#17 add page with test
Merged 5 years ago by psss. Opened 5 years ago by ph0zzy.
fedora-ci/ ph0zzy/docs tests  into  master

file modified
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ 

  * xref:standard-test-interface.adoc[Standard Test Interface]

  * xref:standard-test-roles.adoc[Standard Test Roles]

  * xref:examples.adoc[Examples]

+ * xref:tests.adoc[Tests]

  * xref:faq.adoc[FAQ]

@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ 

+ :toc:


+ = Tests =


+ [cols="1", options="header"]

+ |===

+ |Quick links to automated test reports


+ |https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CI/Tests/stat[stat]


+ |https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CI/Tests/new-stat[new-stat]


+ |https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CI/Tests/stat_atomic[stat atomic]


+ |https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CI/Tests/recent_builds[recent builds]


+ |https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CI/Tests/stat_everything_subset[stat everything subset]


+ |https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CI/Tests/stat_fedoraserver[stat fedoraserver]

+ |===


+ == Enabling ==


+ Tests may be written in different ways, but are exposed and invoked in a standard way as defined by the xref:standard-test-interface.adoc[Standard Test Interface] directly in the package https://src.fedoraproject.org/projects/rpms/%2A[git repository].

+ It is also possible to enable pipeline for the tests namespace, see xref:share-test-code.adoc#_testing_tests[Testing Tests] for details.

+ To start working on tests you can clone a package repo directly:


+  git clone https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/qrencode.git


+ You can also use the `fedpkg` to clone the repo.

+ See the xref:package-maintenance-guide.adoc[Package Maintenance Guide] for more info about the tool:


+  fedpkg clone -a qrencode


+ Tests are enabled by including the `tests.yml` file under the `tests` directory:


+  cd qrencode/tests

+  cat tests.yml


+ Tests are wrapped or written as http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks.html[Ansible playbooks].

+ Here is an example of a simple playbok which enables a single `smoke` test of the `qrencode` package:


+ [source,ansible]

+ ----

+ - hosts: localhost

+   roles:

+   - role: standard-test-beakerlib

+     tags:

+     - classic

+     - container

+     - atomic

+     tests:

+     - smoke

+     required_packages:

+     - qrencode

+     - file

+ ----


+ Let's now briefly look at the playbook to see which variables are defined in order to enable the smoke test:


+ * *role* — this test uses role `standard-test-beakerlib` from xref:standard-test-roles.adoc[Standard Test Roles] to run a BeakerLib test

+ * *tags* — all three test subjects (xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_classic[classic] rpm, docker xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_container[container] and xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_atomic[atomic] host) are relevant for this test

+ * *tests* — list of tests to be executed (here we have just a single smoke test)

+ * *required_packages* — list of rpm packages required for test execution


+ There may by multiple files ending in `.yml` in the `tests/` subdirectory and each of them can represent a test or a part of a test.

+ All of them need to be included in the main `tests.yml` file.

+ Let's have a look at the https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gzip/blob/master/f/tests[gzip] example:


+  > fedpkg clone -a gzip

+  Cloning into 'gzip'...


+  > cd gzip/tests/

+  > ls

+  test-simple  test_simple.yml  tests.yml


+  > cat tests.yml

+  - include: test_simple.yml


+ == Executing ==


+ Before running tests make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:


+  dnf install ansible python2-dnf libselinux-python standard-test-roles


+ Although some playbooks may function without sudo, tests are always invoked as root.

+ The test itself may set up users and/or drop permissions if a part of that test.

+ But in general be sure to be root when invoking tests.


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ *Tests may modify or destroy your environment* +

+ It's recommended to use a virtual machine for testing to prevent any unwated changes performed by the test to your system.

+ ====


+ Running a test directly on the current system is easy:


+  ansible-playbook tests.yml


+ To only run tests that are suited for classic systems installed by `yum` or `dnf` use the `--tags` argument:


+  ansible-playbook --tags=classic tests.yml


+ See xref:standard-test-roles.adoc[Standard Test Roles] documentation for detailed instructions how to run tests for a specific xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_package[Rpm Package], xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_container[Docker Container] or xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_atomic[Atomic Host].


+ == Writing ==


+ Test code itself can be stored directly in the dist-git (recommended as default) or fetched from another repository hosted in the Fedora infrastructure such as the xref:share-test-code.adoc[Test Namespace].

+ The simplest way to add a new test is by using one of the existing xref:standard-test-roles.adoc[Standard Test Roles] which take care of many implementatin details.

+ If you want to create a custom test follow instructions below.


+ Once you've identified a dist-git repository you will be adding new tests to (above), you can start to write a new Ansible test.

+ Create an http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbooks.html[Ansible playbook] with a new name.

+ Make sure the extension is `.yml`.

