#950 frontend: optimized frontpage
Merged 4 years ago by praiskup. Opened 4 years ago by praiskup.
Unknown source optimized-front-page  into  master

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@

  import requests


  from sqlalchemy.sql import text

+ from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import not_

  from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload

  from sqlalchemy import or_

  from sqlalchemy import and_
@@ -65,24 +66,35 @@

          return result



-     def get_recent_tasks(cls, user=None, limit=None):

-         if not limit:

-             limit = 100

+     def get_recent_tasks(cls, user=None, limit=100, period_days=2):

+         query_args = (

+             models.BuildChroot.build_id,

+             func.max(models.BuildChroot.ended_on).label('max_ended_on'),

+             models.Build.submitted_on,

+         )

+         group_by_args = (

+             models.BuildChroot.build_id,

+             models.Build.submitted_on,

+         )


-         query = models.Build.query

-         if user is not None:

-             query = query.filter(models.Build.user_id == user.id)


-         query = query.join(

-             models.BuildChroot.query

-                 .filter(models.BuildChroot.ended_on.isnot(None))

-                 .order_by(models.BuildChroot.ended_on.desc())

-                 .subquery()

-         ).order_by(models.Build.id.desc())


-         # Workaround - otherwise it could take less records than `limit` even though there are more of them.

-         query = query.limit(limit if limit > 100 else 100)

-         return list(query.all()[:4])

+         if user:

+             query_args += (models.Build.user_id,)

+             group_by_args += (models.Build.user_id,)


+         subquery = (db.session.query(*query_args)

+             .join(models.Build)

+             .group_by(*group_by_args)

+             .having(func.count() == func.count(models.BuildChroot.ended_on))

+             .having(models.Build.submitted_on > time.time() - 3600*24*period_days)

+         )

+         if user:

+             subquery = subquery.having(models.Build.user_id == user.id)


+         subquery = subquery.order_by(desc('max_ended_on')).limit(limit).subquery()


+         query = models.Build.query.join(subquery, subquery.c.build_id == models.Build.id)

+         return list(query.all())



      def get_running_tasks_by_time(cls, start, end):

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@


  {% block status_body %}


- <h2> All Projects </h2>

+ <h2> Latest builds in all projects, last {{ period_days }} days </h2>


  <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">


@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@


  {% block status_body %}


- <h2> My Projects </h2>

+ <h2> Builds in my projects, last {{ period_days }} days</h2>


  <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@




-   {% for build in user_builds %}

+   {% for build in builds %}



          <a href="{{ build_href(build) }}"><b>{{ build.id }}</b></a>

@@ -12,33 +12,20 @@



  def all():

-     # tasks = bilds_logic.BuildsLogic.get_build_tasks(

-     builds = builds_logic.BuildsLogic.get_recent_tasks(limit=20)

-     # if flask.g:

-     #    log.info("flask.g")\

-     if flask.g.user is not None:

-         user_builds = builds_logic.BuildsLogic.get_recent_tasks(user=flask.g.user, limit=20)

-     else:

-         user_builds = []


+     period_days = 2

+     builds = builds_logic.BuildsLogic.get_recent_tasks(period_days=period_days)

      return flask.render_template("recent/all.html",



-                                  user_builds=user_builds)

+                                  period_days=period_days)




  def my():

-     # tasks = bilds_logic.BuildsLogic.get_build_tasks(

-     builds = builds_logic.BuildsLogic.get_recent_tasks(limit=20)

-     # if flask.g:

-     #    log.info("flask.g")\

-     if flask.g.user is not None:

-         user_builds = builds_logic.BuildsLogic.get_recent_tasks(user=flask.g.user, limit=20)

-     else:

-         user_builds = []


+     period_days = 30

+     builds = builds_logic.BuildsLogic.get_recent_tasks(user=flask.g.user,

+                                                        period_days=period_days)

      return flask.render_template("recent/my.html",



-                                  user_builds=user_builds)

+                                  period_days=period_days)

The longest query on frontpage after this commit takes ~0.1s (compared
to the previous status of 5+ seconds).

I removed the qeury on Build table (with very expensive sub-query on
BuildChroots), and now rather going directly from BuildChroot side
(where it is much cheaper to order by ended_on field, etc., and we can
avoid the expensive merge of subquery results).

While on it, I'm fixing the /recent/all/ and /recent/my/ routes so they
don't suffer from wrongly set query limits (so they in the end contained
at most 4 builds anyways).

I picked some artificial limits on the Build.submitted_on field, because
it pretty dramatically accelerates the DB response. Two days for
all-builds (likely to fill the default limit of latest 100 builds), and
30 for user builds. We don't show older builds anymore.

Fixes: #937

rebased onto a963f9d2cda1daa5e6af0c7508606e05635a652e

4 years ago

rebased onto ccb991f8be527820c15eb91a087f87c42aa542e8

4 years ago

rebased onto 0e6e7b7f0e1530b0c9c17beeda859608dd8dcaef

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @praiskup:
- Pull-request tagged with: release-blocker

4 years ago

Flagging as blocker, the frontend query takes on production builder about 1 minute (combined work of db and apache). This is pretty important as well. meh, wrong PR

Metadata Update from @praiskup:
- Pull-request untagged with: release-blocker

4 years ago

nevermind, having this in the next release would be awesome, anyone wants to review @msuchy , @dturecek ?

rebased onto 28f64729c6bc3e42357864fcce5f000807236565

4 years ago

rebased onto b5ecd43

4 years ago

Merging before 24h limit, to have this in release @dturecek is going to work on now.

Pull-Request has been merged by praiskup

4 years ago

Commenting on a merged PR, but thank you for this. Really appreciated PR.