#9 Anaconda enablement
Opened 2 years ago by dcavalca. Modified 3 months ago

I fired this up on a lark from the kiwi-built usb image, and it mostly works. Things to note:
- it finds three nvme "drives": the real one, a 3MB one and a 128MB; we need to hide the others to prevent accidental damage
- it will happily let you nuke the apfs recovery partition; this is also something we should ideally neuter
- "automated partitioning" did the right thing
- we need to hook up the hardware enablement packages (such as asahi-scripts) so that they get installed on the target

My test run failed because of some unrelated rawhide issue, it probably makes sense to use f37 images to test this to reduce variability.

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue tagged with: Development, Experience, Installation

2 years ago

Want to play around with this - how do you get kiwi to produce an image with anaconda?

From memory, the last time I tested this I took the raw GNOME release image (easiest is to probably grab a daily from https://fedora-asahi-remix.org/builds.html using the "raw image" link, but the stable one should work too) and wrote it to a USB key (using dd or etcher or whatever). Then you do an Asahi UEFI-only install (using curl https://alx.sh | sh as we don't expose that in the FAR installer). Once that's done you plug the USB in and boot, and you should eventually end up in an environment you can start Anaconda from. Last time I tested this was around f38, so it's entirely possible there's more breakage along the way to sort out. If you do manage to get Anaconda to start, be very careful -- it's very easy to accidentally nuke the macOS recovery partitions, and if you do that you'll brick your machine (see https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-asahi-remix/troubleshooting/#dfu for how to recover from that).

Ah, I see, I assumed kiwi was putting anaconda in the image, but it sounds like it would have to be installed separately.

I think anaconda is part of the default package set, but tbh it was so long ago since I tested that I don't really remember. Maybe @ngompa knows.

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