#181 Fedora-28-updates-testing-20180420.1 FINISHED_INCOMPLETE
Opened 6 years ago by dustymabe. Modified 6 years ago


[OSTREE_INSTALLER] [INFO    ] [FAIL] Ostree installer (variant AtomicHost, arch x86_64) failed, but going on anyway.
[OSTREE_INSTALLER] [INFO    ] Runroot task failed: 26470471. See /mnt/koji/compose/updates/Fedora-28-updates-testing-20180420.1/logs/x86_64/AtomicHost/ostree_installer-3/runroot.log for more details.
[OSTREE_INSTALLER] [INFO    ] [FAIL] Ostree installer (variant AtomicHost, arch ppc64le) failed, but going on anyway.
[OSTREE_INSTALLER] [INFO    ] Runroot task failed: 26470472. See /mnt/koji/compose/updates/Fedora-28-updates-testing-20180420.1/logs/ppc64le/AtomicHost/ostree_installer-2/runroot.log for more details.
[OSTREE_INSTALLER] [INFO    ] [FAIL] Ostree installer (variant AtomicHost, arch aarch64) failed, but going on anyway.
[OSTREE_INSTALLER] [INFO    ] Runroot task failed: 26470473. See /mnt/koji/compose/updates/Fedora-28-updates-testing-20180420.1/logs/aarch64/AtomicHost/ostree_installer-1/runroot.log for more details.
[IMAGE_BUILD     ] [INFO    ] [FAIL] Image build (variant AtomicHost, arch *, subvariant AtomicHost) failed, but going on anyway.
[IMAGE_BUILD     ] [INFO    ] ImageBuild task failed: 26470667. See /mnt/koji/compose/updates/Fedora-28-updates-testing-20180420.1/logs/aarch64/imagebuild-AtomicHost-AtomicHost-qcow2-raw-xz.aarch64.log for more details.
[IMAGE_BUILD     ] [INFO    ] [FAIL] Image build (variant AtomicHost, arch *, subvariant AtomicHost) failed, but going on anyway.
[IMAGE_BUILD     ] [INFO    ] ImageBuild task failed: 26470668. See /mnt/koji/compose/updates/Fedora-28-updates-testing-20180420.1/logs/ppc64le/imagebuild-AtomicHost-AtomicHost-qcow2-raw-xz.ppc64le.log for more details.

ok the image_build errors are:

GenericError: Build already in progress (task 26463172)

which is because koji enforces that NVR of the image has to be unique. After talking to @lsedlar it turns out the $basearch issue we had a few days ago would have been solved if we just used $arch instead.

ok the ostree_installer errors are:

2018-04-20 14:18:40,926: Added 'lorax-repo-1': https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f28-updates/compose/Everything/$basearch/os/

I imagine this is the same problem.. so will try $arch here as well.

Sent this FBR to try to address these issues.

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