#814 Banner for the Fedora Survey
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by bookwar. Opened 2 years ago by bookwar.


Please provide/approve a banner for next Fedora Annual Contributor Survey by May 1, 2022


Fedora Council is going to run Fedora Annual Contributor Survey in 2022 again and we would like to ask Design team to review the banner for the event.


We can reuse the banner from the last year (see https://pagure.io/design/issue/754#comment-732394)

Hi @bookwar! I think we should reuse the banner from last year but update the character since the badger in the design from last year is the old badger.

@jesschitas is this a task you could take on? The source SVG file is here: https://pagure.io/design/issue/raw/files/da76a50127507c4706e73329c48379db23939eb8e62e0a97f1443c2609340c34-contributor-survey_logo-scrubbed.svg

If you could grab the new badger (or any other character you think makes sense) from the character sheets in Penpot and swap it in for the old badger in this SVG, and post it here with a fresh PNG export as well, that would be perfect.

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue assigned to jesschitas

2 years ago

@duffy yeah that's no problem! are the characters from penpot svgs? or will i have to make an svg of one?

edit: just realised theyre pngs, would that still be okay?

@jesschitas yep having the png in the svg is no prob. can you upload the svg too?

Hey, would it be of interest to have this made using html and bootstrap? It would be able to be responsive to screen size and then for future uses, we can switch out text, images, and links fairly quick.

Any thoughts?

Hey, would it be of interest to have this made using html and bootstrap? It would be able to be responsive to screen size and then for future uses, we can switch out text, images, and links fairly quick.

Any thoughts?

that'd be awesome!

Thank you for updating the banner. We are going to ask Web App team to use the updated version for this year's Survey

Metadata Update from @bookwar:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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