#936 Avoid making more than the predetermined number of workers
Closed 4 years ago by praiskup. Opened 4 years ago by schlupov.
copr/ schlupov/copr fix_importer_runner  into  master

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Looks good to me. Just a nitpick, I would move the condition one line up, so the p definition and it's appending to pool is not separated.

However, looking into the code again, the self.try_to_obtain_new_tasks is called with limit parameter which IMHO correctly specifies the number of tasks, that can currently be handled. The problem is, that try_to_obtain_new_tasks doesn't use that parameter. Maybe it would be worth it, to use it?

rebased onto b7bac68

4 years ago

I changed the method try_to_obtain_new_tasks so it uses argument limit.

I'd prefer distgit: prefix in commit message, but +1

Pull-Request has been closed by praiskup

4 years ago