#28 FedImg replacement
Closed 24 days ago by zlopez. Opened 2 years ago by zlopez.

New initiative: FedImg replacement

What is this initiative about?

This initiative is about to find replacement for FedImg or update the current solution.

Why this initiative?

This service is used to publish cloud images of Fedora to AWS. It's using fedmsg as messaging system, so getting rid of that will bring as close to deprecating the fedmsg as whole. It's written in python 2, which means that is running on RHEL 7, which will be EOL soon.

For Fedora it will allow us to produce and publish cloud images in AWS.
For CPE it will let us continue with fedmsg deprecation and we will no longer need to host RHEL 7 machine.

Definition of success

The ideal outcome is to get rid of this app, which is maintained by us and find a suitable replacement.

Updating this app is secondary definition of success, but it means CPE has one more app to maintain.

Area/community impacted

This initiative will impact Fedora as the current solution is pretty old and not reliable, although it's still working.
I'm not sure what CentOS is using for the same purpose, maybe we can adopt that.


This initiative doesn't have any dependencies.
Somebody with AWS experience would be required.


There isn't any urgent deadline as the service is still working and we don't have much issues with it. But it is running on RHEL 7 which will be EOL soon.

Link to repository: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedimg
Link to documentation: https://fedimg.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Following a CPE team backlog refinement call on our initiatives repo, this request was flagged as something the fedora Cloud SIG might be actively working on. Discussion is happening in this ticket https://pagure.io/releng/issue/11398 and CPE can/should offer support and work with the Cloud SIG to enable this change. Marking this as Needs Info while the work is being discussed in the releng ticket for now.

Metadata Update from @amoloney:
- Issue tagged with: Needs Info

a year ago

With the introduction of cloud-image-uploader, we can close this one.

Metadata Update from @zlopez:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

24 days ago

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