From e8382110b50d79866360922b67794424bf5c727e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Justin W. Flory (he/him) Date: Feb 09 2021 17:22:59 +0000 Subject: f34: Add i3, i3-extended, i3-desktop-environment COMPs This commit makes three new additions to the Fedora 34 comps file: 1. Adds `i3` package group: Minimal, base set of packages required to run the i3 window manager 2. Adds `i3-extended` package group: Supplemental, optional packages for advanced users who want several different tools available to use 3. Adds `i3-desktop-environment` environment: Groups together a base system similar to other desktop environments. Signed-off-by: Justin W. Flory (he/him) i3: Address @adamw and @ngompa feedback in fedora-comps#569 This is a follow-up that addresses the following feedback: 1. Remove deprecated category for i3-desktop-environment 2. Change "i3 Workstation" to "i3 desktop" in Anaconda 3. Add lightdm-gtk as default greeter for lightdm-greeter This should now be ready to merge. Signed-off-by: Justin W. Flory (he/him) --- diff --git a/ b/ index fde1f96..c0f229d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2882,6 +2882,53 @@ + i3 + <_name>i3 window manager + <_description>i3 is a tiling window manager primarily targeted at advanced users and developers. This group is a minimal, lightweight group of packages to use i3wm with other system components. + false + false + + i3 + i3lock + i3status + dunst + lightdm + lightdm-gtk + lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings + nmcli + network-manager-applet + pactl + pavucontrol + volumeicon + xbrightlight + mousepad + azote + dmenu + firefox + htop + + + + i3-extended + <_name>i3 window manager (supplemental packages) + <_description>i3 is a tiling window manager primarily targeted at advanced users and developers. This group includes supplemental, optional packages for the i3 window manager. + false + false + + rofi + powertop + arandr + conky + i3status-rs + alacritty + tmux + xarchiver + qutebrowser + py3status + lxappearance + + + input-methods <_name>Input Methods <_description>Input method packages for the input of international text. @@ -5976,6 +6023,27 @@ + i3-desktop-environment + i3 desktop + + admin-tools + base-x + core + dial-up + fonts + hardware-support + i3 + input-methods + multimedia + networkmanager-submodules + standard + printing + + + i3-extended + + + lxde-desktop-environment <_name>LXDE Desktop <_description>LXDE is a lightweight X11 desktop environment designed for computers with low hardware specifications like netbooks, mobile devices or older computers.