Badge ticket:
According to the above ticket this badge should be awarded automatically to fedora-hams FAS members ( I am member of this FAS group, but I don't have the badge.
Hi @jskarvad were you recently added to the fedora-hams FAS group? There is some issues with badges picking up activity after we moved to our new Fedora Account system, that could be the issue here.
I see you are a sponsor in the group- we could give you manual award rights on the badge so you can award it to yourself and future additions to the group if you'd like.
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to None - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None
Hi @ riecatnor,
Yes, I was recently added to the group.
Thanks, that would be great. How to award the badge once I got the rights? Is this option available from the ?
Any update?
Metadata Update from @gui1ty: - Issue assigned to gui1ty - Issue tagged with: bug, good first issue
I see you are a sponsor in the group- we could give you manual award rights on the badge so you can award it to yourself and future additions to the group if you'd like. Thanks, that would be great. How to award the badge once I got the rights? Is this option available from the ?
Sorry about the delay. Yes, the option will be available from the web interface, granted the permissions on the badge have been set.
Since I'm rather new to this, I'll talk to @riecatnor about the nitty-gritty and sort it out for you.
Sorry about the delay - again. :-\
I only recently gained access to the backend of the frontend (still with me? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) of Badges myself. I granted you permission to award the badge manually. I'm not sure what the interface looks like for a user with only award badge permissions. If it's anything similar to what I see, you will have an admin link at the top. Follow that and in the Award Badges section fill in:
Badge ID: amateur-radio-sig-member Person Email: (e.g. Issued On: (optional, defaults to now)
:warning: Doing this manually, there's no check if the person being awarded is actually a member. :warning:
Let me know if other sponsors of the SIG should be authorized as well or if you have any questions.
@riecatnor, if there's documentation on awarding badges manually using the website, could you post a link please? I only found docs for the scripted approach.
@gui1ty great, thank you. It worked for me. But I had to add just the FAS name (jskarvad), not the email to the form.
I think it makes sense that all sponsors could award this badge. But taking into account I wasn't successful in contacting the current sponsors, it's probably not prio.
I'm glad you figured it out. Will keep that in mind if I need to instruct people again.
I'm closing this then. You'll have to wear that badge of honor (pun intended) all by yourself for the time being.
Metadata Update from @gui1ty: - Issue close_status updated to: pushed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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