#1335 Remove enable and enableBy properties when adding/modifying profiles
Closed: migrated 3 years ago by dmoluguw. Opened 9 years ago by ftweedal.

Try exporting a profile, change the ID, then add it back to the server.
If you use the XML format, the new profile will not have an enable and
enableBy properties. If you use the RAW format, the new profile will have
enable=false and retain the old enableBy. To be more consistent these
properties should also be removed during add/modify. Probably the
ProfileSubsystem.disableProfile() can be changed to remove PROP_ENABLE (and
PROP_ENABLE_BY too) instead of setting it to "false".

Metadata Update from @ftweedal:
- Issue set to the milestone: UNTRIAGED

7 years ago

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Metadata Update from @dmoluguw:
- Issue close_status updated to: migrated
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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