#1234 Rewrite 'pki-setup-proxy' in Python
Closed: migrated 4 years ago by dmoluguw. Opened 10 years ago by mharmsen.

While working on [PKI TRAC Ticket #1187 - mod_perl should be removed from requirements for 10.2] and https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/1205 PKI TRAC Ticket #1205 - Outdated selinux-policy dependency., I also attempted to remove all other dependencies on Perl.

Consequently, I was able to remove all Perl dependencies with the exception of 'perl(File::Slurp)' which is needed by both the 'pki-setup-proxy' Perl program and its common Perl functions module 'pkicommon.pm' both of which are packaged in the 'pki-server' RPM.

If the 'pki-setup-proxy' could be re-written in Python, then both the Perl version of this tool as well as its common Perl module could be removed from the source and the 'perl(File::Slurp)' runtime dependency can be removed from the 'pki-core.spec' file.

I believe that this would basically make Dogtag completely independent of Perl.

Proposed milestone: 10.2.x

Per CS/DS meeting of 01/05/2015: 10.3

If this approach is taken instead of PKI TRAC Ticket #1493 - Add pki-setup-proxy functionality to pki-server, completion of this ticket should include a new standalone 'pki-setup-proxy' man page.

Metadata Update from @mharmsen:
- Issue set to the milestone: UNTRIAGED

7 years ago

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Metadata Update from @dmoluguw:
- Issue close_status updated to: migrated
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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