora-contributor-trends main  into  main

@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ 


  python new-and-old-users-report.py --csvh $(( $STARTWEEK - 1 )) | tee data/contributor-count.csv

  for week in $(seq $STARTWEEK $ENDWEEK ); do

-   python new-and-old-users-report.py --csv $week | tee -a data/contributor-count.csv

+   python3 new-and-old-users-report.py --csv $week | tee -a data/contributor-count.csv



file modified
+94 -383
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ 


  import os


  import matplotlib as m

- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

- import pandas

+ import pandas as pd

+ from utils import rename, get_pct, plot, save




  m.rcParams["font.size"] = 12

- m.rcParams["font.family"] = "Overpass"

  m.rcParams["legend.frameon"] = False


@@ -16,419 +14,132 @@ 

  except OSError:



- datagit = pandas.read_csv(

+ # =============================datagit==============================

+ new_names = {

+     "users1": "Top 1%",

+     "users9": "Next 9%",

+     "users40": "Next 40%",

+     "userrest": "Remaining 50%",

+ }

+ color = ["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"]


+ datagit = pd.read_csv(

      "data/org.fedoraproject.prod.git.receive.bucketed-activity.csv", parse_dates=[0]


  datagit.set_index("weekstart", inplace=True)


- graph = (

-     datagit[["users1", "users9", "users40", "userrest"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "users1": "Top 1%",

-             "users9": "Next 9%",

-             "users40": "Next 40%",

-             "userrest": "Remaining 50%",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"],

-         grid=True,

-         yticks=range(0, 301, 25),

-     )

- )

- # graph.legend(ncol=4)

- # totally abusing this.

- plt.suptitle("Number of Contributors Making Changes to Packages Each Week", fontsize=24)

- graph.set_title("Grouped by Quarterly Activity Level of Each Contributor", fontsize=16)

- graph.set_xlabel("")

- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/git.user.count.svg", dpi=300)

+ columns = ["users1", "users9", "users40", "userrest"]

+ df = rename(datagit, columns, new_names)


- #############################################

+ yticks = range(0, 301, 25)

+ suptitle = "Number of Contributors Making Changes to Packages Each Week"

+ title = "Grouped by Quarterly Activity Level of Each Contributor"

+ path = "images/git.user.count.svg"


- datagit["msgstotal"] = datagit[["msgs1", "msgs9", "msgs40", "msgsrest"]].sum(1)

- datagit["msgs1%"] = 100 * datagit["msgs1"] / datagit["msgstotal"]

- datagit["msgs9%"] = 100 * datagit["msgs9"] / datagit["msgstotal"]

- datagit["msgs40%"] = 100 * datagit["msgs40"] / datagit["msgstotal"]

- datagit["msgsrest%"] = 100 * datagit["msgsrest"] / datagit["msgstotal"]

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, color, yticks=yticks)

+ save(graph, path)


+ get_pct(datagit)


  m.rcParams["legend.frameon"] = True

- graph = (

-     datagit[["msgs1%", "msgs9%", "msgs40%", "msgsrest%"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "msgs1%": "Top 1%",

-             "msgs9%": "Next 9%",

-             "msgs40%": "Next 40%",

-             "msgsrest%": "Remaining 50%",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"],

-         grid=True,

-         ylim=(0, 100),

-     )

- )

- plt.suptitle(

-     "Percent of Package Changes Each Week From Each Activity Level Group", fontsize=24

- )

- graph.set_title("", fontsize=16)

- graph.set_xlabel("")


- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/git.activity.share.svg", dpi=300)


- ###############################################


- # graph=datagit[['newusercount']].rename(columns={"newusercount": "New Users"}).plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color='#579d1c',

- #                                                              grid=True,legend=False)

- # plt.suptitle("New Packaging Contributor Count Per Week",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title('')

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/git.newusers.svg',dpi=300)


- #############################################


- # datagit['newuseractions%']=100*datagit['newuseractions']/datagit['msgstotal']

