Interview the top five badge earners of 2017 about their work in Fedora, publish Community Blog series with their interviews
(This is also a great task for someone to get started with and also get to know some of the Fedora community!)
There are two benefits to this:
We ran this before in the past. See the 2015 discussion on the idea. There are also three example articles:
This task includes some research and interviews. First, reach out to the top five badge earners of 2017 to ask them if they would like to be interviewed and featured on the Community Blog. In 2015, we used these questions:
After collecting interviews, each interviewee gets their own article. These articles are scheduled and spread out over a few weeks.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue tagged with: help wanted
Raising my hand to help out here as discussed on the mailing list. I can put together an email draft of the questions working from the Details section above.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue tagged with: meeting
Hello my name is Luis Roca and I'm a new member of the Fedora Project CommOps team.
We're reaching out to the top five badge earners of 2017 collecting interviews. Each interview will then become a featured article on the Fedora Community Blog, spread out over several weeks .[1]
To participate simply reply with your responses to the questions below:
Thank you for your time and consideration
Luis Roca Fedora Project member: CommOps, QA
Footnote [1] Example Top Badgers feature published in 2016
@roca +1, this looks awesome! :thumbsup: Feel free to send this out to the top five badgers. If you need help finding email addresses, please ping us in IRC.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: help wanted - Issue assigned to roca - Issue priority set to: normal (1-2 weeks) (was: minor (3-4 weeks))
Have responses from two of five so far. Considering sending out an email nudge to the others with a deadline if they would like to participate. (Should have placed that in the original)
Would Monday the 26th of March be reasonable? Essentially giving the others the weekend to respond to the interview questions.
Top Badgers of 2017 Interview Drafts - Alessio Ciregia - Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez - Fabio Valentini - Carl George
Discussed in 2018-03-26 meeting.
We gave this a quick passover in the meeting, so some folks should take a peek in here to read.
@roca, once you are all finished, we usually request others to ask for review on the CommOps mailing list. Please write to the mailing list when you're finished and ready for final review too.
Thanks for all your time working on these already. :grin:
@roca @jflory7 i want to improve my answers. is this possible??
I answered @bt0dotninja's question in IRC – we can change the answers out any time before publishing. @bt0dotninja, you can email them in private to me and @roca and one of us can update your answers.
Thanks @roca for the hard work on these! :raised_hands: I took an editing pass through all the articles and added an introduction block text to all of them. I also added some hyperlinks or fixed a few typos from the interviewees.
I think it would be cool to run this series one article a week for all of April. Tuesday is (generally) the best day of the week to publish, so I am spreading out all the articles from Tuesday, April 3 until Tuesday, April 24. Since we are still waiting for one more article (hopefully) from @haghighi, if we get that interview, we can add it to the schedule with no problem.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue untagged with: meeting
Howdy everyone! Just looked at my preview, and I noticed an error.
As of the writing of this article, Alessio is the #267 all-time badge earner in Fedora.
Badge count is right, name is wrong. :grin:
@carlwgeorge said… Badge count is right, name is wrong. 😁
Nice catch! Just edited and fixed it. :100:
The first article goes live tomorrow morning. Since all the posts we have so far are scheduled and done, I closing this ticket as complete.
If any changes or revisions need to be made for scheduled posts, add a comment here or get our attention in IRC to make an edit.
Nice work again, @roca!
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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