#298 Could we please stop directing people from the Fedora news telegram channel to the commops telegram channel for comments?
Closed: moved 8 months ago by jflory7. Opened 2 years ago by ankursinha.

Apparently the Fedora news telegram channel is "read only" and to comment on posts there, it redirects people to the Commops telegram channel.

As a result, the commops channel is people reacting to all news posts. It's really not the right place for this, it's meant to (as I understand it) be for commops discussion. Folks should be redirected to the Fedora support channel (if they have to be redirected at all---not sure this is necessary either tbh given that the news channel is sort of an RSS feed---if people want to join the discussion, they should go to the source of the discussion, the devel list and so on?)

If the commops team is not using it, the channel should be retired. At the moment it's just a mix of all sorts of topics but almost no commops discussion.

Asking people to comment on news topics there also means that they're not really up to date with the main discussion. This is really not a good idea, especially for change proposals like the legacy BIOS one where we had people commenting all sorts of things without ever reading the full discussion on the devel list.

HI @ankursinha I am +1 to this change- I can make the adjustment if no one is opposed. Should we wait some time for folks to comment or go ahead with the change?

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Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: moved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

8 months ago

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