#283 new design
Merged 2 years ago by sumantrom. Opened 2 years ago by sumantrom.
Unknown source main  into  main

new design
sumantrom • 2 years ago  
file modified
+1 -1
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    - modules/ROOT/nav.adoc

    - modules/teams/nav.adoc

-   - modules/handbooks/nav.adoc

    - modules/outreach-badges/nav.adoc

    - modules/design-assets/nav.adoc


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- * *Role Handbooks*

- ** xref:ambassador-emeritus.adoc[Ambassador Emeritus]

- ** xref:ambassador-mentor.adoc[Ambassador Mentor]

- ** xref:advocate.adoc[Advocates]

- ** xref:ambassador.adoc[Ambassador]

- ** xref:commops-member.adoc[CommOps Member]

- ** xref:fedora-join::welcome/welcome.adoc[Join SIG Team Member]

- ** xref:irc-group-contact.adoc[IRC group contact]

- ** xref:marketing-member.adoc[Marketing Member]

- ** xref:mindshare-reps.adoc[Mindshare Reps]

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- include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


- = CommOps Team Member


- == How to become a CommOps Team Member:


- Please Refer to https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/contribute/join/ to this section.


- Community Operations (CommOps) team members provide tools, resources, and utilities for different sub-projects of Fedora to improve effective communication.


- -  Work closely with Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator to prioritize key focus areas

- - Work closely with the Mindshare Committee to actualize initiatives

- - Assist Fedora Program Manager with release preparations

- - Support preparation and execution of Fedora Elections

- - Work with sub-projects and teams to improve on-boarding methods and practices

- - Use metrics and data to improve understanding of Fedora community

- - Support development of metrics tooling


- == Teams you will be closely working with


-    * Mindshare Committee

-    * Fedora Design & Badges

-    * Fedora Council

-    * Community Outreach teams (Ambassadors, Join SIG, )


- == Current members


- The FAS group currently holds the list of people who are currently

- https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/group/commops/


- == Contact information


- * Discourse forum: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/c/project/commops

- * IRC channel:  #fedora-commops on Libera.Chat

- * Telegram group: @fedoracommops on Telegram

- * Matrix/Element: https://matrix.to/#/#fedora-commops:matrix.org


- == How to retire from CommOps


- Life happens, things get busy, and interests change. This is a natural part of life that we embrace in the Fedora community. Whether you are moving to a new team in Fedora or taking a break altogether, it is important to have an avenue to retire. CommOps Team memmbers looking to retire should open a thread on the CommOps Discourse forum with a retirement message- it doesn’t have to be long (or it can be!) to let your teammates know you will be retiring or taking a break. This gives everyone a chance to thank you for all your efforts in CommOps!


- The CommOps Team will also run a yearly group cleanup. This entails running a script to search for inactive users(Fedora Account System) and reaching out to them directly via their Fedora Project email. It is absolutely fine to respond to this as “I want to stay involved” or “I will be back soon” or “I am unable to be a part at this time”.


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- include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


- = IRC / Libera Chat Group Contacts


- libera.chat IRC network has a concept of ‘Groups’ for various projects. Group contacts for each of those groups are granted special powers on the network over their groups channels. Additionally, requests from Group contacts can be taken as ‘official’ requests from the group. Fedora group contacts represent Fedora to libera.chat.


- The primary functions of group contacts are:


- * Check/process ‘cloak’ requests and request them from libera.chat admins to process. (Cloaks are a hostmask with the project name in them instead of hostname or ip address. It’s a way to note your affiliation with a group)

- * To (re)gain and configure control of irc channels in the group namespace “#fedora*”



- == How to join the team / step down



- Group contacts are added from very trusted project members and kept to a small number. Council should appove changes in libera.chat group members. Changes will then be made by libera admins to joining / leaving accounts.


- == Responsibilities


- * Process the ‘cloaks’ requests: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LiberaCloaks as time permits.

- * Process requests in the https://pagure.io/irc tracker for matrix bridges or regaining control of a channel in the #fedora* namespace as requested.

- * Idle in the #libera-communities channel to make requests to libera admins as needed.


