#1351 pki securitydomain-get-install-token fails when run with caadmin user
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by mharmsen.

Running pki securitydomain-get-install-token as admin user fails.

Below is the command being run:

pki -d /opt/rhqa_pki/certs_db/ -u caadmin -w Secret123 -h
dhcp201-105.englab.pnq.redhat.com -p 30044 securitydomain-get-install-token
--hostname dhcp201-105.englab.pnq.redhat.com --subsystem ca

The command is run as caadmin, who is member of below groups:

[root@dhcp201-105 ~]# pki -d /opt/rhqa_pki/certs_db/ -c Secret123 -p 30044 -n
"ROOTCA_adminV" user-membership-find caadmin

11 entries matched

Group: Certificate Manager Agents

Group: Subsystem Group

Group: Trusted Managers

Group: Administrators

Group: Security Domain Administrators

Group: Enterprise CA Administrators

Group: Enterprise KRA Administrators

Group: Enterprise OCSP Administrators

Group: Enterprise TKS Administrators

Group: Enterprise RA Administrators

Group: Enterprise TPS Administrators

Number of entries returned 11

man page of pki-securitydomain(1) doesn't specify as to the user running should
be in what group and what authentication mechanism should be used (cert/user

How reproducible:

1. Install CA,kra,tks,tps under 1 security domain and 1 tomcat instance.
2. Run pki securitydomain-get-install-token   as caadmin:

pki -d /opt/rhqa_pki/certs_db/ -u caadmin -w Secret123 -h
dhcp201-105.englab.pnq.redhat.com -p 30044 securitydomain-get-install-token
--hostname dhcp201-105.englab.pnq.redhat.com --subsystem ca

The above command fails with error:UnauthorizedException: Access denied.

Actual results:

[root@dhcp201-105 ~]# pki -d /opt/rhqa_pki/certs_db/ -u caadmin -w Secret123 -h
dhcp201-105.englab.pnq.redhat.com -p 30044 securitydomain-get-install-token
--hostname dhcp201-105.englab.pnq.redhat.com --subsystem ca
UnauthorizedException: Access denied.

Expected results:

Should not result in Access denied.

Additional info:

Could man page give more details as to after getting security domain
installation token, how this information can be used ? and what authentication
mechanism should be used to run this command.

Per Dogtag 10.2.X TRIAGE meeting of 04/28/2015: 10.2.4

NOTE: Don't expose this command and don't doc it in the man page!

Info on simple fix to come:

The short term solution to this problem was to remove the man page information and all references to the command line module reponsible for this issue.

The installer already has an alternative method to remove a subsystem from the security domain list. We now assume the alternate method and don't even try to find the token at this point.

A user at the command line of the pki command will no longer be able to attempt this as well.

Tested this to verify that the man page for the "securtydomain" command no longer mentions or documents the "get-install-token" variant. Tested to verify that this command can't be manually called from the command line using "pki". This attempt results in an "unknown module". Tested by installing and uninstalling a subsytem. The security domain was kept up to date as expected for each install over remove attempted.

We will file longer term tickets to clean up the python installer code so it does not spawn off command line invocations to contact legacy servlets. Also the legacy servlets in question should be converted to the rest interface design. One all that is done, any remaining command line spawn operations in the python portions of the installer should be redone. Here those command invocations will be replaced by legit python API methods. The code would simply call the appropriate API methods.

Patch approved and pushed to master:

Counting objects: 21, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
Writing objects: 100% (21/21), 2.04 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 21 (delta 14), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/pki.git
73fb345e06b70d23a852743e4dc81ef6063e738a master -> master

Metadata Update from @mharmsen:
- Issue assigned to jmagne
- Issue set to the milestone: 10.2.4

7 years ago

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