#322 Fudcon Managua Speaker
Closed: Rejected None Opened 9 years ago by williamjmorenor.

What the badge should be granted for: People who make a workshop or give a talk in Fudcon Managua
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):You gave a presentation at FUDCon Managua 2014, the Fedora User and Developers Conference in Latam
Anything else we need to know:
Fudcon are primier events like Flock and a Speaker badge would good

we rejected not long ago speaker and organizer badges for FUDCon APAC with the note that FUDCon LATAM didnt had them for 2013

we rejected not long ago speaker and organizer badges for FUDCon APAC with the note that FUDCon LATAM didnt had them for 2013

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