#10 some modifications (download the fedora.py file from here >>> http://dabzse.net/DL/fbc.tar.xz)
Opened 3 years ago by dabzse. Modified 10 months ago

fedora-business-cards - for rendering Fedora contributor business cards

Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. and others.

Primary maintainer: Ian Weller iweller@redhat.com

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Generator for the Fedora business card layout.


import sys
import argparse
from decimal import Decimal
from getpass import getpass
from xml.dom import minidom
from builtins import input

from fedora_business_cards import version
from fedora_business_cards import common
from fedora_business_cards.generators import BaseGenerator

AccountSystem = \
common.recursive_import('fedora.client.fas2', True).AccountSystem

FEDORA_LOGO_VIEWBOX = '100 100 707.776 215.080'

class FedoraGenerator(BaseGenerator):
rgb_to_cmyk = {
(60, 110, 180): (1, .46, 0, 0),
(41, 65, 114): (1, .57, 0, .38),
(0, 0, 0): (0, 0, 0, 1),
(255, 255, 255): (0, 0, 0, 0),

def extra_options(parser):
    option_group = parser.add_parser('fedora', help='Fedora original horizontal business cards')
    option_group.add_argument('-u', '--username', dest='username',
                              default='', help='If set, use a different name'
                              ' than the one logged in with to fill out'
                              ' business card information')
    return option_group

def collect_information(self):
    # ask for FAS login
    print("Login to FAS:")
    username = input("Username: ")
    password = getpass()

    # get information from FAS
    fas = AccountSystem(username=username, password=password,
                        useragent='fedora-business-cards/%s' % __version__)
    if self.options.username:
        username = self.options.username
    userinfo = fas.person_by_username(username)

    # set business card fields
    self.fields['name'] = userinfo["human_name"]
    self.fields['title'] = "Fedora Project Contributor"
    ## if the username is too long, decrease the font size in line : 185
    self.fields['admin'] = "https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/user/view/" + "%s" % username
    if userinfo['gpg_keyid'] == None:
        gpg = ''
        gpg = "GPG key ID: %s" % userinfo['gpg_keyid']
    self.fields['lines'] = [''] * 7
    self.fields['lines'][0] = '%s@fedoraproject.org' % username
    self.fields['lines'][1] = 'https://getfedora.org'
    next_line = 2
    if userinfo['ircnick']:
        self.fields['lines'][next_line] = '%s on irc.freenode.net' % \
        next_line += 1
    next_line += 1  # blank line
    self.fields['lines'][next_line] = gpg
    ## why Join link? why not?!
    self.fields['join'] = "https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join"

    # ask user to edit information
    def cmdline_card_line(data):
        return "| %s%s |" % (data, ' ' * (59 - len(data)))

    done_editing = False
    while not done_editing:
        print("Current business card layout:")
        print("   +" + "-" * 61 + "+")
        print(" n " + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['name']))
        print(" t " + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['title']))
        print(" a " + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['admin']))
        print("   " + cmdline_card_line(''))
        for i in range(7):
            print((" %i " % i) + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['lines'][i]))
        print(" j " + cmdline_card_line(self.fields['join']))
        print("   " + cmdline_card_line(''))
        print("   " + cmdline_card_line(''))
        print("   " + cmdline_card_line('fedora' + ' ' * 19 + \
                                        'FREEDOM. FRIENDS. '
                                        'FEATURES. FIRST.'))
        print("   +" + "-" * 61 + "+")
        lineno = input("Enter a line number to edit, or [y] to accept: ")
        if lineno == "" or lineno == "y":
            done_editing = True
        ## thinking about removing 'j' from the editable fields?!
        elif lineno in ['n', 't', 'a', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', 'j']: 
            newdata = input("Enter new data for line %s: " % lineno)
            if lineno == 'n':
                self.fields['name'] = newdata
            elif lineno == 't':
                self.fields['title'] = newdata
            elif lineno == 'a':
                self.fields['admin'] = newdata
            elif lineno in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']:
                self.fields['lines'][int(lineno)] = newdata
            ## maybe not to be editable, just because it shows where to join us
            elif lineno == 'j':
                self.fields['join'] = newdata

