#206 Adding Fedora Join Workshops in Event Ideas
Closed: moved 8 months ago by jflory7. Opened 4 years ago by nasirhm.

We at Join SiG are trying to structure the process of Introducing newcomers to Fedora by using Welcome to Fedora tickets.

I would like to suggest to add a Workshop for Newcomers in Fedora, where they can create their own FAS Id's and Pagure accounts along with opening a ticket for themselves in the Welcome to Fedora, So we the Join SiG can monitor their progress and help them if they get stuck at some place like attaining CLA+1, we can provide temporary membership into the Join FAS Group.

How about Adding about it in the Event Ideas for Events by Fedora

I think then the frequency of we need this kind workshop fits better in Fedora Classroom with good quality, translatable and reusable videos.

Personally we do it with at least 3 times a year on our local community. I do this work as Ambassador/advocate/join sig member and understand how important is it.

+1 for this.

I am -1 to adding it to types of events and making it more complicated.
IMO, this can just be called a recurring Fedora classroom.
even with this, I prefer the doc style where you just tell them to do these 3 steps of creating a FAS and pagure account and opening an issue from a template.
We just need a better doc if that's not working :)

p.s. with -1, I just mean to put my opinion and not voting

Hi @nasirhm, thanks for opening the ticket!

How about Adding about it in the Event Ideas for Events by Fedora

Not sure what page you mean. Do you have a link?

IMO, this can just be called a recurring Fedora classroom.
even with this, I prefer the doc style where you just tell them to do these 3 steps of creating a FAS and pagure account and opening an issue from a template.

I'm not sure I understand the idea fully yet, but my first thought is similar to Vipul.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: needs review (was: awaiting triage)
- Issue tagged with: needs feedback, type - outreach

4 years ago

Hey @jflory7 @siddharthvipul1 @bt0dotninja & CommOps Team,

The initial idea was to have a Workshop-type of thing at in-person events where the attendees who are potentially newcomers can create their FAS ID, Pagure Account & Open a ticket for themselves at Welcome-to-Fedora to keep track of their progress.

but I guess that would be only helpful if the event is focused on gaining attraction from Newcomers.

having recurring classrooms is a good idea but in the meantime alot of things change right after the classroom. Recently i did an Interview[1] with @jflory7 which can serve that purpose and the best part was he pointed at the docs for reference. I guess having a Doc would be great in the Join SiG on how to create FAS ID , Pagure Account & Create a ticket in Welcome to Fedora.

If any of you guys have other ideas on how can we improve with the Join SiG or improve the onboarding process, Kindly share it :)

1: https://youtu.be/H3QzziUZBik

The initial idea was to have a Workshop-type of thing at in-person events where the attendees who are potentially newcomers can create their FAS ID, Pagure Account & Open a ticket for themselves at Welcome-to-Fedora to keep track of their progress.

[…] I guess having a Doc would be great in the Join SiG on how to create FAS ID , Pagure Account & Create a ticket in Welcome to Fedora.

I get your idea now. I like it! I don't think we have a "standard" way of on-boarding people at events. An event organizer can put their own creative spin on how to contribute, or they might redirect an interested person to someone else in the community. We don't have to enforce how to do it, but some documented best practices would be helpful, both for new and past event organizers.

Not sure if it makes sense as a Mindshare doc or a CommOps docs though. It would basically be like a "workshop instruction kit" if I get the idea right.

An aside, maybe we could "pass" this doc to the Join SIG to maintain if there is interest. It has always felt a little out of place / out of the way in CommOps docs to me:


I get your idea now. I like it! I don't think we have a "standard" way of on-boarding people at events. An event organizer can put their own creative spin on how to contribute, or they might redirect an interested person to someone else in the community. We don't have to enforce how to do it, but some documented best practices would be helpful, both for new and past event organizers.
Not sure if it makes sense as a Mindshare doc or a CommOps docs though. It would basically be like a "workshop instruction kit" if I get the idea right.

I agree, having a resource pack type-of thing like we have in the D&I team sounds like a great idea.

An aside, maybe we could "pass" this doc to the Join SIG to maintain if there is interest. It has always felt a little out of place / out of the way in CommOps docs to me:

From my perspective, I think it would be best fit as a Mindshare doc than a CommOps or Join SiG doc as it would containing ideas potentially focused for Event organization. Mindshare currently doesn't have a doc like this, we can get ideas & tips from past event organizers on how they made their events awesome. It would probably make it easier for the new/old event organizer to come up with ideas and share their own too.

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Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: moved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

8 months ago

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