- # datagit['monthuseractions%']=100*datagit['monthuseractions']/datagit['msgstotal']

- # datagit['yearuseractions%']=100*datagit['yearuseractions']/datagit['msgstotal']

- # datagit['olderuseractions%']=100*datagit['olderuseractions']/datagit['msgstotal']



- # m.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = True

- # graph=datagit[['newuseractions%','monthuseractions%','yearuseractions%','olderuseractions%']][42:]

- # .rename(columns={"newuseractions%": "New This Week","monthuseractions%":"New This Month",

- # "yearuseractions%":"New This Year","olderuseractions%":"Old School"})

- # .plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color=['#579d1c','#ffd320', '#ff420e', '#004586' ],

- #                                                              grid=True,ylim=(0,100))

- # plt.suptitle("Percent of Package Changes Each Week By Time Since Packager's First Action",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title("",fontsize=16)

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- #

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/git.activity.length.svg',dpi=300)

- #

- ################################################################################################################

- ################################################################################################################


- databodhi = pandas.read_csv(


+ columns = ["msgs1%", "msgs9%", "msgs40%", "msgsrest%"]

+ df = rename(datagit, columns, new_names)

+ ylim = (0, 100)

+ suptitle = "Percent of Package Changes Each Week From Each Activity Level Group"

+ title = ""

+ path = "images/git.activity.share.svg"

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, color, ylim=ylim)

+ save(graph, path)


+ # =============================databodhi==============================

+ databodhi = pd.read_csv(




  databodhi.set_index("weekstart", inplace=True)


- graph = (

-     databodhi[["users1", "users9", "users40", "userrest"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "users1": "Top 1%",

-             "users9": "Next 9%",

-             "users40": "Next 40%",

-             "userrest": "Remaining 50%",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"],

-         grid=True,

-         yticks=range(0, 301, 25),

-     )

- )

- # graph.legend(ncol=4)

- # totally abusing this.

- plt.suptitle(

-     "Number of Contributors Providing Feedback on Package Updates Each Week",

-     fontsize=24,

- )

- graph.set_title("Grouped by Quarterly Activity Level of Each Contributor", fontsize=16)

- graph.set_xlabel("")

- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/bodhi.user.count.svg", dpi=300)

+ columns = ["users1", "users9", "users40", "userrest"]

+ df = rename(databodhi, columns, new_names)


- #############################################

+ yticks = range(0, 301, 25)

+ suptitle = "Number of Contributors Providing Feedback on Package Updates Each Week"

+ title = "Grouped by Quarterly Activity Level of Each Contributor"

+ path = "images/bodhi.user.count.svg"

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, color, yticks=yticks)

+ save(graph, path)


- databodhi["msgstotal"] = databodhi[["msgs1", "msgs9", "msgs40", "msgsrest"]].sum(1)

- databodhi["msgs1%"] = 100 * databodhi["msgs1"] / databodhi["msgstotal"]

- databodhi["msgs9%"] = 100 * databodhi["msgs9"] / databodhi["msgstotal"]

- databodhi["msgs40%"] = 100 * databodhi["msgs40"] / databodhi["msgstotal"]

- databodhi["msgsrest%"] = 100 * databodhi["msgsrest"] / databodhi["msgstotal"]

+ get_pct(databodhi)



  m.rcParams["legend.frameon"] = True

- graph = (

-     databodhi[["msgs1%", "msgs9%", "msgs40%", "msgsrest%"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "msgs1%": "Top 1%",

-             "msgs9%": "Next 9%",

-             "msgs40%": "Next 40%",

-             "msgsrest%": "Remaining 50%",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"],

-         grid=True,

-         ylim=(0, 100),

-     )

- )

- plt.suptitle(

-     "Percent of Update Feedback Each Week From Each Activity Level Group", fontsize=24

- )

- graph.set_title("", fontsize=16)

- graph.set_xlabel("")


- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/bodhi.activity.share.svg", dpi=300)