- == Teams you will be working closely with


- * libera.chat admins in #libera.communities

- * Any fedora groups needing irc work


- == Current members


- ** Tom Calloway / spot

- ** Nick Bebout / nb

- ** Kevin Fenzi / nirik


- == Contact information


- Link : https://pagure.io/irc

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- include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


- = Fedora Marketing Team Member

- The Fedora Marketing Team develops and executes marketing strategies to promote the usage and support of Fedora worldwide. Through the development of processes and content, this project aims to support the efforts of other Fedora projects to spread Fedora and to provide a central source of ideas and information that can be used to deliver Fedora to new audiences. The marketing Team works closely with the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-join/[Join SIG] and https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/teams/ambassadors/[Fedora Ambassadors] who spread the word about Fedora at events and allow the Fedora Project to interact directly with its existing and prospective users.


- `More content needs to be added below.`


- ### How to join the team/ step down



- ### Responsibilities 




- ### Teams you will be closely working with




- ### Current member




- ### Contact information 




- ### Information Sheet

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- include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


- = CommOps & Ambassador Reps to Mindshare


- There are two representatives from the CommOps structure to Mindshare. Ideally, this would be one Ambassador representative and one representative from CommOps. These people are responsible for representing Ambassadors/CommOps as a collective to the Mindshare Committee and not as a single voice. They will be required to work with all the various groups that collaborate with Mindshare and act as a liaison between these groups and CommOps. These roles will require a fair amount of time investment and good communication skills.


- == Current representatives

- * Nick Bebout (nb) [Ambassador Rep]

- * Alberto Rodríguez Sánchez (bt0dotninja) [CommOps Rep]


- == Responsibilities

- Representatives are a crucial point to keep communication flowing between CommOps, Ambassadors, and Mindshare. As a CommOps/Ambassador representative to Mindshare you will be involved with:


- * Participate in weekly meetings at fedora-mindshare IRC channel.

- * Review and comment on tickets in the fedora-mindshare Pagure repo.

- * Work closely and collaborate with the other outreach teams’ representatives to ensure that the most effective decisions are made.

- * Give valuable feedback to the Mindshare Committee.

- * Share the best practices: one of the Mindshare’s goals is to take down barriers or whatever is blocking sharing best practices.

- * Ensure that CommOps/Ambassadors are being represented and bring to the Mindshare meetings any problems or obstacles they might encounter.

- * Ensure that the Fedora budget is managed in the most effective way across all regions.

- * Listen to the needs, concerns and hopes of the Fedora community and relay them to the Mindshare Committee.



- == Duration of Service

- The duration of service is two Fedora release cycles, or one year. However, terms may run shorter or longer depending on the personal situation of the persons filling the Representative roles. In an unlikely event of the representative(s), Mindshare Committee, or the CommOps Team wish to make a change in representation, sufficient reasoning must be provided. Following the SOP, a new representative will then be selected by the CommOps Team.


- == Selection

- This section explains how the representatives are nominated and selected. The selection process documented below is initiated when a rotation of representatives is motioned by the existing representative, the Mindshare committee, or the Fedora Council.


- == Nomination

- There will be a two-week nomination period for potential representatives. Nominees can be self-nominated or nominated by other members of CommOps/Ambassadors with their consent. Nominees are required to be members of CommOps/Ambassadors and should have a basic understanding of various Fedora sub-projects, and have sufficient time to perform the responsibilities required.


- In the event that there are no nominees, Commops/Ambassadors will work with the Mindshare Committee to broaden the search message and request more time. Should no nominees be found after that, the role will rotate among existing CommOps/Ambassador members until the next representative is identified.


- == Confirmation

- After the one-week nomination period expires, the CommOps teams (including Ambassadors) will discuss candidates in a public meeting. In a meeting discussion, it provides an opportunity for the team to weigh in and share other context. In the event that three or more nominees are interested in the Representative roles, the Fedora CommOps Team will coordinate with the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/council/fpgm/[Fedora Program Manager] to run an election.


- For the Fedora Elections application, use these conditions:


- * Nominee must be a member of fedora-commops Fedora Account group

- * Voting is open to CLA+1 voters (like Council elections)


- The selected person and the Mindshare Committee will be notified once the selection is confirmed. The selected person will begin serving as the CommOps/Ambassador representative to the Mindshare Committee as soon as possible.


