#121 Added missing fields for brew-build.test.complete.yaml
Merged 2 years ago by lholecek. Opened 2 years ago by draval.
fedora-ci/ draval/messages master  into  master

@@ -7,3 +7,13 @@ 



          - "${body.artifact.nvr}"

+     system_provider:

+         - "${body.system[0].provider}"

+     system_architecture:

+         - "${body.system[0].architecture}"

+     system_variant:

+         - "${body.system[0].variant}"

+     scenario:

+         - "#if(${body.test.scenario})${body.test.scenario}#{else}not available#end"

+     scratch:

+         - "${body.artifact.scratch}"

Fields Added:
- scenario
- system_architecture
- system_variant
- system_provider
- scratch

+1 Thanks! Can you squash the commits into a single one?

Seems to look good. Thank you.

rebased onto f26c607

2 years ago

Oh my bad, I thought while merging the PR user will get an option to squash the commit.
Anyway, no worries, I have squashed them from my side.
So should be ready to merge.

Pull-Request has been merged by lholecek

2 years ago

@lholecek @pholica
We also need to create a new Tag in order to leverage new changes.

Tag: 1.1.4

We also need to create a new Tag in order to leverage new changes.

Tag: 1.1.4

Yes, I was hoping to get #118 merged before that.

Done. Tagged with 1.1.4.
