#898 Badge request: CentOS Connect
Closed: pushed 2 years ago by gui1ty. Opened 2 years ago by shaunm.

Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
- You attended CentOS Connect at FOSDEM 2023

Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is
awarded for certain kinds of activities:

1) What are those activities?
- CentOS Connect is held multiple times a year, usually colocated at larger events. The Connect at FOSDEM is the largest. This is for attending the event. https://connect.centos.org/

2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers? veterans?
users? sponsors?)
- Conference attendees

3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?)
- Create. Collaborate. Connect.

4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?)
- Once a year at FOSDEM. There are others that are smaller.

5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the console?
by using a web interface?)
- Hybrid, can attend in-person or online.

Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
- General note: I know there's a color palette for Fedora badges. But also, there's a CentOS color palette. We're looking at ideas for badges and branding going forward, but let's just start somewhere. I'm going to drop CentOS branding details here purely informatively.
- Logo assets are at https://gitlab.com/CentOS/artwork/centos-brand
- CentOS Connect is currently using neuron motif. Would be cool to have a simplified version in the badge. Neuron motif assets are at https://gitlab.com/CentOS/artwork/centos-motif
- CentOS colors are a14f8c and efa724. Also we've used 12011f as a dark background for Connect specifically.

Attaching the SVG of the Connect logo as we're currently using it. Can drop the line and text below line for a non-specific logo. Could change in the future, but this is what we're using for FOSDEM 2023. SVG file requires Montserrat font installed.


Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Custom field artwork adjusted to None
- Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None

2 years ago

Awesome. Maybe an annual badge makes more sense. I'll run it by the board. Do we have to finalize this before the event, or can badges be retroactively applied?

I would say it'd be good to get the badge up and running before the event- you (and whoever else you'd like) will get rights to award the badge, including the ability to create a QR code. The QR code is nice because you can just print it out and have people claim it themselves at the event instead of doing the awarding manually. You could also collect a list of FAS ID's and award the badge later. I think if you drop that list into a CSV our admins can do a batch award? (dont quote me on this one!). We are also able to switch the artwork out at a later point- so we could put the fosdem one up for the time being and you can work out how you'd like it managed.

My two cents: go with the annual badge- less work on the badge artists/admins and less favoritism (if you will) to those who are able to travel to these events and claim the badge. We also already have an overage of event badges, so this would keep the CentOS Connect badges at a reasonable yearly level.

Cool, let's go ahead with the one-per-year option.

I'll take care of pushing the badge. Any suggestions for the badge description? You connected with CentOS in 2023 sounds good. But You attended CentOS Connect 2023 might be more to the point.

Badge title will be CentOS Connect 2023 Attendee.

I guess this will be handed out using a special link and/or QR code. Anyone else besides you, @shaunm, who needs authorization for the badge?

@gui1ty Pending @shaunm's feedback, I think you could also issue it to @t0xic0der and @sumantrom since they will be at CentOS Connect and are also pretty comfy with Badges already, if on-site support is needed.

Would I be able to get the link / QR code for the poster when it's ready? :)

Badge has been pushed:


All people mentioned in @jflory7's comment have been authorized for the badge. I sent an invitation to @ekidney for the badge. IIUC, @ekidney should have a link and QR code for the badge on her personal profile. @ekidney, let me know if my assumption is correct.

Badge has been pushed:


All people mentioned in @jflory7's comment have been authorized for the badge. I sent an invitation to @ekidney for the badge. IIUC, @ekidney should have a link and QR code for the badge on her personal profile. @ekidney, let me know if my assumption is correct.

Thanks so much I have it now :)

I hope everybody was able to claim their badge.

Metadata Update from @gui1ty:
- Issue close_status updated to: pushed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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Attachments 2