#83 Wireless Guide Photos - Wireless adaptors.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by ryanlerch.

The newest guide from the Fedora Documentation Project — the Fedora Wireless Guide — has just been introduced.

First up, we need 3 photos to replace the photos of wireless adaptors in this section:

the photos that are currently there are good, but are taken from different angles and have different backdrops. It would be nice to get a set of photos of these three types of network adaptors.

Specifically, the three photos are:

This question got me wondering about using photos of specific hardware with manufacturer's logos in place, both from a copyright point of view, and from a possible "endorsement" point of view. I've posed a couple of questions on fedora-legal-list about this:


Took our own photos in the Brisbane office, scaled and blurred brand names off, and added a disclaimer as advised by Tom in the thread provided above. closing this!

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