- ###############################################


- # graph=databodhi[['newusercount']].rename(columns={"newusercount": "New Users"}).plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color='#579d1c',

- #                                                              grid=True,legend=False)

- # plt.suptitle("New Update Testing Contributor Count Per Week",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title('')

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/bodhi.newusers.svg',dpi=300)


- #############################################


- # databodhi['newuseractions%']=100*databodhi['newuseractions']/databodhi['msgstotal']

- # databodhi['monthuseractions%']=100*databodhi['monthuseractions']/databodhi['msgstotal']

- # databodhi['yearuseractions%']=100*databodhi['yearuseractions']/databodhi['msgstotal']

- # databodhi['olderuseractions%']=100*databodhi['olderuseractions']/databodhi['msgstotal']



- # m.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = True

- # graph=databodhi[['newuseractions%','monthuseractions%','yearuseractions%','olderuseractions%']][42:]

- # .rename(columns={"newuseractions%": "New This Week","monthuseractions%":"New This Month",

- # "yearuseractions%":"New This Year","olderuseractions%":"Old School"}).plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color=['#579d1c','#ffd320', '#ff420e', '#004586' ],

- #                                                              grid=True,ylim=(0,100))

- # plt.suptitle("Percent of Update Feedback Each Week By Time Since Packager's First Action",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title("",fontsize=16)

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- #

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/bodhi.activity.length.svg',dpi=300)



- ################################################################################################################

- ################################################################################################################


- datawiki = pandas.read_csv(

+ columns = ["msgs1%", "msgs9%", "msgs40%", "msgsrest%"]

+ df = rename(databodhi, columns, new_names)


+ ylim = (0, 100)

+ suptitle = "Percent of Update Feedback Each Week From Each Activity Level Group"

+ title = ""

+ path = "bodhi.activity.share.svg"

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, color, ylim=ylim)

+ save(graph, path)


+ # =============================datawiki==============================

+ datawiki = pd.read_csv(




  datawiki.set_index("weekstart", inplace=True)


- graph = (

-     datawiki[["users1", "users9", "users40", "userrest"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "users1": "Top 1%",

-             "users9": "Next 9%",

-             "users40": "Next 40%",

-             "userrest": "Remaining 50%",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"],

-         grid=True,

-         yticks=range(0, 301, 25),

-     )

- )

- # graph.legend(ncol=4)

- # totally abusing this.

- plt.suptitle("Number of Wiki Editors Each Week", fontsize=24)

- graph.set_title("Grouped by Quarterly Activity Level of Each Contributor", fontsize=16)

- graph.set_xlabel("")

- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/wiki.user.count.svg", dpi=300)

+ columns = ["users1", "users9", "users40", "userrest"]

+ df = rename(datawiki, columns, new_names)


- #############################################

+ yticks = range(0, 301, 25)

+ suptitle = "Number of Wiki Editors Each Week"

+ title = "Grouped by Quarterly Activity Level of Each Contributor"

+ path = "images/wiki.user.count.svg"

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, color, yticks=yticks)

+ save(graph, path)


- datawiki["msgstotal"] = datawiki[["msgs1", "msgs9", "msgs40", "msgsrest"]].sum(1)

- datawiki["msgs1%"] = 100 * datawiki["msgs1"] / datawiki["msgstotal"]

- datawiki["msgs9%"] = 100 * datawiki["msgs9"] / datawiki["msgstotal"]

- datawiki["msgs40%"] = 100 * datawiki["msgs40"] / datawiki["msgstotal"]

- datawiki["msgsrest%"] = 100 * datawiki["msgsrest"] / datawiki["msgstotal"]

+ get_pct(datawiki)



  m.rcParams["legend.frameon"] = True

- graph = (

-     datawiki[["msgs1%", "msgs9%", "msgs40%", "msgsrest%"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "msgs1%": "Top 1%",

-             "msgs9%": "Next 9%",

-             "msgs40%": "Next 40%",

-             "msgsrest%": "Remaining 50%",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"],

-         grid=True,

-         ylim=(0, 100),

-     )

