This ticket is a stub for working out the artwork, concept, and steps involved for awarding a fedora badge for contributors who would like to officially join the Marketing team.
Originally discussed in 2016-10-18 meeting. Briefly mentioned in 2016-11-29 meeting.
Apologies for how long it has taken me so long to get back to this ticket, but here's a breakdown of all of the ideas we had during our original meeting when we discussed this topic (to much high interest too).
Before diving in too deep, this section can serve as an index for useful pages to make note of with regards to the Marketing team.
In order for us to find solutions to improving on-boarding to Marketing and retaining those contributors, we first have to identify the specific problems and issues that Marketing faces. The following list is a summary.
In the same meeting, we discussed for a long time about some of the potential solutions we could pursue in trying to solve some of the above problems (think cause and effect). Some of the ideas we had are in bulletpoints below. Note that the list has not yet been refined.
There is a lot that is covered here, and it would be extremely helpful if some of the folks from the meeting checked out this ticket and offered some ideas or feedback to the above.
@meskarune @rhea @ankursinha @mailga @bex
I will also be publicizing this discussion on the Marketing mailing list to help gain the attention and feedback from other Marketing team members.
I think a lot of info in this ticket will be useful for Fedora Hubs UX for Marketing team members. Perhaps, someone from Hubs or Marketing can comment further. @mailga @jflory7
Regarding the onboarding process, it was decided in CommOps meeting on 2017-09-13, that CommOps would work towards an integrated document to guide different teams on how-to create effective onboarding guidelines and provide them with examples.
More Info here -
Ticket for how-to document to guide different teams on creating and implementing effective onboarding guidelines is here -
As this ticket has a lot of information, we can decide future steps for this ticket after feedback in CommOps ticket
Metadata Update from @bee2502: - Issue set to the milestone: None (was: Fedora 26)
Metadata Update from @bee2502: - Issue tagged with: meeting
@bt0dotninja will work on Issue #48 and break the information into smaller actions for Marketing team, file tickets and/or contact Marketing team about it. @jflory7 will File a new ticket against Fedora Hubs with research on Marketing team for designing the Marketing Hub later on.
Edit by @jflory7: See fedora-hubs#404
Metadata Update from @bee2502: - Issue untagged with: meeting
Metadata Update from @bee2502: - Issue untagged with: help wanted - Issue tagged with: blocked
The #48 points are refereed here:
No references to create a badge (yet) but it is a low priority task. :smile:
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: blocked - Issue close_status updated to: Insufficient data - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 28 (to May 2018) - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
In the CommOps FAD, we agreed to close the on-boarding series tickets since they have stalled out. Most of them are blocking on specific Fedora Badges (and there are tickets already filed). If we want to revisit a specific team, we should file a new ticket and start from a fresh slate.
I think it's worth noting a lot of awesome work was done on this series in our beginning two years – thanks everyone who has helped on the on-boarding work over the years.
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