#789 Check subsystem dependency during removal
Closed: migrated 3 years ago by dmoluguw. Opened 10 years ago by edewata.

Currently it's possible to remove a subsystem even though there are subsystems that depend on it (which will become orphaned). If the dependent subsystem is on the same instance, it could prevent reinstalling the removed subsystem because of conflicting security database.

One possible solution, the pkidestroy should ask the subsystem first whether it's safe to remove before actually removing the subsystem.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Install CA and KRA in the same instance.
  • Remove CA, then reinstall CA.

The CA installation will fail.

Metadata Update from @edewata:
- Issue set to the milestone: UNTRIAGED

7 years ago

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Metadata Update from @dmoluguw:
- Issue close_status updated to: migrated
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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