- )

- plt.suptitle(

-     "Percent of Wiki Edits Each Week From Each Activity Level Group", fontsize=24

- )

- graph.set_title("", fontsize=16)

- graph.set_xlabel("")


- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/wiki.activity.share.svg", dpi=300)


- ###############################################


- # graph=datawiki[['newusercount']].rename(columns={"newusercount": "New Users"}).plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color='#579d1c',

- #                                                              grid=True,legend=False)

- # plt.suptitle("New Wiki Contributor Count Per Week",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title('')

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/wiki.newusers.svg',dpi=300)

- ###############################################


- # graph=datawiki[['newusercount']].rename(columns={"newusercount": "New Users"}).plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color='#579d1c',

- #                                                              grid=True,legend=False)

- # plt.suptitle("New Wiki Contributor Count Per Week",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title('')

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/wiki.newusers.svg',dpi=300)


- #############################################


- # datawiki['newuseractions%']=100*datawiki['newuseractions']/datawiki['msgstotal']

- # datawiki['monthuseractions%']=100*datawiki['monthuseractions']/datawiki['msgstotal']

- # datawiki['yearuseractions%']=100*datawiki['yearuseractions']/datawiki['msgstotal']

- # datawiki['olderuseractions%']=100*datawiki['olderuseractions']/datawiki['msgstotal']



- # m.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = True

- # graph=datawiki[['newuseractions%','monthuseractions%','yearuseractions%','olderuseractions%']][42:]

- # .rename(columns={"newuseractions%": "New This Week","monthuseractions%":"New This Month",

- # "yearuseractions%":"New This Year","olderuseractions%":"Old School"}).plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color=['#579d1c','#ffd320', '#ff420e', '#004586' ],

- #                                                              grid=True,ylim=(0,100))

- # plt.suptitle("Percent of Wiki Edits Each Week By Time Since Editor's First Edit",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title("",fontsize=16)

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- #

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/wiki.activity.length.svg',dpi=300)


- ###############################################

- ###############################################

- datapagure = pandas.read_csv(

+ columns = ["msgs1%", "msgs9%", "msgs40%", "msgsrest%"]

+ df = rename(datawiki, columns, new_names)


+ ylim = (0, 100)

+ suptitle = "Percent of Wiki Edits Each Week From Each Activity Level Group"

+ title = ""

+ path = "wiki.user.count.svg"

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, color, ylim=ylim)

+ save(graph, path)



+ # =============================datapagure==============================

+ datapagure = pd.read_csv(

      "data/io.pagure.prod.pagure.git.receive.bucketed-activity.csv", parse_dates=[0]


  datapagure.set_index("weekstart", inplace=True)

+ columns = ["users1", "users9", "users40", "userrest"]

+ df = rename(datapagure, columns, new_names)


- graph = (

-     datapagure[["users1", "users9", "users40", "userrest"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "users1": "Top 1%",

-             "users9": "Next 9%",

-             "users40": "Next 40%",

-             "userrest": "Remaining 50%",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"],

-         grid=True,

-         yticks=range(0, 25, 5),

-     )

- )

- # graph.legend(ncol=4)

- # totally abusing this.

- plt.suptitle("Number of Contributors Making Commits to Pagure Each Week", fontsize=24)

- graph.set_title("Grouped by Quarterly Activity Level of Each Contributor", fontsize=16)

- graph.set_xlabel("")

- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/pagure.user.count.svg", dpi=300)

+ yticks = range(0, 25, 5)

+ suptitle = "Number of Contributors Making Commits to Pagure Each Week"

+ title = "Grouped by Quarterly Activity Level of Each Contributor"

+ path = "images/pagure.user.count.svg"

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, color, yticks=yticks)

+ save(graph, path)


- #############################################


- datapagure["msgstotal"] = datapagure[["msgs1", "msgs9", "msgs40", "msgsrest"]].sum(1)

- datapagure["msgs1%"] = 100 * datapagure["msgs1"] / datapagure["msgstotal"]

