#1325 Patch not applicable due to SVN keywords
Closed: Invalid None Opened 9 years ago by edewata.

Currently some of the source codes contain Subversion keywords, for example:

* @version $Revision$, $Date$

With Git these keywords are actually no longer needed, but some branches are still stored in Subversion and accessed via git-svn. So depending on the checkout/build process, these keywords may get substituted with some values, for example:

* @version $Revision: 1211 $, $Date: 2010-08-18 10:15:37 -0700 (Wed, 18 Aug 2010) $

The problem is patches written for the source code before substitution may no longer work on the same source code after substitution. To avoid such problem, the keywords should be removed from all source codes.

See also: https://www.open.collab.net/community/subversion/svnbook/svn.advanced.props.special.keywords.html

Proposed milestone: 9.0.3-x since some branches are still stored in Subversion.

Per CS/DS Meeting of 03/30/2015: Dogtag 9.0.x

No longer an issue as everything is in git now.

Metadata Update from @edewata:
- Issue set to the milestone: 9.0

7 years ago

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