+ Lets place the following example in `test_pid_1.yml` file.


+ [source,ansible]

+ ----

+ ---

+ - hosts: localhost

+   vars:

+   - artifacts: ./artifacts

+   tags:

+   - atomic

+   - classic

+   - container

+   tasks:

+   - name: Test block

+     block:

+       - name: Test that /proc/1 exists

+         shell: ls /proc > /tmp/test.log && grep -qw 1 /tmp/test.log


+     always:

+       - name: Pull out the artifacts

+         fetch:

+           dest: "{{ artifacts }}/"

+           src: "/tmp/test.log"

+           flat: yes

+ ----


+ All tests have an artifacts directory where they place their output.

+ The testing or CI system that invokes the test will fill in this variable with a directory that it will archive.

+ We ensure this directory exists in the test.


+ By use of `tags` we note what kind of systems this test is suitable to run on.


+ The `block` is the section that runs the actual test.

+ In this example, we use a rather convoluted way of checking that PID 1 exists.

+ However, by doing so, we place an extra test artifact in the artifacts directory.


+ Lastly, we download the artifacts.

+ Remember that the test is not always running on the same system that it was invoked on.

+ Try running this example test against an xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_atomic[Atomic Host] or xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_container[Docker Container].

+ It should pass.

+ Try changing the `/proc/1` argument to another value, and the test should fail.


+ You can use most of the Ansible techniques in your playbooks.

+ Take a look at the xref:standard-test-roles.adoc[Standard Test Roles] for Ansible roles to make writing your tests easier.


+ *Marking the test to be run*


+ Just having a `.yml` file in the right directory doesn't yet mean it will be invoked.

+ Make sure to reference or add it from a `tests.yml` playbook.

+ This is the entry point that the testing or CI system will use to invoke all the tests for a given package.


+ If the `tests.yml` file doesn't yet exist, create it.

+ Lets continue with our above example and create a `tests.yml` with the following content:


+ [source,ansible]

+ ----

+ - import_playbook: test_pid_1.yml

+ ----


+ You can now run this test with the standard commands above.


+ See the xref:quick-start-guide.adoc#_contributing[Quick Start Guide] to get recommendations for contributing new tests.


+ == Wrapping ==


+ Let's say you have a script that runs a test.

+ Its stdout and stderr is the test output, and an exit status of zero indicates success.

+ Here's how we would wrap that test to be invoked.

+ Lets say we have a simple script like in a file called `test-simple`


+  #!/bin/sh

+  set -ex

+  # exercise installed gzip/gunzip programs

+  echo "Bla" > bla.file

+  cp bla.file bla.file.orig

+  gzip bla.file

+  gunzip bla.file.gz

+  cmp bla.file bla.file.orig

+  rm bla.file bla.file.orig


+ We can write an Ansible wrapper for this script like this in `test_simple.yml`:


+ [source,ansible]

+ ----

+ ---

+ - hosts: localhost

+   vars:

+   - artifacts: ./artifacts

+   tags:

+   - atomic

+   - classic

+   - container

+   remote_user: root

+   tasks:

+   - name: Install the test files

+     copy: src={{ item.file }} dest=/usr/local/bin/{{ item.dest }} mode=0755

+     with_items:

+     - {file: test-simple, dest: test-simple }


+   - name: Test block

+     block:

+       - name: Execute the tests

+         shell: exec > /tmp/test.log 2>&1 && /usr/local/bin/test-simple


+     always:

+       - name: Pull out the logs

+         fetch:

+           dest: "{{ artifacts }}/"

+           src: "/tmp/test.log"

+           flat: yes

+ ----


+ All tests have an artifacts directory where they place their output.

+ The testing or CI system that invokes the test will fill in this variable with a directory that it will archive.

+ We create ensure this directory exists in the test.


+ The `block` is the section that runs the actual test.


+ Lastly, we download the artifacts.

+ Remember that the test is not always running on the same system that it was invoked on.



+ If the `tests.yml` file doesn't yet exist, create it.

+ Lets continue with our above example and create a `tests.yml` with the following content:


+ [source,ansible]

+ ----

+ - import_playbook: test_simple.yml

+ ----


+ Try running this example test against an xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_atomic[Atomic Host] or xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_container[Docker Container].

+ It should pass.


+ See xref:standard-test-roles.adoc[Standard Test Roles] documentation for instructions how to wrap a xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_beakerlib[BeakerLib] and xref:standard-test-roles.adoc#_rhts[RHTS] tests.


+ See the xref:quick-start-guide.adoc#_contributing[Quick Start Guide] to get recommendations for contributing new tests.


+ [[Category:FedoraAtomicCi]]


Metadata Update from @psss:
- Request assigned

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by psss

5 years ago

Thanks, lookg good. Merged with a few minor changes in 73d31cd.