Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): - Thank you for your contribution to the Fedora I18N bug triage activity.
Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities:
1) What are those activities? - I18N bug triage activity for Fedora is carried out by contributors to check the bug list for I18N bugs and close/carry forward them as applicable for every Fedora release.. A wiki page (example - )is created for this bug triage activity where bugs are divided into slots of 5 or 6 depending on the total number. Then contributors triage slots/individual bugs on the applicable fedora release. We want to present a badge each for the top 3 contributors.
2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers? veterans? users? sponsors?) - This event is open for all community members including developers, QA, L10N folks and other users of Fedora.
3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?) - The bug triage activity is a part of Fedora I18N QA activities for better defect management.
4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?) - For each Fedora release. Twice a year.
5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the console? by using a web interface?) - Triaging by checking bugs on the applicable Fedora version and updating the BZ accordingly. Communication happens over bugzilla, IRC channels, emails etc.
Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts? - None from my side at the moment. This is first time I'm proposing such thing.
Metadata Update from @bbarve: - Issue private status set to: False (was: True)
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Custom field artwork adjusted to needed - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to passed - Custom field needs_manual_award adjusted to on - Custom field triaged adjusted to on - Issue priority set to: minor (3-4 weeks) - Issue tagged with: artwork - needed, category - event, difficulty - intermediate
@jflory7 any chance to get this moving?
@gnokii @duffy can you all assist here?
sorry I just came back after 6hrs without electricity but I wondering what this is:
@gnokii This badge is for i18n but its for bug triaging activity. Each release we close number of bug as End of Life cycle.
To make sure, we are not loosing important bugs, we do bug triage activity.
maybe debug the translation team first, just a few things
*after 4 years coordinating the khmer team I am still not sponsor for the cvsl10n group, each time I have somebody I have to convince this person to write to the maling list and then its a lucky game somebody feels responsible to add then this person. You might ask @mattdm but it is this way, then people who already do translation being asked to add themself to zanata and such nonsense. And this is not an exception my own request for german took more then a year and did happen only after the change to fab and I told him directly
*looking back how much fight it was to found the khmer group and adding it to zanata and so on, there should be an easier way to do this and this must be organized. So far I really hesitating to add kuy even there are requests here for starting it.
*I find it strange that the belorussian translation of Fedora is discussed on a mailing list of debian
and there are more such things.
@gnokii replied on trans list for this issue, lets follow up on list.
@mleonova @riecatnor @nb @jflory7 @churchyard what do you all think about this as a separate badge? Personally I am mixed. I see a clean difference between this activity and testing. It isn't clear to me how this will be awarded - what are the criteria. @pravins can you expand on that?
I also wonder if we need a general bug triage badge instead.
depends on the criteria (I don't get them either)
Criteria for this issue: 1. In I18n bug triage, we divides bug list into slots i.e. 5 bugs in 1 slot. The person who complete one slot get the badge. Example: Fedora 24: Fedora 26 :
For this case, we can award badge manually by checking. Bit easy.
Thinking on broader audience and all Fedora team. Can we make some automated way, Rule can be: 1. Any Fedora contributor who moves EOL cycle bugs by testing to current release version will get the badge. (It might be already there) - I dont think this is blocker for this ticket.
The original comment said "We want to present a badge each for the top 3 contributors." - how do I understand this part?
May be we can change that. Would be good to present badge for all those who contribute for this activity.
Hi, so any updates further on this? Anything else required from my side?
@churchyard This statement should be "You have triaged 5 or more bugs of Fedora 29 release".
Originally we created this ticket for Fedora 28 bug triaging activity but nothing happened. We are on the way for Fedora 29 bug triaging activity now. Any chance to make this badge reality? :)
I won't be able to dedicate my time to this badge, sorry.
Hi all! Reviewing this issue. I think a badge for bug triage events found be a cool idea! Instead of making it a yearly/release based badge, I propose we create a series with the count. Thoughts on that?
Artwork concept for badge: panda with a bug catching net and bugs around
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue tagged with: outreachy-2020
Hi @riecatnor I would like to take this up!
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue assigned to grlwholifts
Hi @grlwholifts works for me, I assigned you to the issue :) let me know if you have questions.
Hi @riecatnor how does this look? also, could you specify the content to be written on this badge? Is this going to be issued per release or for the number of bugs triaged or both?
per release
the number of bugs triaged
<img alt="i18n-bug-triage-badge.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/1a9e9b670adde57aeedc669273cb88f2ffce13a83a3170a10ec68a6ae2338097-i18n-bug-triage-badge.png" />
Hi @grlwholifts, this is a great start :) a couple things that need to be accounted for to fit the guidelines.
Looking forward to the next draft :) thank you!