- datapagure["msgs9%"] = 100 * datapagure["msgs9"] / datapagure["msgstotal"]

- datapagure["msgs40%"] = 100 * datapagure["msgs40"] / datapagure["msgstotal"]

- datapagure["msgsrest%"] = 100 * datapagure["msgsrest"] / datapagure["msgstotal"]

+ get_pct(datapagure)



  m.rcParams["legend.frameon"] = True

- graph = (

-     datapagure[["msgs1%", "msgs9%", "msgs40%", "msgsrest%"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "msgs1%": "Top 1%",

-             "msgs9%": "Next 9%",

-             "msgs40%": "Next 40%",

-             "msgsrest%": "Remaining 50%",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"],

-         grid=True,

-         ylim=(0, 100),

-     )

- )

- plt.suptitle(

-     "Percent of Pagure Commits Each Week From Each Activity Level Group", fontsize=24

- )

- graph.set_title("", fontsize=16)

- graph.set_xlabel("")


- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/pagure.activity.share.svg", dpi=300)


- ###############################################


- # graph=datapagure[['newusercount']].rename(columns={"newusercount": "New Users"}).plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color='#579d1c',

- #                                                              grid=True,legend=False)

- # plt.suptitle("New Pagure Contributor Count Per Week",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title('')

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/pagure.newusers.svg',dpi=300)


- #############################################


- # datapagure['newuseractions%']=100*datapagure['newuseractions']/datapagure['msgstotal']

- # datapagure['monthuseractions%']=100*datapagure['monthuseractions']/datapagure['msgstotal']

- # datapagure['yearuseractions%']=100*datapagure['yearuseractions']/datapagure['msgstotal']

- # datapagure['olderuseractions%']=100*datapagure['olderuseractions']/datapagure['msgstotal']



- # m.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = True

- # graph=datapagure[['newuseractions%','monthuseractions%','yearuseractions%','olderuseractions%']][42:]

- # .rename(columns={"newuseractions%": "New This Week","monthuseractions%":"New This Month",

- # "yearuseractions%":"New This Year","olderuseractions%":"Old School"}).plot.area(figsize=(16, 9),

- #                                                              color=['#579d1c','#ffd320', '#ff420e', '#004586' ],

- #                                                              grid=True,ylim=(0,100))

- # plt.suptitle("Percent of Pagure Commits Each Week By Time Since Packager's First Action",fontsize=24)

- # graph.set_title("",fontsize=16)

- # graph.set_xlabel('')

- #

- # fig=graph.get_figure()

- # fig.savefig('images/pagure.activity.length.svg',dpi=300)

+ columns = ["msgs1%", "msgs9%", "msgs40%", "msgsrest%"]

+ df = rename(datapagure, columns, new_names)


+ ylim = (0, 100)

+ suptitle = "Percent of Pagure Commits Each Week From Each Activity Level Group"

+ title = ""

+ path = "images/pagure.activity.share.svg"

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, color, ylim=ylim)

+ save(graph, path)

file modified
+45 -64
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ 

  import os


  import matplotlib as m

- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

- import pandas

+ import pandas as pd


+ from utils import rename, save, plot




  m.rcParams["font.size"] = 12

- m.rcParams["font.family"] = "Overpass"

  m.rcParams["legend.frameon"] = True


@@ -16,75 +16,56 @@ 

  except OSError:



- data = pandas.read_csv("data/contributor-count.csv", parse_dates=[0])

- data.set_index("weekstart", inplace=True)


+ new_names = {

+     "oldactive": "Old School",

+     "midactive": "Intermediate",

+     "newactive": "New Contributors",

+ }

+ color = ["#579d1c", "#ffd320", "#ff420e", "#004586"]


- graph = (

-     data[["oldactive", "midactive", "newactive"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "oldactive": "Old School",

-             "midactive": "Intermediate",

-             "newactive": "New Contributors",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#ff420e", "#ffd320", "#579d1c"],  # '#004586'

