#50 Update README for 2017
Merged 6 years ago by pingou. Opened 6 years ago by jflory7.

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ 

+ Fedora Elections

+ ================


+ `fedora-elections` is a web application written in Python and based on Flask.

+ It implements the [Range Voting system](http://rangevoting.org "Center for Range Voting").


+ This project was developed using Fedora Project requests but can be easily

+ adapted to other projects. Fedora Elections is integrated with the Fedora

+ Account System (FAS).



+ ## Creating a development environment


+ To work on the Fedora Elections web application, you will need to create a

+ development environment to test your changes. This is simplified by using

+ [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/ "Vagrant by Hashicorp"), a powerful and

+ useful tool for creating development environments on your workstation.


+ ### Using Vagrant


+ You can quickly start hacking on the Fedora Elections web application using the

+ Vagrant setup included in the elections repo is super simple.


+ First, install Vagrant, the `vagrant-libvirt` plugin, and the `vagrant-sshfs`

+ plugin from the official Fedora repos:


+ ```

+ sudo dnf install vagrant vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs

+ ```


+ Now, from the main directory (the one with the `Vagrantfile` in it), run the

+ `vagrant up` command to provision your development environment:


+ ```

+ vagrant up

+ ```


+ When completed, you will be able to SSH into your development virtual machine

+ with `vagrant ssh` and run the command to start the Fedora Elections server:


+ ```

+ vagrant ssh

+ [vagrant@localhost ~]$ pushd /vagrant/; ./runserver.py --host "";

+ ```


+ Once that is running, go to [localhost:5002](http://localhost:5002/) in your

+ browser to see your running Fedora Elections test instance.


+ ### A note about fonts


+ Fedora Elections uses web fonts hosted in Fedora's infrastructure that might

+ not work when hacking locally due to CORS restrictions. If you install the

+ fonts yourself, the Fedora Elections website will look the same as it would

+ when deployed to production.


+ You can install the fonts with this command.


+ ```

+ sudo dnf install open-sans-fonts

+ ```



+ ## How to launch Fedora Elections


+ The following steps will get the rest of the application running. Make sure to

+ use your Vagrant development environment when following these steps.


+ ### Prerequisites


+ Before launching fedora-elections, the following packages should be installed:


+ * `httpd`

+ * `libxslt`

+ * `python`

+ * `python-backports-ssl_match_hostname`

+ * `python-bunch`

+ * `python-chardet`

+ * `python-fedora`

+ * `python-fedora-flask`

+ * `python-flask`

+ * `python-flask-sqlalchemy`

+ * `python-flask-wtf`

+ * `python-jinja2`

+ * `python-kitchen`

+ * `python-lxml`

+ * `python-openid`

+ * `python-ordereddict`

+ * `python-ordereddict`

+ * `python-setuptools`

+ * `python-simplejson`

+ * `python-six`

+ * `python-sqlalchemy0.7`

+ * `python-urllib3`

+ * `python-wtforms`


+ ### Get the source code


+ This project is hosted on [Pagure](https://pagure.io/elections "Fedora Infrastructure Elections application").

+ For convenience, a mirror is also hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/fedora-infra/elections "fedora-infra/elections: Fedora Infrastructure Elections application").


+ You can obtain the code via:


+ ```

+ git clone https://pagure.io/elections.git

+ ```


+ ### Configure the application


+ An example configuration file is provided [here](https://pagure.io/elections/blob/master/f/files/fedora-elections.cfg "files/fedora-elections.cfg").


+ ### Create database


+ Run:


+ ```

+ python createdb.py

+ ```


+ ### Starting the app


+ There are 2 ways to start the application:


+ * Without Apache

+ * With Apache


+ #### Without Apache


+ This is useful for a quick development instance, when you don't have to worry

+ about security yet. Do not run this in production. The server will start on



+ ```

+ ./runserver

+ ```


+ #### With Apache


+ Copy `fedora-elections.conf` to your Apache conf.d directory:


+ ```

+ sudo cp files/fedora-elections.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/.

+ ```


+ Next, place `fedora-elections.wsgi` in `/var/www`:


+ ```

+ sudo cp files/fedora-elections.wsgi /var/www

+ ```


+ Adjust the Apache configuration file to point to your web directory. Then,

+ adjust the `.wsgi` file in `/var/www` to point to the `fedora_elections`

+ directory.


+ Place the configuration file in `/etc/fedora-elections/fedora-elections.cfg`.


+ ```

+ sudo mkdir -p /etc/fedora-elections/

+ sudo cp files/fedora-elections.cfg /etc/fedora-elections/

+ ```


+ Now, restart Apache:


+ ```

+ sudo systemctl restart httpd

+ ```



+ ## How to contribute


+ As mentioned earlier, this project is primarily hosted on [Pagure](https://pagure.io/elections "Fedora Infrastructure Elections application").

+ There is a mirror on [GitHub](https://github.com/fedora-infra/elections "fedora-infra/elections: Fedora Infrastructure Elections application"),

+ but only for convenience. Pagure is the preferred platform for accepting

+ contributions. To file an issue, RFE, or other ticket, you must use Pagure. See

+ other issues already filed [here](https://pagure.io/elections/issues).


