The /var/lib/pki is the base folder for all instances. The folder is owned by the package and is created automatically during package installation. However, currently if the last instance on the system is removed pkidestroy will remove the folder as well, and when a new instance is created the folder will be recreated by pkispawn.
Ideally package-owned folders should always exist as long as the package is installed. The pkispawn and pkidestroy should be modified to assume that the folder already exists and should not be deleted/recreated. An upgrade script is needed to restore the folder if it's currently missing and also restore the permission/ownership.
Proposed milestone: 10.2.x
This patch replaces 20150409-Restore-var-lib-pki-directory-during-pkidestroy.patch. 20150410-pki-tomcatd-fails-to-start-on-boot.patch
Checked into master:
Metadata Update from @edewata: - Issue assigned to mharmsen - Issue set to the milestone: 10.2.3
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