-         grid=True,

-         stacked=True,

-         yticks=range(0, 451, 25),

-     )

- )

- data[["rawcount"]].rename(

-     columns={"rawcount": "All Contributors\nincluding less active"}

- ).plot(figsize=(16, 9), ax=graph, yticks=range(0, 426, 25))

+ data = pd.read_csv("data/contributor-count.csv", parse_dates=[0])

+ data.set_index("weekstart", inplace=True)


- graph.xaxis.grid(True, which="minor", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25)

- graph.yaxis.grid(True, which="major", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25)

+ columns = ["oldactive", "midactive", "newactive"]

+ df = rename(data, columns)


- plt.suptitle("Fedora Contributors by Week", fontsize=24)

- graph.set_title(

-     "Stacked graph of contributors with measured activity each week — and at least 13 weeks total in the last year.\n"

+ yticks = range(0, 451, 25)

+ suptitle = "Fedora Contributors by Week"

+ title = (

+     "Stacked graph of contributors with measured activity each week — and at least 13 weeks total in the \

+           last year.\n"

      "“Old school” contributors have been active for longer than two years; new contributors, less than one.\n"

-     "Blue line shows all contributors active this week regardless of amount of other activity.",

-     fontsize=12,

+     "Blue line shows all contributors active this week regardless of amount of other activity."


- graph.set_xlabel("")


- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/active-contributors-by-week.svg", dpi=300)

+ path = "images/active-contributors-by-week.svg"



- graph = (

-     data[["oldcore", "midcore", "newcore"]]

-     .rename(

-         columns={

-             "oldcore": "Old School",

-             "midcore": "Intermediate",

-             "newcore": "New Contributors",

-         }

-     )

-     .plot.area(

-         figsize=(16, 9),

-         color=["#ff420e", "#ffd320", "#579d1c"],  # '#004586'

-         grid=True,

-         stacked=True,

-         yticks=range(0, 101, 25),

-     )

+ color = ["#ff420e", "#ffd320", "#579d1c"]

+ new_names = {"rawcount": "All Contributors\nincluding less active"}

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, yticks=yticks, color=color, stacked=True)

+ rename(df, columns=["rowcount"], new_names=new_names).plot(

+     figsize=(16, 9), ax=graph, yticks=range(0, 426, 25)


+ save(graph, path)


- graph.xaxis.grid(True, which="minor", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25)

- graph.yaxis.grid(True, which="major", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25)

+ columns = ["oldcore", "midcore", "newcore"]

+ new_names = new_names = {

+     "oldcore": "Old School",

+     "midcore": "Intermediate",

+     "newcore": "New Contributors",

+ }

+ df = rename(data, columns, new_names=new_names)


- plt.suptitle("Core Fedora Contributors by Week", fontsize=24)

- graph.set_title(

-     "Stacked graph of contributors with measured activity this week — and at least 13 weeks total in the last year.\n"

+ yticks = range(0, 101, 25)

+ suptitle = "Core Fedora Contributors by Week"

+ title = (

+     "Stacked graph of contributors with measured activity this week — and at least 13 weeks total in the \

+           last year.\n"

      "Old school contributors have been active for longer than two years; new contributors, less than one.\n"

-     "“Core” means part of the set doing about ⅔s of all actions over the past year.",

-     fontsize=12,

+     "“Core” means part of the set doing about ⅔s of all actions over the past year."


- graph.set_xlabel("")

- fig = graph.get_figure()

- fig.savefig("images/active-core-contributors-by-week.svg", dpi=300)

+ path = "images/active-core-contributors-by-week.svg"


+ color = ["#ff420e", "#ffd320", "#579d1c"]

+ new_names = {"rawcount": "All Contributors\nincluding less active"}

+ graph = plot(df, suptitle, title, yticks=yticks, color=color, stacked=True)

+ save(graph, path)

file modified
+9 -9
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 



- until python weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.irc.karma; do sleep 5; done

- until python weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.git.receive; do sleep 5; done