+ If you are interested in working on this project, ask in [`#fedora-admin`](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=fedora-admin)

+ on irc.freenode.net or say hello on the [Fedora Infrastructure mailing list](https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org/).



+ ## License


+ fedora-elections is licensed under the GPLv2.

file removed
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ 

- ================

- Fedora Elections

- ================


- * What is fedora-election?


- fedora-elections is a web application written in python and based on flask.

- It implements the Range Voting system (http://rangevoting.org).


- This project was developed using fedoraproject requests, but, can be easily

- adapted to other projects.  Fedora-elections is integrated with the Fedora

- Account System (FAS).



- Hacking with Vagrant

- ====================

- Quickly start hacking on elections using the vagrant setup that is included in

- the elections repo is super simple.


- First, install Vagrant and the vagrant-libvirt plugin from the official Fedora

- repos::


-     $ sudo dnf install vagrant vagrant-libvirt


- The elections vagrant setup uses vagrant-sshfs for syncing files between your

- host and the vagrant dev machine. vagrant-sshfs is not in the Fedora repos

- (yet), so we install the vagrant-sshfs plugin from dustymabe's COPR repo::


-     $ sudo dnf copr enable dustymabe/vagrant-sshfs

-     $ sudo dnf install vagrant-sshfs


- Now, from within main directory (the one with the Vagrantfile in it) of your git

- checkout of elections, run the ``vagrant up`` command to provision your dev

- environment::


-     $ vagrant up


- When this command is completed (it may take a while) you will be able to ssh

- into your dev VM with ``vagrant ssh`` and then run the command to start the

- elections server::


-     $ vagrant ssh

-     [vagrant@localhost ~]$ pushd /vagrant/; ./runserver.py --host "";


- Once that is running, simply go to http://localhost:5002/ in your browser on

- your host to see your running elections test instance.


- A note about fonts

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Fedora elections uses webfonts pulled down from Fedora infrastructure that might

- not work when hacking locally due to CORS resctrictions. Installing the fonts on

- the system that you are looking at the elections website on will be the same as

- when it gets deployed to prod. Install the required fonts on Fedora with:


-     sudo dnf install open-sans-fonts



- Running from a checkout:

- ========================


- Install Prerequisites

- ---------------------

- Before launching fedora-elections, the following packages should be installed:

-  - httpd

-  - libxslt

-  - python

-  - python-backports-ssl_match_hostname

-  - python-bunch

-  - python-chardet

-  - python-fedora

-  - python-fedora-flask

-  - python-flask

-  - python-flask-sqlalchemy

-  - python-flask-wtf

-  - python-jinja2

-  - python-kitchen

-  - python-lxml

-  - python-openid

-  - python-ordereddict

-  - python-ordereddict

-  - python-setuptools

-  - python-simplejson

-  - python-six

-  - python-sqlalchemy0.7

-  - python-urllib3

-  - python-wtforms



- Get the source code

- -------------------

- The project is hosted on https://fedorahosted.org/


- More precisely at: https://fedorahosted.org/elections


- You can obtain the code via:


-   ::


-     git clone http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/elections.git


- For commodity reason, a clone is available on github:

- https://github.com/fedora-infra/elections



- Configure the application

- -------------------------

- An example configuration file is provided at: ``files/fedora-elections.cfg``



- Create a database

- -----------------

- Run:


-   ::


-       python createdb.py



- Starting the Application

- ------------------------


- There are 2 ways to start the application:

-    * without apache

-    * with apache



- * How to start without apache on (useful for development):


-    ::


-     ./runserver



- * How to start with http


-   Next copy the file ``fedora-elections.conf`` file to your apache conf.d

-   directory:


-     ::


-       sudo cp files/fedora-elections.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/.


-   Place the file ``fedora-elections.wsgi`` for example in /var/www


-   ::


-       sudo cp files/fedora-elections.wsgi /var/www


-   Adjust the apache configuration file to point to it


-   Adjust the wsgi file installed in /var/www to point to fedora_elections



-   Place the fedora-elections configuration file in

-   ``/etc/fedora-elections/fedora-elections.cfg``


-   ::


-     sudo mkdir -p /etc/fedora-elections/

-     sudo cp files/fedora-elections.cfg /etc/fedora-elections/


-   Restart apache:


-     sudo /etc/init.d/httpd  restart


- * How to contribute


- If you find bug or want to propose ideas or stuff to be implemented or if

- you are interested to became a developer for this project just

- ask on #fedora-admin irc channel on irc.freenode.net or use our

- web site https://fedorahosted.org/elections.


- * Licence


- fedora-elections is licenced under GPL v2.

This commit updates the README to not only look nice and pretty, but also update a few things for 2017:

  • Add background to what Vagrant is
  • vagrant-sshfs is packaged in Fedora proper now, no more COPR
  • FedoraHosted.org is dead, long live Pagure
  • Link to more things instead of only saying more things
  • systemd is the new kid on the block
  • Improve formatting
  • Expand on how to contribute and where to say hello

@pingou It would also be cool to get a new version cut of the Elections app (of course, after this election). @ryanlerch did a lot of cool, pretty improvements and it would be cool to see these make it into the deployed application. :smile:

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Thanks for the README and yeah let's update election once it's off (feel free to ping me/remind me when it's a good time :))

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

6 years ago