def generate_front(self):
    # Create DOM objects
    biz_card = common.create_blank_svg(self.height, self.width, self.bleed, self.unit)
    svg_element = biz_card.documentElement
    fedora_logo = minidom.parse('/usr/share/fedora-logos/fedora_logo.svg')
    # Basic constants
    total_height = self.height + (2 * self.bleed)
    total_width = self.width + (2 * self.bleed)
    zeropointtwo = common.convert(Decimal('0.2'), 'in', self.unit)
    # White background
    white_back = biz_card.createElement('rect')
    white_back.setAttribute('height', '%s%s' % (total_height, self.unit))
    white_back.setAttribute('width', '%s%s' % (total_width, self.unit))
    white_back.setAttribute('x', '0')
    white_back.setAttribute('y', '0')
    white_back.setAttribute('fill', '#ffffff')
    # Blue stripe on right
    blue_stripe = biz_card.createElement('rect')
    blue_stripe.setAttribute('height', '%s%s' % (total_height, self.unit))
    blue_stripe.setAttribute('width', '%s%s' % (zeropointtwo + self.bleed, self.unit))
    blue_stripe.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % (self.width + self.bleed - zeropointtwo, self.unit))
    blue_stripe.setAttribute('y', '0')
    blue_stripe.setAttribute('fill', '#3c6eb4')
    # Business card text
    usertext = biz_card.createElement('text')
    usertext.setAttribute('font-family', 'Cantarell')
    usertext.setAttribute('font-size', '10px')
    usertext.setAttribute('fill', '#000000')
    usertext.setAttribute('y', '%s%s' % (zeropointtwo + self.bleed, self.unit))
    # Name
    name = biz_card.createElement('tspan')
    name.setAttribute('font-weight', 'bold')
    name.setAttribute('font-size', '13px')
    name.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % (zeropointtwo + self.bleed, self.unit))
    name.setAttribute('dy', '10px')
    name_text = biz_card.createTextNode(self.fields['name'])
    # Title
    title = biz_card.createElement('tspan')
    title.setAttribute('font-size', '11px')
    title.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % (zeropointtwo + self.bleed, self.unit))
    title.setAttribute('dy', '13px')
    title_text = biz_card.createTextNode(self.fields['title'])
    # Admin
    admin = biz_card.createElement('tspan')
    admin.setAttribute('font-size', '11px')
    admin.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % (zeropointtwo + self.bleed, self.unit))
    admin.setAttribute('dy', '13px')
    admin_text = biz_card.createTextNode(self.fields['admin'])
    # Join
    join = biz_card.createElement('tspan')
    join.setAttribute('font-size', '10px')
    join.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % (zeropointtwo + self.bleed, self.unit))
    join.setAttribute('dy', '10px')
    join_text = biz_card.createTextNode(self.fields['join'])
    # Custom rows
    self.fields['lines'] = [''] + self.fields['lines']
    y_offset = '10px'
    for data_line in self.fields['lines']:
        line = biz_card.createElement('tspan')
        line.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % (zeropointtwo + self.bleed, self.unit))
        if data_line == '':
            y_offset = '20px'
        line.setAttribute('dy', y_offset)
        y_offset = '10px'
        line_text = biz_card.createTextNode(data_line)
    # Fedora logo
    logo_svg = biz_card.importNode(fedora_logo.documentElement, 9001)
    logo_svg.setAttribute('height', '.25in')
    logo_svg.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % \
                          (self.bleed +
                           common.convert(Decimal('0.175'), 'in',
                                          self.unit), self.unit))
    logo_svg.setAttribute('y', '%s%s' % \
                          (self.height + self.bleed - zeropointtwo -
                           common.convert(Decimal('0.25'), 'in',
                                          self.unit), self.unit))
    logo_svg.setAttribute('viewBox', FEDORA_LOGO_VIEWBOX)
    logo_svg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin meet')
    # Four foundations set in Comfortaa
    foundations = biz_card.createElement('text')
    foundations.setAttribute('font-family', 'Comfortaa')
    # Handle dynamic widths as sanely as possible
    if self.width < common.convert(Decimal('2.831'), 'in', self.unit):
        foundations.setAttribute('font-size', '6px')
    elif self.width < common.convert(Decimal('2.930'), 'in', self.unit):
        foundations.setAttribute('font-size', '6.5px')
    elif self.width < common.convert(Decimal('3.129'), 'in', self.unit):
        foundations.setAttribute('font-size', '7px')
    elif self.width < common.convert(Decimal('3.328'), 'in', self.unit):
        foundations.setAttribute('font-size', '8px')
        foundations.setAttribute('font-size', '9px')
    foundations.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'end')
    foundations.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % \
                             (self.width + self.bleed - (2 * zeropointtwo),
    foundations.setAttribute('y', '%s%s' % (self.height + self.bleed -
                                            zeropointtwo, self.unit))
    foundations_text = biz_card.createTextNode('FREEDOM. FRIENDS. '
                                               'FEATURES. FIRST.')
    return biz_card.toprettyxml()