- until python weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.bodhi.update.comment; do sleep 5; done

- until python weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.wiki.article.edit; do sleep 5; done

- until python weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.infragit.receive; do sleep 5; done

- until python weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.fedoratagger.rating.update; do sleep 5; done

- until python weekly-user-activity.py io.pagure.prod.pagure.git.receive; do sleep 5; done

- until python weekly-user-activity.py io.pagure.prod.pagure.issue.new; do sleep 5; done

- until python weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.fedbadges.badge.award; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.irc.karma; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.git.receive; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.bodhi.update.comment; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.wiki.article.edit; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.infragit.receive; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.fedoratagger.rating.update; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py io.pagure.prod.pagure.git.receive; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py io.pagure.prod.pagure.issue.new; do sleep 5; done

+ until python3 weekly-user-activity.py org.fedoraproject.prod.fedbadges.badge.award; do sleep 5; done

file modified
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ 

  import requests

+ import pandas as pd

+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

+ from typing import Dict, List


  url = "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/raw"

@@ -38,3 +41,38 @@ 

              raise ValueError("Ran out of retries")

          for message in data.get("raw_messages", []):

              yield message



+ def rename(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: List, new_names: Dict) -> pd.DataFrame:

+     df.rename(columns=new_names)

+     return df[columns]



+ def get_pct(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: List = ["msgs1", "msgs9", "msgs40", "msgsrest"]):

+     df["msgstotal"] = df[columns].sum(1)

+     total = df["msgstotal"]

+     data_list = columns

+     for i in data_list:

+         df[i + "%"] = 100 * df[i] / total



+ def plot(df, suptitle: str, title: str, color, **kwargs) -> None:

+     graph = df.plot.area(

+         figsize=(16, 9),

+         color=color,

+         grid=False,

+         yticks=kwargs.get("yticks", None),

+         stacked=kwargs.get("stacked", True),

+         ylim=kwargs.get("ylim", None),

+     )

+     plt.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=24)

+     graph.set_title(title, fontsize=16)

+     graph.set_xlabel("")

+     graph.xaxis.grid(True, which="minor", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25)

+     graph.yaxis.grid(True, which="major", linestyle="-", linewidth=0.25)

+     return graph



+ def save(graph, path: str) -> None:

+     fig = graph.get_figure()

+     fig.savefig(path, dpi=300)

file modified
+4 -4
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ 



      while starttime < datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(

-             42

+         42

      ):  # weeks in the future because see below

          endtime = starttime + datetime.timedelta(7)

          weekinfo = WeekActions(
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ 



          msgcachefile = (

-                 "cache/" + discriminant + "." + starttime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".pickle"

+             "cache/" + discriminant + "." + starttime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ".pickle"



          if os.path.exists(msgcachefile):
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ 



              if any(

-                     (bucketscores[1], bucketscores[2], bucketscores[3], bucketscores[4])

+                 (bucketscores[1], bucketscores[2], bucketscores[3], bucketscores[4])



@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ 

          # unless we're in the future, save the weekly userdata csv

          if starttime < datetime.datetime.now():

              with open(

-                     "data/weekly/%s.userdata.%05d.csv" % (discriminant, weeknum), "w"

+                 "data/weekly/%s.userdata.%05d.csv" % (discriminant, weeknum), "w"

              ) as weekcsv:


                      "%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % ("user", "actions", "firstseen", "lastseen")

Hello! In this pr , I have
- refactored certain modules used to generate charts.
- changed all python calls in the scripts to python3 to avoid dependency errors.
- Removed some commented code to tidy up the project.

I hope to get a review from you on tasks done so far. Thanks
cc @mattdm

Oh! Must be an error. I'll check it out and rectify it. Thank you very much.

On Sun, May 2, 2021, 7:29 PM Josseline Perdomo pagure@pagure.io wrote:

josseline commented on the pull-request: refactored some modules that
you are following:
Nice! @mykaah but, why did you delete the requirements file?

To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email

1 new commit added

  • addedd requirements
2 years ago