#1024 Fedora-Container-28-20181114.0 DOOMED
Opened 5 years ago by dustymabe. Modified 5 years ago


  • Compose run failed because: - 30875747
[ERROR   ] Compose run failed: ImageBuild task failed: 30875747. See /mnt/koji/compose/container/Fedora-Container-28-20181114.0/logs/aarch64-armhfp-ppc64le-s390x-x86_64/imagebuild-Container-Container_Base-docker.aarch64-armhfp-ppc64le-s390x-x86_64.log for more details.

This works on my local system (up to date F29), will check with dgilmore when he returns.

@pwhalen Oh thats awesome. I didn't try locally but i have been trying to figure it out.

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