#67 [Objective] Owning the Release Announcements Process
Closed: Not possible 7 years ago Opened 8 years ago by decause.


This time around, we quickly cranked out the Alpha Release Announcement, but in the future, we want commops to own this task.


Release announcements aren't just about marketing, or writing. They require many working groups, as well as project leadership, to all communicate with eachother, and early and often, to be successful


Include this set of tasks in our fedocal, our meeting agendas, and wiki/reference pages, so folks are aware we're going to make this happen from now on.

Going back to this ticket, the release announcement process feels very much like a Marketing task to me. It absolutely requires communication between various working groups, SIGs, and other teams, but it still seems uniquely like a marketing task to me because the end result focuses more on outreach than reaching in and improving communication among ourselves.

To me, a more realistic ticket would be to help the Marketing team improve how they can reach out to other groups for information, to make it easier to draft the release announcements. Perhaps @mailga, @bproffit, or @jzb have some thoughts to add on this one.

I'm adding it onto our meeting agenda for tomorrow for discussion / voting for now.

Given the context of the above comment and missing feedback in the ticket, I'm going to close this as wontfix, and recommend keeping this within the Marketing team's set of responsibilities.

@jflory7 changed the status to Closed

7 years ago

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