#17 Interview Fedora's Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, tatica
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by jflory7.

Fedora recently hired a new Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, tatica (Maria Leandro). To help bring exposure to her role and what she does, it would be a good idea to post an interview to the Community Blog (and likely with a pointer article on the Magazine).

I think this is something I can add to my plate for next week - we can collaborate on questions either here, IRC, or the mailing list. I think having it done before the year's end would be ideal.

Discussed in 2016-01-12 meeting.

CCing tatica on this ticket as this is something that directly impacts her. :) What we thought might work best for this interview is if Maria comes up with a few "areas" or specific topics of her position that may be unclear or that people may have questions about, and then we send those areas / topics off to the CommOps mailing list to gather some specific questions from others in the Fedora community. This doesn't have to be specific to just CommOps either, it could also include the Marketing or Council mailing lists, depending.

We wanted to get this on the map and hope to start preparing this later this month, or in early February, depending on how the "Year in Review" series goes.

Discussed in 2016-01-26 meeting.

It was decided that the interview questions in the [https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/women-in-computing-and-fedora/ Women in Computing and Fedora] article will be enough. The new plan is to do two things.

== Share with announce@lists.fedoraproject.org ==
Upper-level Fedora MGMT has expressed interest in formally introducing tatica's new role to the rest of the Project. The interview questions and her section in the above article will be plenty of content to use for the announcement. Drafting a mock "to announce list" email for this would be a good idea. There is a large audience for this, and we should be extra careful with word choosing. It's easy for people to take things out of context.

We'd like to actually send this once tatica returns next week, as she is away taking care of personal matters this week.

== Create and publish Magazine pointer ==
It was mentioned that creating a Magazine article that summed up the original WiC + Fedora article would be useful on the Fedora Magazine. This is actually already drafted and pending being published either Thursday or Friday. All that is left is a featured image. Watch for this coming out this week!

Discussed in [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2016-02-02 2016-02-02 meeting].

= Magazine article =
The [https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-looks-back-ahead-women-computing/ Magazine article] pointer is published.

= Share with list =
We need to create the summarized version of the "Women in Computing and Fedora" article with just tatica's section for the announcement list. This will help declare her presence as Fedora's new Diversity Adviser with several people in and out of the Project.

This [https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/announce-list-tatica-interview Etherpad] is where the draft currently sits. Once it is complete, decause will take care of posting to the announce list.

The Etherpad draft has been completed and shared with the [https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/commops@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ESYYVNICTDGVZZKS2FBDEGJ5QF634RVP/ commops mailing list]. Pending final review and discussion, and can be sent out by decause later next week, once tatica returns from her temporary leave.

'''Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2016-02-09/commops.2016-02-09-16.56.html 2016-02-09 meeting].'''

Final draft has been approved by CommOps, sent off to tatica pending her final approval. Once all looks good, Remy can ship this off to the list and the ticket can be closed.

'''Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/commops/commops.2016-02-16-16.55.html 2016-02-16 meeting].'''

tatica will be completely back on the grid next week. We're looking at shipping this to the list early next week. Tentatively, Mon. Feb. 22 or Tue. Feb 23? Will either close ticket when it is sent or check in at next week's meeting.

'''Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2016-02-23/commops.2016-02-23-16.55.html 2016-02-23 meeting].'''

Deferring another week, unexpected circumstances arose.

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