#86 Adjust meeting time by 30 minutes
Closed: Fixed 8 years ago Opened 8 years ago by jflory7.

Discussed in 2016-08-30 meeting.


The current meeting time conflicts with my availability to chair by thirty minutes.


Briefly in the meeting, we discussed shifting the meeting time by 30 minutes. From those in attendance at the meeting (@downey, @skamath, @bt0dotninja, @devyani7, @dhanesh95), there were no objections to the slight change, but I wanted to put this topic out to vote (in case there's some people who would be affected by moving the time and would prefer it to go to another time).

2016 Sept 6 meeting will start at 16:30 UTC this week.

What's the ask?

#action you +1/-1 moving the meeting start time forward by 30 minutes

Vote passed

Meeting time shifted by 30 minutes forward.

@jflory7 changed the status to Fixed

8 years ago


I know I am delayed but just making my point :smile:

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