Releases 10

If the developers have uploaded one or more tarball(s), you will be able to find them in the release folder.

The CHECKSUMS file contains the checksums (SHA256 and SHA512) of the files uploaded to pagure.

To use this file, simply download it next to the tarball you downloaded and run

sha512sum -c CHECKSUMS

This new update to Fedora Bootstrap resolves the following issues: * Set base font size to 14px / 0.875rem (#7) * Add styles for markdown blockquotes (#13)
Only change is now using the most recent upstream Bootstrap v4.1.3
This release adds no new features, it just updates the version of Bootstrap that we use from the 4.0.0Beta to the 4.0.0 GA release of Bootstrap 4.
Updates fedora-bootstrap to use the upstream 4.0.0-beta version of bootstrap
This release bumps the upstream Bootstrap we use to version 4.0.0.alpha6. Also added the new subheader component that we use in many places.
Updates the underlying bootstrap to version v4.0.0-alpha.5