#100 Make the FPCA+1 requirement used by FESCo optional
Merged 2 years ago by bcotton. Opened 2 years ago by bcotton.

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ 

+ """Make FPCA+1 optional


+ Revision ID: 523f7d5c58d7

+ Revises: 5ecdd55b4af4

+ Create Date: 2021-05-07 15:13:07.218758


+ """


+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.

+ revision = '523f7d5c58d7'

+ down_revision = '5ecdd55b4af4'


+ from alembic import op

+ import sqlalchemy as sa



+ def upgrade():

+     """Add the FPCA+1 requirement option to elections"""

+     op.add_column(

+             'requires_plusone',

+             sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False)

+     )


+ def downgrade():

+     """Drop the FPCA+1 requirement option"""

+     op.remove_column(

+             'requires_plusone'

+     )

@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ 




+             requires_plusone=form.requires_plusone.data,




file modified
+10 -8
@@ -50,13 +50,6 @@ 

          elif not flask.g.fas_user.cla_done:

              flask.flash("You must sign the CLA to vote", "error")

              return safe_redirect_back()

-         else:

-             user_groups = OIDC.user_getfield("groups")

-             if len(user_groups) == 0:

-                 flask.flash(

-                     "You need to be in one another group than CLA to vote", "error"

-                 )

-                 return safe_redirect_back()


          return f(*args, **kwargs)

@@ -98,8 +91,17 @@ 

      if not isinstance(election, models.Election):

          return election


+     user_groups = OIDC.user_getfield("groups")


+     # Check if this election requires FPCA +1

+     if election.requires_plusone and len(user_groups) == 0:

+         flask.flash(

+             "You need to be in one another group than CLA to vote", "error"

+         )

+         return safe_redirect_back()


+     # Or if the election is restricted to specific groups

      if election.legal_voters_list:

-         user_groups = OIDC.user_getfield("groups")

          if len(set(user_groups).intersection(set(election.legal_voters_list))) == 0:


                  "You are not among the groups that are allowed to vote "

@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ 




+     requires_plusone = wtforms.BooleanField("Election requires FPCA+1")


      lgl_voters = wtforms.TextField(

          "Legal voters groups", [wtforms.validators.optional()]


@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ 

      max_votes = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=True)

      candidates_are_fasusers = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=False, default=0)

      fas_user = sa.Column(sa.Unicode(50), nullable=False)

+     requires_plusone = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False)


      def to_json(self):

          """ Return a json representation of this object. """

@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ 

            {{ render_bootstrap_checkbox_in_row(form.candidates_are_fasusers) }}

            {{ render_bootstrap_checkbox_in_row(form.embargoed) }}

            {{ render_bootstrap_textfield_in_row(form.url_badge) }}

+           {{ render_bootstrap_checkbox_in_row(form.requires_plusone, after="Require membership in any non-FPCA group") }}

            {{ render_bootstrap_textfield_in_row(form.lgl_voters, after="FAS groups allowed to vote on this election (CLA-done is always required)") }}

            {{ render_bootstrap_textfield_in_row(form.admin_grp, after="FAS groups allowed to view the result despite the embargo") }}


file modified
@@ -427,6 +427,84 @@ 




+     def test_admin_new_election_requires_plusone(self):

+         """ Test the admin_new_election function. """

+         self.setup_db()


+         user = FakeUser(

+             fedora_elections.APP.config["FEDORA_ELECTIONS_ADMIN_GROUP"],

+             username="toshio",

+         )


+         with user_set(fedora_elections.APP, user, oidc_id_token="foobar"):

+             with patch(

+                 "fedora_elections.OIDC.user_getfield",

+                 MagicMock(return_value=["elections"]),

+             ):

+                 output = self.app.get("/admin/new")

+                 self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)


+                 csrf_token = self.get_csrf(output=output)


+                 # Test that we get the plusone field

+                 # Probably not strictly necessary, but worth including

+                 # for now since it's a new field

+                 output_text = output.get_data(as_text=True)

+                 self.assertIn(

+                     'input id="requires_plusone" '

+                     'name="requires_plusone" type="checkbox" ',

+                     output_text,

+                 )


