#143 Fedora mentor (level 2 - silver)
Closed: Rejected None Opened 10 years ago by zdenek.

What the badge should be granted for:
- for great support and contribution of Fedora Forum members (http://forums.fedoraforum.org/) with specific number of posts (number of posts to be specified yet but higher then in case of level 1 - bronze)

Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
- I know really a lot about Fedora

Anything else we need to know:

The main idea is to represent the mentor of the fedora.All the mentors are represented by the scholar penguin but the level of the mentor is differentiated using the color of the shirt it is wearing.

The main idea is to represent the mentor of the fedora.All the mentors are represented by the scholar penguin but the level of the mentor is differentiated using the color of the shirt it is wearing.

hi pratyushasimharaju!

thanks for submitting to the badges project with your badge designs! Just a few notes on your proposed design.

The colours of the outside ring follow a set scheme (see [http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2013/07/23/fedora-badgers/ mo's blog post here]). For this badge, i think the pink "community" colour is appropriate for this badge set.

Also, the badges are sometimes rendered at pretty small sizes (see the https://badges.fedoraproject.org/ page for example). The "fedora" text in the sign would be hard to read when the badge is scaled down that far. Maybe using a fedora bubble or logo would be easier to identify at smaller sizes?

Finally, I would probably avoid using a penguin or tux in the badges. Other badges use the [https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/maestro panda] or the [https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/white-hat badger]


hi pratyushasimharaju!

thanks for submitting to the badges project with your badge designs! Just a few notes on your proposed design.

The colours of the outside ring follow a set scheme (see [http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2013/07/23/fedora-badgers/ mo's blog post here]). For this badge, i think the pink "community" colour is appropriate for this badge set.

Also, the badges are sometimes rendered at pretty small sizes (see the https://badges.fedoraproject.org/ page for example). The "fedora" text in the sign would be hard to read when the badge is scaled down that far. Maybe using a fedora bubble or logo would be easier to identify at smaller sizes?

Finally, I would probably avoid using a penguin or tux in the badges. Other badges use the [https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/maestro panda] or the [https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/white-hat badger]


Fedora Forum is not maintained by Fedora infrastructure. This badge is not yet possible.

If someone can provide code to interact with Fedora Forums we can reopen it.

Fedora Forum is not maintained by Fedora infrastructure. This badge is not yet possible.

If someone can provide code to interact with Fedora Forums we can reopen it.

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