#1331 Creating/updating cert profile configuration without a file
Closed: migrated 4 years ago by dmoluguw. Opened 9 years ago by edewata.

Currently to create or update a certificate profile configuration the admin is required to use a file and be familiar with the file format, which is not very user-friendly:

  • pki ca-profile-add: create profile from file
  • pki ca-profile-show: download profile configuration into file
  • pki ca-profile-mod: update profile configuration from file
  • pki ca-profile-edit: edit profile configuration with file editor

It would be nice to provide a set of CLIs that can be used to manage different aspects of the profile configuration without having to deal with files or learn about the file format. The CLIs may look as follows:

Profile inputs:

$ pki ca-profile-input-find caUserCert
3 entries matched
  Input name: Key Generation
  Class: keyGenInputImpl

  Input name: Subject Name
  Class: subjectNameInputImpl

  Input name: Requestor Information
  Class: submitterInfoInputImpl
Number of entries returned 3

Profile input attributes:

$ pki ca-profile-input-attribute-find caUserCert "Key Generation"
2 entries matched
  Attribute Name: cert_request_type
  Description: Key Generation Request Type
  Syntax: keygen_request_type

  Attribute Name: cert_request
  Description: Key Generation Request
  Syntax: keygen_request
Number of entries returned 2

Profile outputs:

$ pki ca-profile-output-find caUserCert
1 entries matched
  Output name: Certificate Output
  Class: certOutputImpl
Number of entries returned 1

Profile output attributes:

$ pki ca-profile-output-attribute-find caUserCert "Certificate Output"
2 entries matched
  Attribute Name: pretty_cert
  Description: Certificate Pretty Print
  Syntax: pretty_print

  Attribute Name: b64_cert
  Description: Certificate Base-64 Encoded
  Syntax: pretty_print
Number of entries returned 2

Profile policies:

$ pki ca-profile-policy-find caUserCert
1 entries matched
  Policy name: userCertSet
Number of entries returned 1

Profile policy constraints:

$ pki ca-profile-policy-constraint-find caUserCert userCertSet
10 entries matched
  Constraint name: Subject Name Constraint
  Constraint class: subjectNameConstraintImpl
  Constraint parameters accept: true
  Constraint parameters pattern: UID=.*
  Default name: Subject Name Default
  Default class: userSubjectNameDefaultImpl

Number of entries returned 10

There should be the corresponding -add, -show, -mod, and -del for each component above. With these CLIs the admin should be able to add a blank profile, then add each component one-by-one without using a file. The admin should also be able to manage a certain aspect of a profile without having to download the whole configuration and find the parameter to change in the file.

Proposed milestone: 10.3

Per CS/DS Meeting of 04/13/2015: 10.3

Metadata Update from @edewata:
- Issue set to the milestone: UNTRIAGED

7 years ago

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Metadata Update from @dmoluguw:
- Issue close_status updated to: migrated
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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