+                 # All good

+                 data = {

+                     "alias": "new_election2",

+                     "shortdesc": "new election2 shortdesc",

+                     "description": "new election2 description",

+                     "voting_type": "simple",

+                     "url": "https://fedoraproject.org",

+                     "start_date": TODAY + timedelta(days=2),

+                     "end_date": TODAY + timedelta(days=4),

+                     "seats_elected": 2,

+                     "candidates_are_fasusers": False,

+                     "embargoed": True,

+                     "admin_grp": "testers, , sysadmin-main,,",

+                     "lgl_voters": "testers, packager,,,",

+                     "csrf_token": csrf_token,

+                     "requires_plusone": True

+                 }


+                 with mock_sends(NewElectionV1):

+                     output = self.app.post(

+                         "/admin/new", data=data, follow_redirects=True

+                     )

+                 self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+                 output_text = output.get_data(as_text=True)

+                 self.assertTrue('Election "new_election2" added' in output_text)

+                 self.assertTrue("There are no candidates." in output_text)

+                 self.assertIn(

+                     'input class="form-control" id="admin_grp" '

+                     'name="admin_grp" type="text" '

+                     'value="sysadmin-main, testers">',

+                     output_text,

+                 )

+                 self.assertIn(

+                     'input class="form-control" id="lgl_voters" '

+                     'name="lgl_voters" type="text" '

+                     'value="packager, testers">',

+                     output_text,

+                 )

+                 self.assertIn(

+                     'input class="form-control" id="max_votes" '

+                     'name="max_votes" type="text" '

+                     'value="">',

+                     output_text,

+                 )


+         obj = fedora_elections.models.Election.get(self.session, "new_election2")

+         self.assertNotEqual(obj, None)

+         self.assertEqual(obj.requires_plusone, True)


      def test_admin_edit_election(self):

          """ Test the admin_edit_election function. """

          user = FakeUser(

file modified
+24 -9
@@ -56,8 +56,30 @@ 


                  output = self.app.get("/vote/test_election", follow_redirects=True)

                  output_text = output.get_data(as_text=True)

-                 self.assertTrue(

-                     "The election, test_election, does not exist." in output_text

+                 self.assertIn(

+                     "The election, test_election, does not exist.", output_text

+                 )


+     def test_vote_require_fpca(self):

+         """ Test the vote function. """

+         self.setup_db()

+         obj = fedora_elections.models.Election.get(self.session, "test_election3")

+         self.assertNotEqual(obj, None)

+         obj.requires_plusone = True

+         self.session.add(obj)

+         self.session.commit()


+         user = FakeUser([], username="pingou")

+         with user_set(fedora_elections.APP, user, oidc_id_token="foobar"):

+             with patch(

+                 "fedora_elections.OIDC.user_getfield", MagicMock(return_value=[])

+             ):


+                 output = self.app.get("/vote/test_election3", follow_redirects=True)

+                 output_text = output.get_data(as_text=True)

+                 self.assertIn(

+                     "You need to be in one another group than "

+                     "CLA to vote", output_text



      def test_vote(self):
@@ -90,13 +112,6 @@ 

                  output = self.app.get("/vote/test_election")

                  self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 302)


-                 output = self.app.get("/vote/test_election", follow_redirects=True)

-                 output_text = output.get_data(as_text=True)

-                 self.assertTrue(

-                     "You need to be in one another group than "

-                     "CLA to vote" in output_text

-                 )


          user = FakeUser(["packager"], username="pingou")

          with user_set(fedora_elections.APP, user, oidc_id_token="foobar"):

              with patch(

My local test environment is being uncooperative, so I'd like to get some eyes on this before I rebase it into staging to make sure I didn't miss anything obvious.

@pingou if you have a moment, can you tell me how incredibly wrong this is? :wink:

Shouldn't this be a boolean field? :)

Perhaps. "Candidates are FAS users" is also an integer, so that's what I went with. I'm not sure if there are historical reasons for that or if I'm just carrying a mistake forward. :-)

Shouldn't this be a boolean field? :)

Perhaps. "Candidates are FAS users" is also an integer, so that's what I went with. I'm not sure if there are historical reasons for that or if I'm just carrying a mistake forward. :-)

I'm not sure if it's one or the other, but I think a boolean field here should be sufficient

1 new commit added

  • Make requires_plusone a boolean
2 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Add tests for the FPCA +1 check
2 years ago

rebased onto 896f420

2 years ago

Added tests and squashed for merge

(I did not address the Black changes yet because that seemed better to do in a separate pass)

Will merge and then rebase stg with this

Pull-Request has been merged by bcotton

2 years ago