def generate_back(self):
    # Create DOM objects
    biz_card = common.create_blank_svg(self.height, self.width, self.bleed,
    svg_element = biz_card.documentElement
    fedora_logo = minidom.parse('/usr/share/fedora-logos/'
    # Basic constants
    total_height = self.height + (2 * self.bleed)
    total_width = self.width + (2 * self.bleed)
    # Blue background
    blue_back = biz_card.createElement('rect')
    blue_back.setAttribute('height', '%s%s' % (total_height, self.unit))
    blue_back.setAttribute('width', '%s%s' % (total_width, self.unit))
    blue_back.setAttribute('x', '0')
    blue_back.setAttribute('y', '0')
    blue_back.setAttribute('fill', '#3c6eb4')
    # Fedora logo
    # This requires a whole bunch of calculations:
    # - The ratio between the length from the leftmost 'f' (not including
    #   the left terminal) to the right of the 'f' in the infinity logo
    #   (including the right terminal) and the width of the card is the
    #   golden ratio.
    # - The length above (the first part of the ratio) is centered in the
    #   card. This consists of 91.4408% of the width of the Fedora logo
    #   (the left terminal is 3.0853%).
    # - The aspect ratio of the Fedora logo is 3.290757.
    # - The "fedora" logotype is centered vertically on the card. This
    #   logotype consists of the bottom 69.7434% of the full logo.
    # Calculate length above
    middle_length = self.width / common.GOLDEN_RATIO
    horz_padding = (self.width - middle_length) / 2
    # Calculate width of logo
    logo_width = middle_length / Decimal('.914408')
    # Calculate horizontal position of logo
    horz_pos = horz_padding - (logo_width * Decimal('.030853')) + \
    # Calculate height of logotype
    logo_height = logo_width / Decimal('3.290757')
    logotype_height = logo_height * Decimal('.697434')
    # Calculate vertical position of logo
    vert_padding = (self.height - logotype_height) / 2
    vert_pos = self.height - (vert_padding + logo_height) + self.bleed
    # Apply everything to the logo SVG
    logo_svg = biz_card.importNode(fedora_logo.documentElement, 9001)
    logo_svg.setAttribute('width', '%s%s' % (logo_width, self.unit))
    logo_svg.setAttribute('viewBox', FEDORA_LOGO_VIEWBOX)
    logo_svg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin meet')
    logo_svg.setAttribute('x', '%s%s' % (horz_pos, self.unit))
    logo_svg.setAttribute('y', '%s%s' % (vert_pos, self.unit))
    return biz_card.toprettyxml()

generator = FedoraGenerator

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