Hi @riecatnor, i took care of the points you mentioned. I have some questions: - the color of 1 as purple or any other color you would like to mention? I tried the red from the bug, but it didn't quite match and was popping out a lot. IMO, purple looks decent, however, we can try orange. also, will we require an outline of darker color around it? - size of 1 as small or big? - the gradient for net as light grey or dark grey? - the background as pink or beige? - color of bug as red or light pink?
gradient for net
Let me know if they work!
<img alt="bug-triage-sample-temp.png.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/904ce0eead898d8070bc7ac0af7f1eff9cb7e01ac34f4451a095864510eaae65-bug-triage-sample-temp.png.png" />
<img alt="bug-triage-sample.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/4a25747172457ffadd5117f721a13c1072abc12eaf30a20717df14a2be0d409b-bug-triage-sample.png" />
<img alt="bug-triage-sample-temp2.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/a0a24a3c15155c155726111be8149b1e6c182073d0a14ed4f6b3f294edaf08f3-bug-triage-sample-temp2.png" />
I apologize for a series of comments :see_no_evil:
<img alt="bug-triage-sample-again.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/bd5e60567c0c2e699d0fcc56e30c5ab3a8b58fb9eab9877f24e41a2fc4f9635b-bug-triage-sample-again.png" />
Hi @grlwholifts this is an improvement :D
A couple thoughts:
Hi @riecatnor I tried my hands on this badge too, I hope that’s okay. I put the corrections you pointed out earlier into the design, although I left the bugs as red; the green seemed really off. I changed the badge color too, since it’s an event badge I figured it should be purple. I hope the overall design meets the picture you had in mind. I’m open to corrections, please review. Thank you. <img alt="I18N.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/2a32eb5ea4cbff79219e7b8d30bc6bbcba744544bfa871fcd38f6e82eb13606b-I18N.png" /> <img alt="I18N.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/c65d8d8aed8cdfb7c23c7933bdd61aeeb666868408e88cea478053cb467c00cb-I18N.svg" />
Hi @pearlnwashili thanks for starting work on this :) I have some recommendations for your next draft: - Right now your green panda is blending in with the green of the background. Change the color of the panda to the fedora blue - Start with just 1 bug, and enlarge it - Make your panda and net larger as well. Simplify the net design a bit - With this design the stroke on the bottom of the panda looks a little weird.. try using "clip" to crop the bottom of the object, this will help make more space once you enlarge it as well Looking forward to your next draft!
Hi @riecatnor thank you for the feedback :). I took to your corrections and came up with this, I hope this works. Kindly review, thank you. <img alt="I18N.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/06a8f4b3d164490e02da81b3ae92f04b05924cc32fab580d66ca2f70f4551ee2-I18N.png" /> <img alt="I18N.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/dea509333a46056695fc4ca159185390b14b59d9fe6e77a3883af46c842b0e91-I18N.svg" />
Metadata Update from @smeragoel: - Assignee reset
Metadata Update from @smeragoel: - Issue untagged with: artwork - needed - Issue tagged with: artwork-needs-improvement
here is my first draft of this issue! I really loved the prev badge already so here is a revised and cleaner version.
<img alt="bugtriage.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/10aa242705dc7a7d5205cde46881f35a7ca9ce594b7b4190be501a37f3a4da1f-bugtriage.png" />
<img alt="bugtriage.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/c86020679072a02b96f6b72d9c16d6316c5415594e8cfc998bb391e8fd76cbcb-bugtriage.svg" />
-> I didn't find the need to put the half panda, so I reduced the visible body size and enlarged him.
-> Used orange for the bug to complement the background
-> I let the net flow out of bound, it looked like the panda was trying and stretching real hard to get the bug xD -looked cute
-> also removed the background land as it served no purpose.
Hi @harshita12! - I think increasing the size of the elements has made the design more cluttered and heavy. - I also think that the land and the greenery were a nice touch so let's bring that back. - The ladybug looked cuter in red! - I love the idea of an outstretched hand; however, the design doesn't reflect that right now, so it seems that the net is going out of bounds. Maybe rework the hand and the positioning of the panda to reflect that better?
Hi, @riecatnor @smeragoel I tried working on this issue and followed some of the previous suggestions. Let me know what you think. <img alt="Request_for_a_new_badge_to_contributors.png" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/e72f1b5d40eed7c495f3789f0be06ddbb11822ecab9e64a375cc9e921ac8de68-Request_for_a_new_badge_to_contributors.png" /><img alt="Request_for_a_new_badge_to_contributors.svg" src="/fedora-badges/issue/raw/files/84a92e1c61e4b9ad02a98e3b45923b024f214a51549ab34dc5b7174c669bd5ae-Request_for_a_new_badge_to_contributors.svg" />
Issue tagged with: AW: needed
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue untagged with: AW: needs improvement
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