- == Teams you will be closely working with

- * Fedora Mindshare

- * CommOps

- * Ambassadors

- * Various other Outreach teams as required

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+32 -7
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- * *Team Overviews*

- ** xref:advocates.adoc[Advocates]

- ** xref:ambassador-emeritus.adoc[Ambassador Emeritus]

- ** xref:ambassadors.adoc[Ambassador]

- ** xref:commops.adoc[Community Operations]

- ** xref:fedora-join::index.adoc[Join SIG]

- ** xref:marketing.adoc[Marketing] 

+ * *Teams*

+ ** Ambassador

+ *** xref:ambassadors.adoc[Team Overview]

+ *** xref:ambassador-role.adoc[Roles]

+ *** xref:ambassador-logo.adoc[Logos]

+ *** xref:ambassador-badges.adoc[Badges]

+ *** xref:ambassador-emeritus.adoc[Ambassador Emeritus]

+ **** xref:ambassador-emeritus-role.adoc[Roles]

+ **** xref:ambassador-emeritus-badges.adoc[Badges]

+ **** xref:ambassador-emeritus-logo.adoc[Logos]

+ *** xref:ambassador-mentor.adoc[Ambassador Mentor]

+ **** xref:ambassador-mentor-role.adoc[Roles]

+ ** Advocate

+ *** xref:advocate-team-overview.adoc[Team Overview]

+ *** xref:advocate-role.adoc[Roles]

+ *** xref:advocate-logo.adoc[Logos]

+ *** xref:advocate-badges.adoc[Badges]

+ ** CommOps

+ *** xref:commops.adoc[Team Overview]

+ *** xref:commops.adoc[Roles]

+ *** xref:commlogo.adoc[Logos]

+ *** xref:commbadges.adoc[Badges]

+ ** Join

+ *** xref:join.adoc[Team Overview]

+ *** xref:join-role.adoc[Role]

+ *** xref:join-logo.adoc[Logos]

+ *** xref:join-badges.adoc[Badges]

+ ** Marketing

+ *** xref:marketing.adoc[Team Overview]

+ *** xref:marketing-role.adoc[Roles]

+ *** xref:marketing-logo.adoc[Logos]

+ *** xref:marketing-badges.adoc[Badges]

docs/modules/teams/pages/advocate-role.adoc docs/modules/handbooks/pages/advocate.adoc
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docs/modules/teams/pages/advocate-team-overview.adoc docs/modules/teams/pages/advocates.adoc
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+ include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]



+ https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/ambassador[Ambassador Badge]

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ The Ambassador badge is awarded for being a Fedora Ambassador.


+ image:https://badges.fedoraproject.org/pngs/fas-ambassador.png[alt="fedora-amby"]



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+ include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


+ https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/632[Ambassador Emeritus Badge]

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ The Ambassador Emeritus Badge is awarded for retiring from the Fedora Ambassador Team.


+ image:https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/d689147b14b843b82784f04d28213a6ae98c825055b64003a5bb8f57b9d07da7-emeritus.png[alt="emeritus"]

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+ include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


+ == Ambassadors Emeritus Logos


+ Find all the Ambassadors Emeritus logos & variations [here](Should link to the specific folder in repo).



+ image::amby/Ambassadors emeritus.png[]

docs/modules/teams/pages/ambassador-emeritus-role.adoc docs/modules/handbooks/pages/ambassador-emeritus.adoc
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file was moved with no change to the file
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+ include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


+ == Ambassadors Logos


+ Find all the CommOps logos & variations [here](Should link to the specific folder in repo).


+ image::amby/Ambassadors.png[]


docs/modules/teams/pages/ambassador-mentor-role.adoc docs/modules/handbooks/pages/ambassador-mentor.adoc
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file was moved with no change to the file
docs/modules/teams/pages/ambassador-role.adoc docs/modules/handbooks/pages/ambassador.adoc
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file was moved with no change to the file
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- include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


- = CommOps Team


- The Fedora community consists of members from a wide variety of backgrounds, people from any number of different domains who possess varying levels of experience and technical proficiencies. Fedora needs to be aligned with how technology, rights, equality, diversity, and freedom advocacy are being undertaken across our project and community. Fedora CommOps will be an umbrella organization to unite our community outreach efforts. Fedora Join, Advocates, Ambassadors, Ambassador Emeritus will all fall under the umbrella of the CommOps team to ensure they receive the support they need. This will vary team to team. 

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- include::ROOT:partial$attributes.adoc[]


- = Fedora Marketing Team



- The Fedora Marketing Team develops and executes marketing strategies to promote the usage and support of Fedora worldwide. Through the development of processes and content, this project aims to support the efforts of other Fedora projects to spread Fedora and to provide a central repository of ideas and information that can be used to deliver Fedora to new audiences. They work closely with the Fedora Ambassadors who spread the word about Fedora at events and allow the Fedora Project to interact directly with its existing and prospective users.

no initial comment

Pull-Request has been merged by sumantrom

2 years ago
Changes Summary 20