#703 Add instructions and links to detailed pathway to creating badges
Closed 4 years ago by laxathom. Opened 4 years ago by dan1mal.
dan1mal/fedora-badges master  into  master

@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ 

  * link:{attachmentsdir}/palettes/badges_fedora_palette.gpl[Basic color palette]: Required

  * link:{attachmentsdir}/palettes/badges_extended_palette.gpl[Extended color palette]: Optional (gives you extra choices to work with)


+ To install, move the downloaded palette files to ~/.config/inkscape/palettes

+ To access the newly installed palettes, in Inkscape, find the palette bar at the bottom of the screen and click triangle at the right end and select your desired palette.



  === Install Comfortaa typeface

@@ -101,3 +104,11 @@ 

  * link:{attachmentsdir}/tutorial-content/hatchling.svg[Package hatching from egg]

  * link:{attachmentsdir}/tutorial-content/package.svg[Package icon]

  * link:{attachmentsdir}/tutorial-content/panda.svg[Full-sized panda] (from panda riding bike)


+ [[Further reading]]

+ === Further reading


+ More information about the way that Fedora badges are created, added to Pagure and distributed to the community are available.


+ * https://fedora-infra-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sysadmin-guide/sops/badges.html[badges SOP]

+ * https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedbadges[Fedbadges repository at Github]

Add palette installation instructions.
Add URL links for badges SOP and fedbadges repo.

For whatever reason, pagure didn't acknowledge the merge from the history, so i'm going to close it.

Pull-Request has been closed by laxathom

4 years ago