#755 Docs moved to https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/docs
Merged 4 years ago by jflory7. Opened 4 years ago by jibecfed.
jibecfed/fedora-badges move-doc  into  master

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ 


  * Submit new badge ideas

  * Contribute badge designs and artwork

- * Add or change documentation on [docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/badges/](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/badges/ "Fedora Badges :: Fedora Docs")

+ * To change documentation on [docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/badges/](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/badges/ "Fedora Badges :: Fedora Docs"), open https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/docs


  ### How do I get involved with the Fedora Badges community?


file removed
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ 

- # Fedora Docs Template


- This repository contains a minimal source structure for a new Fedora Docs source.


- ## Structure


- ```

- |-- README.md

- |-- antora.yml ....................... 1.

- |-- build.sh ......................... 2.

- |-- preview.sh ....................... 3.

- |-- site.yml ......................... 4.

- `-- modules

-     `-- ROOT ......................... 5.

-         |-- assets

-         |   `-- images ............... 6.

-         |       `-- pizza.png

-         |-- nav.adoc ................. 7.

-         `-- pages .................... 8.

-             |-- architecture.adoc

-             |-- community.adoc

-             |-- faq.adoc

-             |-- index.adoc

-             |-- pizza-dough.adoc

-             `-- pizza-owen.adoc

- ```


- 1. Metadata definition.

- 2. A script that does a local build. Uses docker.

- 3. A script that shows a preview of the site in a web browser by running a local web server. Uses docker.

- 4. A definition file for the build script.

- 5. A "root module of this documentation component". Please read below for an explanation.

- 6. **Images** to be used on any page.

- 7. **Menu definition.** Also defines the hierarchy of all the pages.

- 8. **Pages with the actual content.** They can be also organised into subdirectories if desired.


- ## Components and Modules


- Antora introduces two new terms:


- * **Component** — Simply put, a component is a part of the documentation website with its own menu. Components can also be versioned. In the Fedora Docs, we use separate components for user documentation, the Fedora Poject, Fedora council, Mindshare, FESCO, but also subprojects such as CommOps or Modulartity.

- * **Module** — A component can be broken down into multiple modules. Modules still share a single menu on the site, but their sources can be stored in different git repositories, even owned by different groups. The default module is called "ROOT" (that's what is in this example). If you don't want to use multiple modules, only use "ROOT". But to define more modules, simply duplicate the "ROOT" directory and name it anything you want. You can store modules in one or more git repositories.


- ## Local preview


- This repo includes scripts to build and preview the contents of this repository.


- **NOTE**: Please note that if you reference pages from other repositoreis, such links will be broken in this local preview as it only builds this repository. If you want to rebuild the whole Fedora Docs site, please see [the Fedora Docs build repository](https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o/) for instructions.


- Both scripts use docker, so please make sure you have it installed on your system. Please see below for instructions.


- To build and preview the site, run:


- ```

- $ ./build.sh && ./preview.sh

- ```


- The result will be available at http://localhost:8080


- ### Installing docker on Fedora


- ```

- $ sudo dnf install docker

- $ sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker

- ```


- ### Preview as a part of the whole Fedora Docs site


- You can also build the whole Fedora Docs site locally to see your changes in the whole context.

- This is especially useful for checking if your `xref` links work properly.


- To do this, you need to clone the main [Fedora Docs build repository](https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o), modify the `site.yml` file to reference a repo with your changes, and build it.

- Steps:


- Clone the main repository and cd into it:


- ```

- $ git clone https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o.git

- $ cd docs-fp-o

- ```


- Find a reference to the repository you're changing in the `site.yml` file, and change it so it points to your change.

- So for example, if I made a modification to the Modularity docs, I would find:


- ```

- ...

-    - url: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/modularity.git

-      branches:

-        - master

- ...

- ```


- And replaced it with a pointer to my fork:

- ```

- ...

-    - url: https://pagure.io/forks/asamalik/fedora-docs/modularity.git

-      branches:

-        - master

- ...

- ```


- I could also point to a local repository, using `HEAD` as a branch to preview the what's changed without the need of making a commit.


- **Note:** I would need to move the repository under the `docs-fp-o` directory, because the builder won't see anything above.

- So I would need to create a `repositories` directory in `docs-fp-o` and copy my repository into it.


- ```

- ...

-    - url: ./repositories/modularity

-      branches:

-        - HEAD

- ...

- ```


- To build the whole site, I would run the following in the `docs-fp-o` directory.


- ```

- $ ./build.sh && ./preview.sh

- ```


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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ 

- # Name will be mostly visible in the URL. Treat it as an indentifier.

- # Tip: If you want to use the local preview scripts that come with this repository, please change this value in the site.yml file as well. (under site/start_page)

- name: badges


- # Title will be visible on the page. 

- title: Fedora Badges


- # If you don't plan to have multiple versions of the docs (for example, to document multiple versions of some software), you can ignore this field. Otherwise, change "master" to a specific version.

- version: master


- # We encourage you to name the index page as "index.adoc". If you absolutely have to use a different name, please reflect it here. You can ignore this field otherwise. 

- start_page: ROOT:index


- # This lists all the menu definitions of your component.

- nav:

- - modules/ROOT/nav.adoc

@@ -1,5244 +0,0 @@ 

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